Ep 2535a – Businesses Are Now Complaining About Inflation, Economic Distraction Coming
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Business are now seeing the inflation, they know this is going to effect their business. When people start to see higher prices it means more currency is taken out of their pockets and as this happens it makes much more difficult to live. The [CB] cannot stop this so they will need to distract from it.
- ← Ep 2534b – MI, No Such Agency Are The Key, Trump & The People Are The Stone, Unity Is Strength
- Ep 2535b – We Got Them In The 2016 Election By Surprise, They Said It Would Never Happen Again →
I wonder why Dave didn’t mention the new app that has been implemented in the UK. It tracks everyone’s movement and anyone who might have Covid and they text you limiting your movement and requires you quarantine yourself for 2 weeks if they can connect you to anyone that might have Covid. The only exceptions are those who are in the food industry pipeline to distribute the products to grocery stores. While these people are essential workers they are not required to work at all. This also effects the hospital and health care industries because if you are admitted to the hospital for Covid then all the nurses will be contacted through the app and told to stay home and not work. They are shutting down the whole country on the premise that they have been in contact with someone who has been tested positive for Covid. Many stores are already out of staples like bread, meat, milk and fruits and vegetables and there is no way of knowing when they can expect a delivery!