Ep 2540b – Public Understanding Of Events Around The Corner,Month Of August Is Traditionally Very Hot
- Ep 2540a – Supply Chain Narrative Prepared, The People Are Going To See The Real Economy
- Dr. McCullough – The Never Needed To Be Lockdowns, The Covid Myth
The people are awakening. They are being awakened by all the digital soldiers.
How do you sign up for alerts? I can’t find out how?
We are running out of time! It is time our military remove the traitors and return our country to the people!!!
Vax = mRNA of covid spike
PCR test detects mRMA of covid spike
PCR tests of vax’d people will result in 100% positive results
Aloha Dave,
I believe the Secretary of health may have a mandate to do whatever they want to us and it was authorized during baby Bush’s first term, after the 911/anthrax hoax patriots act?!! Etc… Pure evil agenda!!!
Aloha oi,
Thank you Dave, as always, GREAT.
Where’s the military? Those people imprisoned for Jan. 6 must be freed! That is total tyranny that those members of congress were locked out!!!
What is the swamp hiding?
We are not in control because not a damn thing is being done!!!!! No one is doing anything about the corruption. I know optics well you know what how bad does this country have to be devastated before it’s corrected!!!
Deny and lie to your grave
The 2020 (~2021) “Olympics” now look like a major TV promotion for the BS COVID “pandemic”. So many healthy, super-fit MAJOR competitors banned from COMPETING because the TESTS show ‘positive’. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT SICK. (They’d soon SHOW you how “sick” they are, by winning. Reminds me of the leading golfer, FORCED OUT of a tournament, a month or so ago.) The so-called ‘TESTS’ are NOTORIOUS FOR FALSE POSITIVES. It’s a shame & a sham. So many hopes & dreams shattered by this ILLUSION of near-universal infection – ‘NOBODY is SAFE’ – is their message. How True! – THAT INCLUDES YOU, FRAUDSTERS. You’re NOT SAFE.
We have heard this BULLSHIT before,…AUGUST IS VERY HOT MONTH,…about the deep state, and exposing the treasonous, seditious, criminals,…and nothing comes of it all. There is no reason to believe that anything is different about all of these allegations,…and anything comes of it all.
Why are the audit results of parts completed not released? Then the public can decide if recounts etc. are really needed or if such is just obstruction of information and justice. Part release of finished audit results may encourage more audits in other states. The election belongs to and is done by the citizens. It is of the people for the people to decide the progress of audits not for those who seek to hide their sins against our nation and the laws thereof.
PCR is indeed deeply flawed and in Nov.2020 there was the request to retract their non-peer reviewed paper: https://cormandrostenreview.com/retraction-request-letter-to-eurosurveillance-editorial-board/
Thanks Dave for your reports.
I just hope that president Trump get a credible person to kick that scumbag, criminal, chameleon Lindsey Graham out, how do you support a bill that is not written knowing how Connie the demonrats are?
Thank you for keeping us informe God bless you
AMERICAN freedoms are still a unique feature of government that the Bankers want to erase… The people of America who work for a living have become lax and too trusting of the other Americans who prance around in silk under wear and VOTE for their inflated salary. Not happy to play by the rules, these Voters, also known as politicians have resorted to cheating with the help of foreign operatives and computers designed to cheat and hide the crimes. The most corrupt are easily identified under the examination of an audit… they lie, cheat, steal and amass millions upon millions of dollars because they have the nerve to VOTE themselves raises and lie without a conscience.
The key to the doors of their crimes and lies is also known as “BEING TENURED” … until TERM LIMITS are put into place… the practice of Kingdom Building will never stop. Politicians, Judges, Supreme Court, Professors should be weeded out when they lose their focus and no longer work for the wholesome good of AMERICA. Life has Term Limits because GOD knows that old fruit ROTS…just look at pelosi!
Thank you for all you do with X22! Your insights give us all hope in these crazy times. I work for the railroad as a dispatcher and last year for the first time ever they fired about 80 dispatchers. Normally one of the safest positions in the company. Unfortunately for them, this came with repercussions in that since last year many more dispatchers have quit. The rest of the company seems to be struggling too with no signs of improvement coming. No plans to hire again soon. Many locomotives need repairs and many train crews have been laid off. It’s like someone is trying to melt down the railroad in America! And how devastating that would be, with a little amount of dispatchers and train crews… who will run the trains? How will we build America? What’s going on? Even recently with this new mask mandate from the CDC, my state, Nebraska, our awesome Governor Ricketts has said we will not comply. However my company and the railroad just came out with a statement saying we will. All my co-workers are mad and confused. Many got the vaccine, asking, “well then, what was the point of the vaccine if we are going back to masks again?”
We pray this will be over soon!
If there is one major lesson from the so-called ‘social sciences’ it is this; a culture is the totality of the individuals who identify with the society. All comes from the people; the government is a product of and is shaped by the culture (people). It comes from the ‘bottom’ and goes ‘up’… not from the ‘top down.’ The ‘leaders’ of any nation stay ‘in front’ of the nation, only by reflecting what the majority of the culture (the people) values… this comes as close to a ‘universal law’ as it gets in the social sciences.
The elites can’t change the culture. But they can do a lot of damage. Being aware of this will mitigate their impact. But they are arrogant and stupid enough (demonic) to keep pushing… like Q said, this is a ‘movie’.
Quick history on the origin of the FBI: Teddy Roosevelt created the agency to spy on his enemies (then called anarchists). AG Palmer under Wilson ramped this up in 1917 1919. Fear does generate compliance, but only for a short term.
I stopped watching sports because if you can’t respect the country that is supporting you, then I have no reason to support YOU. I stopped watching the mainstream media because if you can’t report fairly and honestly, then you are liars, I have no reason to listen to your lies. I stopped drinking Coca Cola products because they have no business trying to influence what laws are passed in any state. As individuals I respect your right to voice your opinion, as a CORPORATION you are an entity created by laws. A corporation has no right to express an opinion or to criticize human beings. Corporations are created to limit human liability in case of problems with the product produced and sold by the corporation. Corporations do not exist to control and/or direct human activity.
So We “exposed” them all! Great news, BUT WTF difference does it make? Hitler was
“exposed” , Stalin was “exposed” , Castro was “exposed”, Moa was “exposed”! EVERYONE KNEW what these people were doing, BUT WHAT DIFFERENCE DID IT MAKE? THESE People counted the votes!! THEY CONTROLLED the Military, police AND the COURTS! They DID NOT give a damn WHAT the public
“thinks” AND neither does this illegitimate administration! THEY DON’T HAVE TO BECAUSE THEY HOLD ALL THE POWER!
So you really thinks we can “win’ by winning the “information war”? True POWER comes from the force of arms, nothing else! We will NEVER WIN anything by TALK! Eventually IF we really want our country back WE WILL HAVE TO USE FORCE! We will have to FIRCE these people out, AND that WILL require ARMIES! IT WILL REQUIRE THAT WE ACTUALLY USE the 2nd amendment! It IS the way of the world! EVIL CANNOT be “reasoned” with! TYRANTS DO NOT willingly give up power! THEY MUST FEAR “we the people”! Right NOW they are just laughing at “we the sheeple”! THEY KNOW that we will NOT rise up, and THAT is why they are in control!
Still follow you, today , talking about peoples feelings was 👍👍👍
Keep on going with youre good work💪👏💪👏
Dave, I am the lead administrator for the Nebraska chapter of America First Audit, which is in all 50 states. I attended an event last night presented by Dr. Douglas Frank who went through a slide show illustrating how all counties in all states use an algorithm that mirror’s each states census demographics.
Each state, based upon their census numbers have a different algorithm. To a mathematician, it is easy to see.
They artificially, or through things like the motor voter, they create the registration database. During the election, they connect through to the electoral equipment with mostly monitoring. If they detect their preferred candidate is not winning, they push in phantom voters to make up the deficit.
You probably already know this, but perhaps not that there are around a half dozen counties in numerous states that have already had a electronic forensic audit where prior to the local election they audited the tabulators and software. They allowed Dominion and ES&S to go in just prior to election day and change the software. They went back in to capture the changes. After the election was complete those companies went in and changed back the software and as you probably assumed, the team went in and captured the changes.
Next step in this process will be the average Joe organized canvasing of key counties trying to identify all of those phantom voters. And yes, sometimes you have to let the American people see it for themselves.
August seems to be the beginning of the end. Thanks for the warning
They make Billions with another jab. No one mentions that. Wars are not providing money for the deep state and their regular money has been locked. (plus getting more crap in their system. People died left and right from the regular flu for the past 100 years. We didn’t lock down the country.
I love this show and recommend it to every body seeking Truth. Thank you and your family Dave for this incredible research.
I want to draw your attention to Amazing Polly’s recent research on how Soros and Bill Gates have invested in the company that is making the replacement diagnostic device. My alarms went off after hearing reports of the upcoming ‘Lateral Flow Quick Test’ currently invested in by George Soros and Bill Gates. Bill Gates belongs to a Deep State NGO organization called GAVI, Global Access Vaccine International. Their evaluation of this replacement to the PCR ‘test’ is that is ‘less accurate’ than the current test and also programmable. The name of the company that is manufacturing this deemed ‘inaccurate test’ is Mologic. Take out the ‘g’ and the ‘i’ and you have Moloc (Moloch is the Luciferian demon that children are sacrificed to). The logo of Mologic fits the shape of a goat head, which is how Moloch is depicted.
I am asking President Trump to find a Patriot firm capable of building a device that can tell us the truth about whether we have Covid, Influenza 1 or Influenza 2. I don’t want to see these programable devices to continue with the Deep State fear and manipulation.
I love this show and recommend it to every body seeking Truth. Thank you and your family Dave for this incredible research.
I want to draw your attention to Amazing Polly’s recent research on how Soros and Bill Gates have invested in the company that is making the replacement diagnostic device. My alarms went off after hearing reports of the upcoming ‘Lateral Flow Quick Test’ currently invested in by George Soros and Bill Gates. Bill Gates belongs to a Deep State NGO organization called GAVI, Global Access Vaccine International. Their evaluation of this replacement to the PCR ‘test’ is that is ‘less accurate’ than the current test and also programmable. The name of the company that is manufacturing this deemed ‘inaccurate test’ is Mologic. Take out the ‘g’ and the ‘i’ and you have Moloc (Moloch is the Luciferian demon that children are sacrificed to). The logo of Mologic fits the shape of a goat head, which is how Moloch is depicted.
I am asking President Trump to find a Patriot firm capable of building a device that can tell us the truth about whether we have Covid, Influenza 1 or Influenza 2. I don’t want to see these programable devices to continue with the Deep State fear and manipulation.
Yes they continue to lie, because they are allowed to continue – because there is no and never will be any accountability for them. If you haven’t caught on yet, this is all just a show. They needed all their opposition to expose themselves so Nancy’s 1/6 commission can start hunting them down.
And what better way to keep that opposition docile than to get them to believe there’s some big “sting” going on behind the scenes, and all they have to do is keep outing themselves by being “digital soldiers” and sharing memes exposing their blatant hypocrisy while some invisible cavalry is just waiting for the “right moment to strike”…. Yup. If i was wanting to topple a nation of patriots and crush my opposition, that’s what I’d do. Notice how the goal posts for this alleged “storm” keep getting pushed back while the elite’s minions grasp more power and control every day.
As much as i want to believe in the “storm”, they aren’t just in the process of destroying themselves – they are destroying the country in real time, while we just sit and wait for something that will probably never actually happen and they continue to get their way. You can’t deny there’s been multiple opportunities to put a stop to all this and blow the lid off the whole thing but still, we wait, while the nation crumbles and our rights get stripped. My hope is gone, and with it my future. This “plan” is feeling more and more like a “scam” every day.
Thankyou fir helping us to see more clearly the world around us. Blessings. Db