Ep 2541b – [DS] Swamp Being Drained In Real-Time, Sheep No More,Military Law v. Criminal Law
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The patriots are now pushing the [DS] to deploy all assets, they believe the audit report is coming in August so they are pushing their agenda and the messages are getting crossed as they do this. People are questioning the science, they want to know what the real science says, so now they are asking for proof. We are witnessing in real time the draining of the swamp, as the CDC, FBI, Fake news, Big tech continue down this path it is going to get worse. People are no longer trusting those who are suppose to be authority figures. The storm is coming, think devolution, will there be military trials or civilian trials if the US was attacked and it was worse than Pearl Harbor.
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kek… i look at MAJIC EYES QNLY on bit chute.
check it out…
Thank you for your analysis. For not using big tech. You make sense. Gives us hope. So thank you.
I am mentally and physically exhausted. I can’t take it anymore. I have been awake a LONG time.
Military tribunals have already been ongoing. This is per a friend who has been involved in a small way but recognizes abnormal procedures that have been underway. Things have occurred that never would have under a deep state or democrat control. Many big names have been silenced since June. Where are the clintons, john podesta, john brennen, uma abedin, tom hanks, james comey, etc…
Yay! Let’s watch the SWAMP drain drain drain. Bye bye now. Tootles. 🤗
You are the best, Dave. Truly. Thank you! You’re like a drug…but much much better! 😀
Watch this Chinese whistleblower:
Why interfere with them while they destroy themselves?! Because they’re letting hundreds of thousands of illegals into this country, thereby changing the voting demographic forever, you lying dickhead! This “plan” isn’t real and if it is, it’s the dumbest shit on Earth. Keep lying and peddling shitty collagen and hopium. You are an evil human.
Let’s hope the military rounds up all the antifa thugs and they are tried for treason and executed, along with all those who participated in the election fraud.
Can you help provide a resource for all the Cita leaders information; MIT, Stanford, front line doctor testimonials? Info in the delta variant? I’d love to compile this so I can provide this to those that want to cite mainstream media when debating me.
If the Democrats want us to take the shot then I demand that all liability protections be removed from all parties (pharmaceutical companies, Corporations, Big Tech, Biden administration etc) that insist we wear masks and or take the shot.
I want a signed contract from Biden and Fauci, to begin with, that the vaccine is FDA approved and that they guarantee me that I will not be harmed in any way if I take that shot.
Also, every ingredient must be public and all negative side affects must be reported also to the public. That shouldn’t be a problem since they believe in this drug with all their hearts (cough) .
And if something goes wrong, such as paralysis, brain injury, super duper pain in the ears or death then they agree to be fully responsible to compensate my family for all expenses and debts that occurred as a result of taking this vaccine.
I’m not anti vaccine. I have had vaccines as needed. I will sit this one out until we know and understand more about this vaccine. I want to make an INFORMED DECISION for myself.
Thank you Dave. You’re the ONLY Influencer that explains everything so I can understand it. I pray that when the comms go down, there will STILL be a way to hear your show. I believe a lot of “newbies” will be panicking when this happens. So you’ll really be needed then. Thank you my Patriot Brother
Hello Dave,
Yes, I do believe we are presently under military control and have been even well before the election. Remember the word going around about Bush Sr., Tom Hanks, Rumsfeld and McCain being executed? This adds credence to the military being in control.
Enjoyed the X22 Report today as always. You bring peace to a troubled nation during a time of crisis. You my Friend are a major Patriot.
God Bless You,
Casa Grande, AZ
Thank you for this report, sometimes I get down listening to all the stuff going on -then I intentionally listen to your report in the evening and that always gives me encouragement.
Why do the Rothchild mafia of today, hate the Russians and Iranians so much.
The only reason England did not invade the USA (twice) was because the Russian fleet was placed in New York and San Francisco Harbours, as a blockade.
Russia has saved America twice!
The Kazarian Mafia (Rothchilds of today) were kicked out of Kazaria in the 9th century, by Russia and Iran.
This is a longstanding conflict.
Taking out the bad will make many happy, not sad. Thank God for tribunals!
Hi Dave,
I’m still looking for that video where Kamala Harris was on stage giving a speech and said that all white men are racists, no exceptions.
The face of the lawmaker behind her was priceless. I hope someone finds it soon.
I did a side by side comparison with the VPN you keep advertising. I compared Virtual Shield with Nord VPN and Nord won hands down.
My question is why do you continue to advertise a 2nd rate VPN?
My concern is the December “Covid/Flu test” is being developed by Gates and Soros. How do we know what they are really testing and if their accurate?
Dave, My granddaughter just got out of the hospital with double pneumonia. They checked her three times for Covid. She was negative. They kept insisting she get the jab. She said no. When she went to ER when she first got sick. On her papers she was released with says they gave her a Covid cocktail, what’s that???
I really wish our fellow patriots would stop saying “political prisoners” and call a spade a spade…those are captured POWs now…they will be used as leverage when multiple forensic state audits prove Trump won by a landslide and the military make their move for devolution…
How is it okay for the Biden administration to allow a foreign army to amass within our borders by opening our southern border and inviting them in? Are they planning to give them all amnesty before the next election, so they can register them to vote and steal another election from the People of this country? How is that fair to the citizens of this country? We must not let that happen.
trump had to step aside, so the people would be the storm,…BULLSHIT,…trump handed the country over to biden, harris, and the Chinese,…ABANDONING HIS SUPPORTERS,..without a fight.
tump has handed his FORMER SUPPORTERS, over to the dem o rats,…to round up the supporters, and put them in reeducation camps,…and introduce INDOCTRINATION of,…WOKE.
trump is a treasonous, seditious,…LIAR, WORSE THEN ANY IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY.
this is all a plan by the patriots,…is BULLSHIT.
The plan is,…keep the trump supporters on the sidelines,…and keep telling them,…SOON,…the treasonous, seditious, criminals will be exposed,…while EXPOSING THE FORMER trump supporters,…to make them easy to find,…to put them in the reeducation camps.
Lie after lie,….the latest is,…VERY, VERY, SOON THE ARIZONA AUDIT WILL BE OUT,…we were told, indictments coming SOON,…arrests coming SOON,…military tribunals coming SOON,…ETC,…WHATS THE DEFINITION of SOON,…now its,…VERY,VERY, SOON,…WHAT’S THE DEFINITION OF VERY, VERY, SOON???
Military protecting Peaceful Citizens against BLM & Antifa is all well and good. Go for it. BUT, CITIZEN BUSINESS OWNERS & HOUSE OWNERS did NOT & WILL NOT lose their RIGHT to DEFEND themselves, their families, their properties. Military, do your thing. But Armed Citizens have EVERY RIGHT to USE their brains and their arms & their friends, family & community to ENFORCE property rights & their right NOT to be ATTACKED by hoodlums, insurgents and any other militant, destructive individual, group, party, agent, agency, force or country. BETTER, much better, if this chaos does not happen. Some will lay down & take it, if it does. THAT’S ON THEM. DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT ‘GOOD’ NIGHT. RAGE, RAGE AGAINST MARAUDERS. FREE MEN FIGHT.
Hi Dave, Sometimes the next variant gets a higher viral load, especially dangerous when there is mass vaccination which leads to big problems (not the Delta variant which has shown to be not so damaging at all).
Can’t wait till military intervention as it is all too damaging around the world.
Didnt Biteme take the oath of office 10 min before noon on Jan 20?
Bro, please, read the fine print below the video/pic with Kevin McCarthy.
17 = Q
45 = TRUMP
Yes, we were attacked…….we were attached from within. Betrayal by trusted persons is the worst. No quarter.
I appreciate your optimism, but I’m afraid that it is just a fairy tale. After the investigation of the governors was dropped, I took a look at the American system and realized it just goes around in circles, dangling a carrot of hope in front of the common people, for justice which never comes. The rulers, and the rulers of the rulers are only there to feed off the efforts of the common folk, abuse their children and kill their sons and now daughters in war. Dreaming of JUSTICE in this nightmare of a society is just that, a dream. Best wishes to you and yours. I believe, that you are intelligent enough to realize the truth of what I am saying. What will you say to your audience ?
Everything is invane too deep swamp. Where is Trump?
Good one Dave!
I’m not sure about all this “devo” stuff! It’s going to take allot more the pogo dancing to solve this!
One of the reasons I’m still listening, even though my faith is faltering lately and I’ve stopped listening to most of the other citizen journalist reports about “the storm” is because of your handling of the COVID and COVID vaccine narratives. I know COVID is real and bad and NOT the flu because I’ve seen it firsthand, I’ve seen family members hospitalized, and my mother passed away from it. I know the statistics were inflated but I also know COVID is real. I’m not even going to get into whether I think the vaccine works or not, but what makes me crazy is that ALL vaccines are risk-vs-reward. They ALL contain toxins and pathogens. They can ALL cause a range of side effects, from allergic reactions to paralysis, etc. Things happen when you “challenge” the immune system. I got shingles once from taking too much ibuprofen. I’m not denying the real side-effects, some serious, and possibly even deaths, that have occurred as a result of the vaccine. But I also feel like a LOT of patriots have gone completely off the cliff when it comes to the vaccine – it’s the “kill shot.” It makes you magnetic, sterile, glow in the dark, and it gives you Mad Cow Disease. It’s got nano-tech in it that’s going to re-assemble in your brain and turn you into a cyborg. It’s going to kill you when you catch another coronavirus. It’s got graphene in it that they’re going to use to control your mind with 5G. The spike protein in it is shedding and harming unvaccinated people. It’s “the mark of the beast.” And now it’s the vaccinated people who are responsible for super-spreading delta variant. In my opinion this is ALL bullshit noise, especially the delta variant stuff. So ironic that the same people who say that the CDC lies about everything are SO ready to jump on to the delta variant bandwagon, so they can use the opportunity to say “see I told you so, the vax doesn’t work. The CDC says so.” What makes them think the CDC is suddenly telling the truth NOW? Cause I think it’s just more of the same psy-op, trying to get the original scamdemic narrative back on-track DESPITE the availability of a vaccine. And I can’t believe how many so-called patriots seem to be falling for it. I wonder honestly if they are even falling for it as much as they are enjoying the clicks they get on their website for focusing on that particular topic, while tens of millions of people out there are searching the internet for information about it they can trust. But it’s not ok for anti-vaxxers to spread fear and misinformation any more than it is for pro-vaxxers to do the same. This is not the time for us to allow ourselves to be more divided – the COVID believers vs the non-believers – vaccinated vs unvaccinated, etc. We need to unite against tyranny, not fight amongst ourselves. And it is not ok to spread fear and misinformation on either side of the issue. So anyway THANK YOU Dave for everything but especially for being able to expose these topics without going off a cliff into la-la land with it. And thank you for helping us hold the line. I’m getting impatient and discouraged – I have been “awake” since 9-11 and feel like I’ve been living in a science fiction movie ever since, only no one else realizes it. At least now a lot of people realize it, which is better, but… to be what feels like SO CLOSE to disclosure and justice, every day it doesn’t happen yet is becoming more and more like torture, and there are definitely some days when it feels like it’s just bad bad bad and there is never going to be justice or disclosure. Anyway thank you for your regular shows helping people like me keep the faith.
Our hijacked government is polluted with swine.