Ep 2544b – Not Everything Will Be Clean, War, It Was All Pre-Planned Long Ago
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The [DS]/corrupt politicians were setup from the beginning, as the plan was taking shape they tried to change the laws, but this all failed. The [DS] was pushed to exactly where they needed to be and when the time is right the patriots are going to strike. This is war, not everything will be clean, it was pre-planned long ago, the people were given the highest form of intelligence to understand what was going to happen. The plan is trap the foreign and domestic enemies and expose it all to the American people, some will not understand, that is why a few were told the plan so they could enlighten others.
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- ← Ep 2544a – The [DS]/[CB] Infrastructure Bill Designed For The GR, Sometimes People Need To See It
- Ep 2545a – The Patriots Provided The [CB] With Only One Path To Take, Economic Exposure →
The female NY trooper story is old news. It’s about time more focus was placed on it. He denied it and it simply went away. She should have shot him then and saved hundreds, if not thousands, of nursing home lives.
thanks Dave. the graph of covid deaths shows low levels. However, the previous prior peaks were fake as you said. a pcr test toward a virus that was never isolated was used for the sophistry. the test was for a fragment of RNA that is found in corona strains, influenza, and the cold [rhinoviruses]. you explained this. my suspicion is they have the genome sequences of the above, and found a miniscule fragment that is common in all of the above. this is why everything else disappeared. the proof is: by mid-2020, johns hopkins epidemiologists discovered the 4 leading causes of deaths in the elderly decreased by hundreds of thousands, for the first time in US history, this decrease nearly matching the increase in ”reported” covid deaths. THIS WAS THE BIGGEST PSYOP EVER PERPETRATED ON HUMAN CIVILIZATION. thanks, and with kind regards.
I love your broadcasts. I think you responsible, reasonable, and you appear to back every statement up with facts, other articles, or Q. So here is my question to you:
IF, as you say, (and I tend to believe) that The Good Guys knew they couldn’t just swoop in, and have the country follow; that they needed to trap the bad guys so the whole world could see, then the election fraud HAD to go through, right? I mean, biden had to be inaugurated, or treason could never be proved.
OK, here is where I need clarification: If the election HAD to be stolen quasi successfully, so that the rest of the entrapment could work, the Pence HAD to certify the election. Right? If he had tried to veto certification, as Trump ostensibly asked, then none of this could have occurred. So Pence has to be a Good Guy, right? I mean, it is possible that Trump knew what he would do, but that seems like an iffy thing. Only if Pence was on board with Trump could Trump’s crew know that Biden would be declared President. And by casting doubt on Pence publicly, Trump was able to calm the crooks into thinking that Pence was either on their side, or dumb as a rock. What do you think? And why?
Connie Hess
If they haven’t been ruling out flu all this time, then aren’t they guilty of negligence at least, malpractice or intentional homicide at worst? Is that why so many doctors did not want to treat possible covid, even in their own patients? Were their hands tied, and if so, by whom?
At first it was the election infection with Covid 19.
Now it is the election inspection infection with the Delta variant.
These people are devious demons who must be defeated.
Monkey Werx is showing military planes flying illegals over our border, taking them to military bases, then dispersing them around the US. The ones they fly are military aged men from several countries, not just Central and South America. THAT undermines my trust in our wonderful military. Is there anything you can tell us about that?
I eagerly anticipate your every weeknight emails.
Thank you so much Dave! This was your MOST AMAZING AND EYE-OPENING show you’ve ever done. If people don’t wake up after this, they’re a lost cause.
It sounds like perhaps, as soon as the Forensics audit results pop up, from AZ, perhaps, hopefully, we will see the indictments….but sometimes, you are projecting December as having us involved with this. OMG..I hope NOT. We who are awake, HAVE reached our presicpiss. This is going on a long time, for trying to simply wake up the ever sleeping sheep. How much more must we ALL LOSE, and PAY, before this all happens, simply to wake up the most incredibly stupid people on this planet? I PRAY President Trump is re-instated soon. Our people truly can’t handle much more of this…we have been awake…this is pure HELL, watching it all continue….
if the tests were picking up the common cold, then how can Trump say that the CCP is responsible for releasing a deadly virus? How was he diagnosed with covid? His whole narrative is false too.
I just hope this is done by the end of the year. I want to go to N.Y. To see my daughter and granddaughter.
Thanks Dave..very interesting report tonight. Did you see the report from Alberta Canada today?
Patrick King exposed the fact that the covid virus has still yet to be isolated and identified making clear that all of the actions taken to control the public have been illegal and not based on science. BOOM
They are very close to declaring the whole event as a total scam to grab power.
I am also happy to learn that there could be ways of treating those that were given the shot.
Your reports keep me sane and ever positive my friend.
Hey Dave:
Hope you are well and fit. Re: 13:00 mark,,
You KNOW why they are still there,,,Afghanistan because it is THE largest producer of Opium,,,poppies man and LOTS of them,,they don`t give a rat`s ass about the existing military that is there,,they could over run them in a month,,,and that`s just the CIA,,,there`s lots more to this than you are reiterating,,,just sayin` eh! Cheers man!,,keep up the good work patriot!
Can’t pass any of Your news along without documentation!!! You mention various articles and studies, yet I can’t cite them. At least give me a link where I can go to verify Your information.
Without this, Your presentations are very interesting, yet….
The virus is not “novel” states David E.Martin and patents have been obtained through bribery. Definition of vaccine means this is not a vaccine …. and more, in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihjNDf32_Ac&ab_channel=xelzbrod
Wray has been working for Deep State and he is a traitor,why do you think Biden kept him ?
I believe the reason they are bombing is to deplete the stockpile, just as Obama did. And if they happen to take out a few nare-do-wells along the way, well all the better. Remember when Trump took office he said that the troops didn’t even have enough bullets to fight in a firefight?
Wow; great job Dave… a bumpy road ahead, because we are ‘off-roading’ (so to speak)
Are there other Covid 19 tests besides the PCR test, being used here and around the world? How is Contact Tracing part of the test?
Dave, I have been following you almost 5 years. You calm me down. I understand that it might get worse, what I really worry about is this race in time of whether there will be forced vaccinations. Any idea how this will play out? Am in Europe. All the best, Sigrid
The LAMBADA variant, LOL
Oh hell no
Dave –
I also wanted to thank you for mentioning Sandy Hook in your show tonight. Any close look at the evidence supporting the hoax theory raises serious questions which demand answers from the local authorities, and the three letter agencies, as well as the supposed teachers, parents, bodies, autopsies, ambulances etc.
I have been wondering for years and years if many of the deep state players and others who can only be haters of America and traitors against our citizenship and Bill of Rights might actually be from another planet. And I really mean that. My Aunt Ruby was very mystical and she was never known to be nutty, but instead down to earth, honest, and practical. She told me more than 55 years ago that she met extra terrestrials that are living among us, and that human beings cannot tell them apart from any other human beings. She said that the most highly evolved ones are good, but will not get involved with earthly karma. She also witnessed the performance of physical miracles by them. Why assume that there are no evil ones from another planet? The infrastructure they have set up is staggering, and could only have taken at least a century for them to build.
Anyway, your work is great, sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes I get confused trying to sort out where we are in your narrative because you use the word “they” so many times over that I can’t tell who you are talking about, but you are very valuable and one of the few that I trust.
is your COVID
this kills the bug
here’s your facts.
Question, do you think the deep state is the real producer of the vaccine and not Trump? I mean of course President Tump (then with limited info) wanting to do something to help save lives from this so called crisis pushed for a vaccine. however, the deep state colluding with many participators in this big lie worked with pharmaceutical companies to produce a vaccine to complete this Façade (Because they already had the are vaccine technology two years prior to the pandemic) and knowing President Trump would be Super quick to situation they didn’t even have to push the vaccine?
Well, if we are at “war” it is a war the so-called patriots are damn slow in fighting back! To most of us it appears no one is fighting back at all! WHAT? a few lack luster “protests” a few Trump rallies, allot of talk about 2022! MEANWHILe the country is one the VERGE of another fucking lockdown! We just have to assume the damn “muzzle” is FOREVER! FORGET EVER flying on a plane, eating at a restaurant, going to a gym, attending a concert WITHOUT allowing the government to FORCE a potential deadly vaccine into your body! THEN LIKE IDIOTS we all STILL BE wearing the fucking mask FOREVER, while they “create” who knows how many “variants”. OH but this is JUST THE START! Eventually only those willing to submit t a total “medical tyranny ” will be “allowed” to even do such necessary things as work, or buy food! SURE we are fighting back! LIKE HELL! We are submitting like fucking weaklings without a whimper, while people talk about some undetermined military action! YEA SURE WHEN? FACE IT the military is in Biden’s control and china controls Biden! At the very least we can pick up out guns and try to take as many as them as we can before they kill off half the population and enslave the other half! The HARD Part is that we didn’t even try to fight back!
Love the show! Listen everyday.
I was wondering if there is a link to the CDC/FDA test creation docs??
Dave, I lost your sound on Rumble yesterday 8-5-21, so I listened to you on x22report.com and the sound was fine, now today still no sound on Rumble and also your sound is gone from your x22report.com site. I don’t have sound on Odysee, Ugetube, or brandnewtube either. I do have sound on Brighteon, youtube, and Alex Jones freeworldnews site, just want to let you know, thanks for doing what you do for our country, Rick
I have transcribed a section of 2544b, explaining the faulty covid tests and the Ivermectin study. I want to share it with friends and family who are completely naive and believe in the “variants”. I am not an attorney and want to let you know. This information has to get out. Not everyone will listen to an entire hour, but they will read a one page email from me that states the information in your segment. Please contact me if this is not allowed.
When will we be able to see all the arrests that take place America can’t go on with all the high prices of gas and food etc
Hello Dave,
Do you know if the PCR test is also picking up the RNA signature that the vaccine is supposed to be having the cells replicate in order to cause immunity to the virus? This seems to be a possible reason why vaccinated people are showing positive on the tests. Just thought you might know more about that. Thanks for all you do! Really enjoy your shows. I even have my Mom listening now.
All voting machines should be destroyed! Paper ballots and voter ID are the only way.
Hi Dave,
I was watching one of you shows and you spoke of a website to get info on forms to hold the employers accountable or for my faith beliefs for not getting the shot. Can you please send it out again.
Faithfull follower.