Ep 2552b – 11.11 Strategic Marker, America Will Be Unified Again, How Do You Set The Stage
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The patriots from the very beginning have been in control, they have been setting the stage. The people need to see all the moves of the [DS], this will in turn wake the people up. The people need to see the [DS] very clearly. The patriots already won, they are now playing the rest of the moves on the chess board. The [DS] is trying to throw what every they can at the patriots to make them make a mistake. This is not going to happen. The [DS] is now planning for the [FF] event, DHS put out a warning, the warning ends on 11.11, coincidence?
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- Ep 2553a – Opec Counters [JB], The People Must See & Feel It All, Change Is Coming →
I will believe that the “patriots” have won when we have a free internet, with neutral social media, the way we had before 2016. Until then, we shouldn’t count our chickens before they are hatched. Also, the
COVID panic. with the ridiculous masks, the “mandatory” vaccines, the social distancing, and horrid lockdowns, have all GOTTA GO!
Restore sanity, anybody?
CAn you talk about the UN troops on US soil. Checking on US racism. Could they be used against the Patriots and Trump
11/11 is Veteran’s Day….originally Armistice Day. Wonder if that plays into the 11/11 date?
Really, Dave? The patriots have planned for EVERY eventuality? They’ve never overlooked anything? Never made a mistake? There was a 7.2 earthquake in Haiti. Did the Patriots plan that too? Your broadcast is like “The War of the Worlds”. Pure entertainment and no substance. All the shit you say NEVER comes true. You say “I do believe” a lot. That indicates your feelings and never facts. Lying douchebag.
You mention Harry Potter…This reminds me of V for Vendetta.
the border problem= the U.N.wants,a job? Yhry can go into each South American vountry and getca hokd of their maveric gov.s fleecing their own people. or failing the stupid drug war, that made the problem more lucrative for both street, and gov.criminals. there’s enough money, force, and intelligence to fix this, it’s the rampant corruption that screwed the whole world over the whims and perverted monarchial greed and indifference toward all humanity. In a sense, American Gov.criminality fed into the problem, but so did all the world’s worthless led leaderships. When I say, our military failed us, this is what I meant tgey were the last haven of protection from all this happening. it’s time, for the rank and file, to step up, if their generals are puppets of the syndicate, we call “gov.”. we still, outnumber the weak minded. Never forget that,we are the world, and America, was the example,inspiration,to a free,world,not the answer to its problems.
First it was sometime in January then it was sometime in March then it was August 15th now it’s November 11th the dates keep getting pushed out is he ever going to be a resolution for us to celebrate
I am a devoted listener an a patriot, why for the last month did you promote Mike Lindells symposium and the EBS test on the 11th, they all come and go and nothing happens, Now i 100% believe there is a plan “devolution” but you have to stop getting everyones hopes up for every little thing that happens along the way, now you are pushing 11.11 tell people about it but don’t get people getting thier hopes up over it, you are going to have more and more people stop listening, I don’t know how you can get the message across without doing this but we need a way of knowing that the plan is going on we aren’t seeing proof of it
I’m just wondering if the news from Afghanistan is real, or just a smokescreen, as in an excuse to bring another foreign army into the USA. The Pentagon announcement was that special immigration visas are being issued to Afghanis and their families, and thousands can be moved per day. Moved to where?
I love your reports. I’ve known of the corrupt gov for 60 yrs. I’m 70!!! Lol
There is so much ignorance. I love how close the end is nearing
Dept of Defense manual is a possibility.
Oops. There is no 11.11.18 in the DOD Manual. Ignore previous comment.
Hey Dave!
Re 26;00-28:00
This is what I mean,,,,WTF are they goin` on about??? COVID??? WF,COVID?,,,,The great awakening!!!
Re: New Covid test – for better or for worst? Is this from Bill & Soros new testing company?
Stop just talking B.S. Get Together with Mike Lindell and get the fraud to the supreme court and get it over with. America is running out of time.
So, youre saying Trump will die in the end?
“Mic” is short for microphone. It’s “mike”, not “mick”
It’s IL-legal not E-legal
CEO of Pfizer wasn’t FULLY vaccinated back in MARCH, so he couldn’t travel. He waited for his turn in line to get the vaccine and did not cut in front of others. You didn’t research and made it seem like he wasn’t getting vaccinated. He did.
Milley? Really? And the band played on….
My greatest fear is they will use Nuclear Weapons and really start WWIII….
Thanks so much Dave – you’re our lifeline to the truth right now. Also wanted to let you and readers know that ver-i-zon asked my husband the other day if he was ‘j-a-b-b-e-d’!! Yikes. (It was a service call) – First he asked what percentage of people in our area code he thought were – and then he asked him specifically about him. Of course he didn’t answer – saying “What does that have to do with my internet problem??”
I’m furious with Trump! How can he allow the situation to get to the point of forced vaccinations? People are dying! People are losing their jobs! He needs to step in NOW, and put an end to this lunacy.
2552b….. We went thru the confusion with 11.1, 11.2, etc, thinking this was a date when is was actually chapter in the DOD war manual. Perhaps this date of 11.11 is not a date. But the chapter and sub verse from that same manual.
Please look into this (if you haven’t already).
I found this on the CDC.GOV website,
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html ,
and I am more than a little concerned, especially as we are beginning to witness the beginning stages of this agenda/proposal being implemented by Democrats, the mainstream media and current administration.
Hate that we left all the arms back in Afghanistan but honestly I’m happy we are out of there . Let the Chinese try to control the Taliban.China already has proven they dislike Islam.
The “moves” left in the chess game? The moves are for teaching the public.
Bro, are u not worried about the Hope Laynd Securities classigyin u as a boston Terrier?
Entire menu still not showing.
These propagandists are so stupid!!
…” a break down??????” for sure but seemingly not in our favor. 8/25 did you see the executions of that line of many many men on knees with hands tied behind their backs??? Did you not hear of how
us state dept is blocking papers of people to leave AND blocking the 3rd party countries form accepting the Christians who are being rescued by Nazarene Fund and other private groups??
Patriots are sacrificing thousands of Americans to horrible deaths or being used as hostages.
I am sick with grief.
Forcing jabs on the healthiest, strongest, men of our military who will become infertile. Now screaming in my closet the plan is of man. God help us