Ep 2557b – Less Than 10 Know The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World
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The [DS] fell right into what the patriots wanted, they laid the ground work and the [DS] did exactly what they thought they would do. Now the people can see it all and they will see much more. World leaders are now angry at [JB] and the puppet masters, the world is turning against them. Devolution is now in play, CM tells everyone that one day people will no the full story of what was planned. This will be the shot heard around the world, it will be a week to remember.
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- ← Ep 2557a – The [CB] Is Trying Everything To Keep Economic Control, The Fuse Has Been Lit
- Dave Hayes-We Are In Unprecedented Times,Buckle Up It’s Going To Get Chaotic,Timing Is Everything →
I really like your reports and haven’t missed a one since I found your website….in fact I support you monetarily monthly…. That being said….please have someone proof read for you….I frequently find grammar and spelling errors and it makes you look uneducated and I know you’re an intelligent man so please….make the corrections before you post. Thank you.
kek…hrc is gone.
he was “talking” to ?????
i got some info on “things”
this was “planed” months ago…
People are awakening slowly. Eventually, they will all be awake.
Shouldn’t that be “Less Than 10 know The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World”?
No only will we see an attack on our soil,prob.911,but the afgn ppl showed passports to get on the plane,but no Americans, who’s passports are those? Why is tali’s armed? Whos weapons are they? The same ones Barry & Eric gave the drug cartels & now they are at it again..whos really in charge?
I was on a zoom call with Pulitzer and he showed the team of Audit Admins those water marks… They are real folks…. Despite what the Prog media says, it is true…..
Dave, Q post #47. this isn’t the first Q post that has the words Alice & Wonderland. Is there a reason that the word AND (ampersand sign) is used instead of just Alice IN Wonderland(the actual name of book)? Thought maybe you could shed some insight.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH. Same stuff every day. This bs PLANdemic has been going on for a year and a half. Same lies, same OBVIOUS fraud, and yet in REAL LIFE everything stays the same and gets WORSE.
But “very interestingly,” THEY are “panicking.” The EXACT same stuff from good ol’ Dave. WHEN will the media be TAKEN DOWN so that the lies presented to the OTHER 98% of the world can be FINALLY exposed? These videos continue to provide a great living for the salesmen pushing them, but in REAL LIFE those of us who UNDERSTAND the obvious lies that we’ve been “taught” for our entire lifetimes, have to witness the unending stupidity of the 98% of the sheep who will NEVER get it. ONLY GOD can bring TRUTH to humanity. Please, Lord, intervene NOW. Pray, pray, pray. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
I did a search on duck duck go for patents held by Donald Trump. He has a few patents with other people on medicines that could cure various illnesses…interesting.
The bottom line is they want to kill Americans….no matter how long it takes, I really don’t know what and who to believe any more, how many have to die or disasters have to happen before the American people feel safe again its been almost a year since the election and our country has fallen apart, not every American is gonna wake up…….I waiting for check mate it’s not coming soon enough this is really getting scary……
The ds is in charge dip shit
The Covid Test Is Giving You Nano Particles Up Your Nose, Same As The Vaccines.
“Not one person with a brain would take a Covid test or vaccine after watching this
disturbing video produced by doctor”. Go to the very bottom left of this page to view
the video proving this: https://cairnsnews.org/
God Says Do Not Be Deceived By Lack Of Knowledge:
GRAPHENE is made up of: (6) protons, (6) neutrons and (6) electrons…
Do these numbers remind you of something said before that is written?
This is what is in their wonderful vaccines that will (Change your DNA)
that they want you to put inside of your body:
Someone better do something quick, or this country is going to explode.
What happened to what I paid for !! Your private server is not available at all ! Why, are you taking my money like you are accusing others of doing ?
Banning has been calling Arizona and the audit as the new Concorde Bridge. “Shot heard around the world.”
The Covid Test Is Giving You Nano Particles Up Your Nose, Same As The Vaccines.
“Not one person with a brain would take a Covid test or vaccine after watching this
disturbing video produced by doctor”. Go to the very bottom left of this page to view
the video proving this: https://cairnsnews.org/
God Says Do Not Be Deceived By Lack Of Knowledge:
GRAPHENE is made up of: (6) protons, (6) neutrons and (6) electrons…
Do these numbers remind you of something said before that is written?
This is what is in their wonderful vaccines that will (Change your DNA)
that they want you to put inside of your body:
First and foremost. Thank you for all you do and for who you are. You’re amazing.
2nd real quick. I wrote you over a week ago regarding an account on Facebook called we du xaut or du we xaut. I know you’ve states you’re not affiliated with Facebook and anything anyone sees it’s a copyright issue(?) Idk. But they’re still posting all your stuff.
I’m behind you and follow you every single evening. Just wanted you to know. In case you didn’t.
Your grammar mistake on the 8/20 report, using ‘NO’ when it should have been ‘KNOW’, well, this is very interesting. You lose credibility. Kinda tired hearing the same thing every night too.
Well if taxes are going to go through the roof we know develution is a lie because it’s to late to jack the taxes up for this next April so this means April 2023 which means this is all a lie it’s all a fckng hoax !!!!!!
Ep 2557b – Less Than 10 KNOW (not No) The Full Story, The Shot Heard Around The World….
Dave, you deserve a medal for all that you have done in revealing the Truth & giving us hope. Without Truthers like you, Charlie Ward, Mel K. Nicolas V, RobertDavidSteele, CodeMonkeyZ, RedPill78, etc we wouldn’t know anything about what is really going on. Trump is right, MSM is the ‘enemy of the people’.
This channel has kept me alive. Literally. Thank you.
“NO”, really?
WHY — interfere while Joe Biden is destroying himself …..
to the bottom of the swamp ….
Ah, Just-in Trudeau was speaking to Hillary Clinton. OK. So, the Can. PM, aka Justin Sinclair de Castro, is now a clairvoyant, communing with ‘spirits’, who are otherwise (hotly) engaged. And we are the simple mushrooms – kept in the dark & fed bullshit. “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” – T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets [aka 4Q, for short].
No one ever gets ” pain ” ???? Is x22 a psyop ?????¿?¿??????????!?!
Are you lulling us to sleep with bullshit while our country goes down the toilet ????
That’s what it seems like. NO ONE HAS BEEN ARRESTED. NO ONE. EVER.
Comm”on Dave, Trudeau is on house arrest, Hilary Clinton is dead – executed 12/31/18. He did not speak to anyone. They are cabal!
So far we’re the only ones being stung. The Trojan horse is moving safely within our non-borders. There’s no more time for hopium. Whoever hasn’t sen this now never will. Act!
Nice work Dave. Life would be boring without your show.
can’t email you an emoji i made for you
They are again going to put out a test that does not work and they will force this on people to continue the lockdowns and the face masks. They will like like always and the sheeple will follow blindly down the road to destruction.
If Trump continues to wait for those who are asleep to wake up, he will wait too long and there will be no America to come back to save. we are out of time
Alright! What lies are we peddling today!? August is hot! Nothing happened. Now you say Sep. Nothing’s going to happen. Then you’ll say “I do believe” Oct. Nothing will happen. Then you’ll say Nov. 4th or Nov. 10th or the 11th. Nothing will happen. Then you say Dec. or Jan. and nothing will happen. You’ll keep quoting three year old Q posts and assert they are valid for today. You’re just bullshitting your way through the calendar. And watermarks on the ballots? You said the same lies before the election. And at that time, you said it was the patriots plan for Trump to win. Have you ever been correct? Have you ever told the truth? You are a dick.
Well, if the CCP is directing Biteme, which i think it is (or the NWO ill lumen…)
and we have to suffer higher taxes, this crap is going to go on for a while. If we have to suffer mercenary anarchists killing us, i wouldnt say the Patriots are in control.
Sounds like this is going to go on for a while, meaning millions will die from the shot.
So, i guess we are to take comfort in the idea that we will be dead but Trump will get back in office and all will be ok. Well, thats according to what your hypothesis are leading to.
devoluton: ”Devolution is about the transfer of power by a central government to local or regional administrations”. is this what you are talking about dave? devolution is the new ‘buzz’ word for america, but, exactly is what is happening is the book defintion?
It is spelled ‘know’.
The majority of people by now, 18 months, have been exposed to the china virus. It is ninety-five plus percent survivable. Heard immunity achieved!
Hi Dave I have been watching your videos for the last four years!! I was hoping you could address some real concerns about Trump!!! These vaccines are killing and injuring the world population yet last night in Alabama Trump was taking credit for their roll out and telling his supporters that they are saving life’s!!! What the heck is up with that. The more I listen too Trump the less I trust him!!! At this point I am convinced Trump is nothing more than a used car salesman for the deep state and big pharmaceutical companies!! Please Dave if you are a true patriot address this issue and make a short video to share your thoughts on this matter!! Thanks Dave for your time!! And my the Lord bless you and your family. I am just a fellow American patriot
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for your persistent efforts to keep us informed. Your insight and encouragement has been a much welcomed light during these days.
I write for a much smaller audience and am trying to do my part. As I offer hope to my peeps, you have been just that to me.
Watch at 3:50 mark in video. The Capital bomber is a FBI/CIA plant, he is many people in this video.
Excellent…. 🙏✝️❤️🇺🇸
So it seems like ANYthing that happens that doesn’t fit into the Q narrative automatically goes into the “it’s just a distraction from what’s really going on” bin. I really seriously doubt that the Afghanistan situation was intentionally scheduled to interfere with the Maricopa election audit report. That is really reaching.