Ep 2558b – USSS Have Known Along, The Movement Is Far From Over, Castle Rock
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The [DS] is now preparing for the AZ forensic audit fall out. The patriots have prepared for this moment and the [DS] is now falling right into the trap. Those woke Generals that are being paraded around on TV have no idea what is happening. Trump lets everyone know that the movement is far from over, that the fight has just begun. Devolution is about to go down, the clock is ticking and everything is in place, Operation Castle Rock ready to go. The military caught it all, the trap is ready to be sprung.
- ← Ep 2558a – The [CB]/[JB] Economy Is Failing, A New People’s Economy Is About To Emerge
- Occam’s Razor with Zak Paine & Craig Mason Ep. 116 →
“Everything is about to go down…”. I certainly hope so. FROM YOUR LIPS TO GOD’S EARS!!
Are you SERIOUS, Dave? What planet are you living on? We are not being given a legitimate choice. Wake up because I’m going to stop listening to you. Trump’s endorsement of these dangerous vaccines is creating grave hardships for us.
The beauty of this country is that we can choose? REALLY, DAVE?????????????????? Countless people in this country, including MY husband and MY son, are being given this choice: jab or job.
Are YOU being FORCED to choose what THEY want in order to feed YOUR family? Wake up, Dave. I normally respect you, but this is inexcusable. You should know better.
How are we being given the opportunity to choose when not taking the jab will cause us to lose our jobs??????????? YOU and TRUMP are out of touch and I’m sick of it and so are a lot of other people. Do YOU know the number of deaths from these “vaccines” and the number of serious, life-long injuries? Do YOU? I think not. And neither does Trump BUT HE SHOULD. And so should you.
Good-bye, Dave. My husband is going to take a vaccine against his will in order to save his job and his livelihood. I’m afraid for him and I don’t want him to do it. But, that’s the beauty of America, right. Force people to get a vaccine they don’t want or GET FIRED. WAKE the HECK up. What is wrong with you?
I’m done.
COVID (so-called) Vaccines are not FDA approved. Whereas the Big Pharma got a pass and can not be sued, your husband’s employer can be sued, as well as the health care workers who gives him the Jab. No one can force anyone to take it. It is against Federal law to do so.
I would quit my job before taking this poison which will destroy your immune system, so that you cannot fight off the flu or anything else.
If you know anyone who has taken it, there is a protocol to help boost your immune system and “pine needle tea” is said to be an anecdote. Problem is, there is still the chance of getting blood clots. Plus, anyone taking it will like be sterile.
Good luck Judy.
God Bless you.
TRUMP NEVER TOLD anyone they HAVE to take this OR ANY OTHER VACINE! WHO IN THE Hell cares if trump believes the vaccine is safe? ISN’T HE entitled to his opinion? HOLY SHIT, Trump is JUST A MAN, he has flaws like everyone, you may not agree with everything he says! GROW UP, ACT LIKE AN ADULT! TRUMP IS NOT MAKING YOU DO ANYTHING, BUT that ASSHOLE BIDEN IS! You sure as hell better figure who your REAL ENEMY IS and soon! REMEMBER THEY WANT US FIGHTING EACH OTHER! THEY WANT US DIVIDED ! Going ape shit about every little thing “trump says” is a waste of fucking time!
I am truly sorry that your husband feel he HAS to take the vaccine! I sure as hell would never take it! The real crime here is that his Employer is such a fucking weakling that he licks the boots of assholes like Biden! Your husband should tell that bastard to go to hell , or better yet sue the son of a bitch like allot of other people are doing! We all have to stop looking to Trump like he is “god” and can somehow ‘save’ us! WE GOT TO SAVE OURSELVES!
judy tell him to stall it as long as possible. the EBS might be out before the end of the month. from what I hear. then the sh-t will hit the fan. We are also in canada being told the whole country will take it or limitations to your life will happen. but we think trudeau is no longer here. one day he is beardy trudeau the next he lost 20 years and is clean faced. They will never jab me or my family and we are all ready forming a group at work that will wait to be fired then sue them 10 plus now. No one can jab you without your permission. its all about nuremburg. stall stall stall. even lie to them, treat them like the enemy 🙂 cause they are.
a good watch to learn the truth about covid.
Have you tried to get a religious exemption? Look up Peggy Hall.
Biden and his mouthpiece are to blame for the Afghan mess, but I blame Military for not stepping up, put Biden in solitaire and going after our Americans NOW!Biden days would be finished.
Thank you ….🧡 God bless America.
Who are the co-coms in Afghanistan right now?
Do you recall that in 1963 after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, that 200 generals came
together and made a commitment to expose the criminals behind the Kennedy assassination, and also
to plan the take down of the cabal? The team of 200 generals has been maintained throughout every
generation since 1963. When Trump took office, one of the first things he did was to confirm that he
had 200 patriotic generals around him to continue the mission. One man’s vow; (Kennedy); will be another man’s legacy. (Trump)
I long for President Trump’s return. Do you think it may be this year(2021)?
I dont believe he got the vax.
dave we are loyal followers. and we thank you for your work. thanks for the great interview with dave hayes. sorry though on trump recommending the deadly vax. a CDC statistician whistleblower reports that 45, 000 healthy non hospitalized people died unexpectedly within 72 hrs of getting the vax. it has also injured over 500,000 per the CDC’s VAERS system, and 50% of those are serious. they include thousands of cases of neurological devastations, thousand of cardiac myocarditis cases, horrible immune reactions and conditions, and thousands of a new disease in children under 12 termed multi-organ inflammatory syndrome- in children [over 4,000 as of a few weeks ago, its higher by now]. sorry dave, there is no excuse for trump to recommend this deadly jab that is useless anyway. he and the white hat military are responsible for allowing all the murder and mayhem that has occurred worldwide. he could have signed the insurrection act, taken over all news outlets and report 24/7 on all the treason, crimes, fraud, murders that have been perpetrated by the deep state. trump has no excuse for allowing mass murder, none!. with all due respect, i hope you have some intel or insight into this mismanagement by the Q team. thank you and, with kind regards.
Where is the flashlight made ?
As to the AZ senate’s verified, documented, edited & legally perfected “report” – HAVE THEY ISSUED & ENFORCED WARRANTS TO SEIZE THE MACHINES, THE ACTIVITY LOGS, etc. they were TOLD are NEEDED by the Gold Standard audit team to COMPLETE their Forensic Audit? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Guess they’ll go without them. August is nearly gone. How many PEOPLE will die this month & in September from the Shot NOW ‘Herd’ (imposed) around the world? Children (thousands!) rounded up & “herded” into stadiums (sports abattoirs) & injected with virulent poisons without parental knowledge or consent. Casualties of War. Red October? I hope we’re talking about THIS year, 2021.
What Trump better do is STOP all these Vaccines that are Killing People, it no secret many are dying from the Fake Vaccines, the Vaccines are KILLERS!!! Get off your ass Donald and get Your Genocide Stopped if your really for the People!
Just how in the hell do you think Trump can just “stop” “all these vaccines “! The last time i looked HE WAS NOT THE PRESIDENT! HE IS NOT IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING! Who do you think he is , GOD? Why don’t YOU just “go out and STOP” the vaccines YOURSELF if it’s so damn easy? Hell, idiots are taking the damn thing VOLUNTARY!! About the only thing you or anybody else can do is try to persuade these morons to stop killing themselves! THE REAL CRIME HERE will be if ANYBODY FOR ANY REASON is FORCED to take it! There is one positive thing though, Democrats are taking it at a rate 3 times the rate conservative are taking it! In the Rural parts of the country within the “red counties” the rate is very low! It’s all those marxist idiots in the big cities that are really going “all in” for it! SO CHEER UP, there is a bright side! Maybe the vaccine will kill off most of these libtard assholes and then we won’t have to fight them!
THANK YOU for explaining MUCH MORE about the U.S. Military command structure(s). Didn’t know the Joint Chiefs was an advisory panel, NOT in direct operational control. Thanks for this informative post!
talk ,talk,move the goal posts, talk,talk, move the goal posts. people must see, move the goal posts
From Singapore
Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a COVID-19 body. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather as a bacteria that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by clotting in the blood.
It was found that Covid-19 disease causes blood clots, which leads to blood clotting in humans, and causes blood to clot in the veins, making it difficult for a person to breathe; Because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.
To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory power, doctors in Singapore did not listen to WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened and carefully examined the arms, legs and other parts of the body, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen in the body causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, Singapore’s Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. Singapore’s Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.
After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the method of treatment by saying that the disease was a global hoax, “It is nothing but intravascular coagulation (blood clots) and a method of treatment.
antibiotic tablets
Anti-inflammatory and
Take anticoagulants (aspirin).
This indicates that the disease can be cured.
According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this purpose have already been published in Singapore.
China already knows this, but has never released its report.
Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can shake off the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacteria that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.
Source: Singapore Ministry of Health
Moved (must read)
*Forwarded as received*
looks like th ecovid narrative is actually a cover up for a release of weaponised spanish flue ,by guess who , yes mr sickle man himself F-Ouch-EE .
Can you please explain devolution? And what is being done to help all the healthcare workers from the shot mandates? We’re about to lose our jobs!
Lots of this makes no sense: 1. if the masks do not have a weave tight enough to block a virus, 2. if the ‘test’ was not developed from the actual virus, 3. if those who are ‘sick’ have no symptoms or maybe something akin to a pollen reaction (allergy) and a ‘positive’ result from a flawed ‘test’ is the sole determining evidence, 4. and the ‘cure’ is a rush job vaccine, not validated and with a poor track record… What is all this? Why ‘play the game’? Abbott has done some good things for us in Texas, but this current incident makes me wonder… well, I was taught to be polite, but it makes no sense.
Holy smoke holy smoke Patriots Day falls on the “17 of April in 2023” , now you can’t tell me thiers no symbolism in that date. Q always goes to Patriots day what you think x22….
Why Has Pres.Trump(Whom I support) Become the # VAX salesman and doesn’t answer About VAX Mandates I’m very worried about this! Keep up the good fight GB Nik
Why is TRUMP SOUNDING LIKE A BIG PHARMA REP? He know good and well that they are getting ready to force those vax’s on everyone. And he stood up on stage and not only lied about getting, because we KNOW HE DID NOT GET IT, and still pushed people to get the vax. How in the world can we trust him? There is no way to explain this away
One point that’s being missed is some of the people Biden is bringing here from Afghanistan might be CIA contributors, and bad people who want to see the demise of the United States. It’s strange that there is such a priority to get these Afghanis here before US citizens. Most likely some of these US citizens were loyal to the Trump Administration or people who worked and had a business relationship during the Trump presidency. Some are being left behind on purpose. This is my point. I see it. Do you see it?
What will happen with the pcp test coming out in December now that Bill Gates and George Soros bought a company to produce the tests?
I respect Mr Trump in many ways, But if anyone that is pushing the jab, is guilty of promoting and taking part in the crime of genocide. What is meant by (in ref to the jab) “If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know, okay.” Why didn’t you show the video clip when he said the following:
Donald Trump: (42:50)
Everything that we did, and then we developed a vaccine, three vaccines in three months, in nine months. And actually, I’ll tell you, it was three days less, three days less than nine months. And it’s great. And you know what? I believe totally in your freedoms, I do. But you got to do what you have to do, but I recommend, take the vaccines. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines, but you got… (The Crowd is Booing Him) No, that’s okay. That’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know, okay. I’ll call up Alabama and say, “Hey, you know what?” But it is working. But you do have your freedoms. You have to keep, you have to maintain that. You have to maintain that. And you got to get your kids back to school. And the mask issue is interesting because Fauci said, “Masks are bad,” and now he’s a radical masker.
You really need to clarify this Dave for your listeners and try not to ignore it by telling part of the story. Also you really need to show the people how the vaccine is killing people.
if ivermectin works, then steve jobs would have used it.
In a game of chess, “castle rock” is powerful move known well to only the most skilled players. Castling is an important goal in the opening, because it serves two valuable purposes: it often moves the king into a safer position away from the center of the board, and it moves the rook to a more active position in the center of the board. In the current political situation, the king (Trump) has been moved to a safer position while moving the castle (trusted military officers) to the center of the battle.
Warehouse sized hospital needed for covid patients so surgery can be a priority for emergency cancer caused by products sold to consumers. Wake Up! needed surgery and was put off due to full capacity with covid in hospitals