Ep 2561a – [CB]s Have Been Preparing While Distracting The People, Now It’s Time The People Prepare
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Biden economic approval rating is dropping like a rock. Trump and the patriot’s plan is working and the people understand that the economy is moving in the wrong direction. Trump has now pushed the [CB] in showing their hand and the people see it clearly. The [CB] have always been preparing for the great reset, now the people need to prepare.
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- ← Ep 2560b – If America Falls, The World Falls,It Had To Be Done Right,According To The Rule Of Law
- Ep 2561b – Defcon [1], US Government Relocated, Fire & Fury, OWL →
Aloha Dave,
Have you seen what coinbase is doing with your precious crypto and how everything is still in bankster control?!
Aloha oi,
when the people see we have lost everything and there is no way to save the country because its gone forever then they will believe they are slaves
When is enough enough and who decides when it’s enough? We’re being lied to from the ride saying we gotta tell you lies to wake you up how is that any fucking better than the left? You sit there and your Wellington upscale house And talk all your bullshit with no restrictions no lock down no masks. All you talk about is how bad things are gonna get you’re not talking about why the military’s fucking chicken shit to follow their oath And if trump’s in charge of the military ultimately hes at fault. Pissed off you’re damn right I’m pissed off if the military’s not gonna do anything get the fuck out of the way so that the patriots can fucking take care of this be it went through without violence. You come walk a mile in my fucking shoes. I can’t quit my job I need my medical because I am disabled. I don’t have the money to pack up everything I have and move back to Florida where I’m from. It’s awfully funny how you only talk about the bad stuff and how bad it’s gonna be you don’t talk about what’s gonna happen coming out of this you never mentioned Gesara and Nasara you never mention any of the good shit you just drive people into the fucking ground with your fucking negativity.