Ep 2566b – People Must Digest & Accept Factual Events, People Must Unite To Clean Out The [DS]
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The [DS] during Trump presidency projected everything they have done and will do onto Trump. Now the boomerang is come back at them, they are feeling the pain. The patriots need to show the people, it must be easy to digest and accept. This will unite the people. The people must be untied to remove the [DS]. The [DS] is now preparing for zero day, FB is now changing its algorithm so it filters out political news. More is on the way, sometimes the truth takes a while to show up, but once it does, nothing can stop it.
- ← Ep 2566a – The World Is Now Feeling Inflation, [CB] Panicking, Losing Narrative
- Say Their Names – Pelosi REFUSES To Acknowledge Dead Servicemen →
Hi Dave.
Look at the bottom of WEF’S homepage… look at their partners page!
It’s all of the Woke corporations. CRAZY,
Your statements and title sounds like the Deep State. when everyone is vaxxed we can move forward. When everyone knows about the Deep State agenda we can move forward. This stall is causing more lives than a Red Dawn which is going to happen anyway. Wake up Dave Robinson and give us reason for Trump’s continued Jab advice when public knows it is poison. We ‘all the Trump voters’ know CCP stole election and CCP and Deep State attacked USA with covid. The Stall is because “The Plan” is for the World not just USA and that is what is taking so long. 2 more years to achieve. Good Luck holding back real American Patriots for much longer.
Aloha Dave,
Twitter, facebook, google,ect…. Gods/goddesses or adl/slpc/Brookings institute???!!!
Aloha oi,
“I’m on my 5th jab. My arm doesn’t work and I can barely walk!”😆🤣😂🤣😄😁😝🐿 Great job!
Vaccines are making everyone sick. How do you make a fake virus (pandemic) real?
Inject people with it!
SHOW THE PUBLIC…. If there have been court cases…show them….if there are videos of child trafficking, molestation, adrenalcrome…SHOW THE PUBLIC. Move with the military and get rid of the DS and assholes like Trudeau….NOW
What is wrong with today’s video? Is big tech hacking your site? The video won’t play, it keeps “breaking up”.
Some one must get the dogs left behind in Kabul!
Thank you so much Dave, for calling what the msm call “news” PROPAGANDA. I have been on every social media telling everyone to stop saying MSM. They’re PROPAGANDISTS.
so thankful for all your hard work i have followed you from day one God bless and keep up the good work
Oh ok so it’s Facebooks fault that the Durham report will never see the light of day. It’s the people’s fault that they’re so stupid and not United enough (while we’re under constant psychological attack). So tired of hearing why – even though they “have it all” – it can’t be revealed to the people yet WHO ARE PAYING FOR ALL OF IT. Q’s plan seems to mean other people playing war games for world dominance on your dime, and neither side cares whether you live or die in the crossfire. Trump telling that dead Marine’s mom “if I were president your son would still be alive” – what the hell is that? If we weren’t busy playing a long drawn out cloak and dagger sting operation your son would still be alive but sorry… there’s a plan and your son wasn’t in it. And it’s insulting to be told we need to be patient. How many years has it been since Hilary’s private server which had classified information on it that would have had to be moved there by thumb drive from computers where doing that would land any other person on the face of the earth in jail? And Trump couldn’t find a way to do anything about that during his entire Presidency? How many decades since they killed Kennedy? This isn’t about wanting “instant gratification.” This has gone on for years and decades now. Enough is enough. If someone “has it all” but isn’t releasing that information to the PEOPLE WHO PAID FOR IT WITH THEIR MONEY AND THEIR LIVES then they have so much blood on their hands right now they’re as dirty as the cabal. Or maybe they’re actually part of the cabal and they’re just messing with you by claiming that they “have it all” but won’t share it with you. We need a new Wikileaks so people with information can report it to the PUBLIC because we know what happens when they try to report it to the FBI. And we need to be thinking about using our second amendment right and our other constitutional – lawful – rights to abolish the current government, as our forefathers intended for us to do in this kind of situation. As THEY had to do. That’s what we need to be doing. Not listening to Dave tell us everything is perfect and not waiting for the military to step in – they’re obviously not going to do that until after they get done playing Colombo or whatever the hell they’re doing.
Hi Dave, thanks for all your hard work I enjoy your channel very much.
I think I remember hearing something about members of the government not being allowed to have had smoked marijuana prior to getting in office. If that’s the case then camel toe Harris should recuse herself and step down as she has admitted to have smoking it in the past.
All I hear is ”wait” until the truth comes out……we have the truth and we have the proof, so WHY isn’t it released????? I think if the truth finally slapped the sleepers in the face ,they will have no choice but to wake up. Enough is enough !! People are dying !
A publication actually calls itself “Science Focus”? Well, close; yet it seems to be more about Science Fiction. By the by: almost all pharmaceuticals are made in china – their standard of ‘purity’ (for all things ingested) is simple, if it doesn’t kill straight out, it is okay (outside of their country they don’t care) – ‘be happy, love china’.
2nd A: the UN anti-rights treaty is waiting, and china wants us disarmed – pathways to compliance, and the ‘health’ angle seems to have traction…target the children… yes, they will kill as many of us as needed to get America to surrender (NC gov just vetoed a restoration of rights bill).
China: the ten million ton ball of slime.
Dave something that happened in Benghazi same thing happened in Afghanistan, rescinding orders to take out the terrorist resulting in 13 U.S. Marine’s deaths.
The American people have gotten way too used to being lied to. Many prefer it! Matrix anyone?
The lies are getting just too obvious.
Sensationalism sells news. If the #MSM can’t find something sensational, they CREATE news themselves.
On mandated gender correctness. Yes, a man can ‘identify’ as a woman and do whatever thereafter. BUT, a baby will NEVER be able to nurse from a man’s breasts. Science simply hasn’t gotten to the point that a biological man CAN give birth to a baby and then nurse that baby – and ONLY a new mom can provide critical colostrum (first milk), which gives the baby vital immunity-boosting compounds to fuel and support the baby’s first few days of life. Just saying…. Birth is a beautiful miracle, but sick people playing God is an atrocity!
Pelosi didn’t want our 13 great American heroes’ names read into the record to keep their names (and reason for them being there!) out of the (permanent?) Congressional Record.
I’m just glad the Patriots are on top of this!
Precipice is LONG overdue!!
Watch for FFs over Holiday. BE alert and stay safe.
I pulled up the CDC report about school mask mandates you referred to in yesterday’s report. I could not find the statement you read about masks being ineffective in elementary school children. It only seemed to enforce the narrative that masks should be worn by teachers and staff. I wanted to take the information you provided in your report to my Board of Education, but I can find nothing in the report about how masks do no good in children and children are not susceptible to COVID 19. Can you provide a copy of what you were reading that says this.
Thank you
I would like to know why people are not talking about the bigger picture than just the Trump election, of which I am a very staunch conservative that’s why I laid my life on the line for this country. I’m talking about all these Senate and congressional seats that were manipulated by the CCP and the communist a.k.a. Democrat party. Why isn’t anyone talking about that? This goes all the way to City Hall, as it is no different now than it was on Athens Tennessee 1946 . Go online and view it this is a true story communism has been going on that long and what it’s gonna take is what they did in Athens Tennessee, as evil fears no words!
???? They read the names of trouble makers on the floor .????
If “the patriots are in control,” why are soldiers in Afghanistan dead? Why didn’t they fire on the airport bomber? I’m getting very tired of waiting for Trump to get back in office. People AREN’T waking up. I know a LOT of idiot liberals who make excuses for Biden’s actions. A lot of the rest of us are getting extremely angry about having to continue to suffer with this liberal/kung-flu/woke crap, and we’re ready to take action. The only thing holding us back is the hopium that we keep getting from people like you. We keep hearing, “Trump will be back by June.” “Trump will be back by August.” “September is preparedness month.” We don’t know what to believe anymore. Personally, I’m starting to think there’s NOTHING to prepare FOR! WHEN IS SOMETHING GOING TO HAPPEN????
So millions of illegals are being let in to forever change the voting dynamic. These invaders WILL NEVER BE DEPORTED. The county’s money is being devalued to never return. Gas prices are smashing upwards and our energy independence is lost.Terrorists are being imported while our citizens are being left to the dogs of Afghanistan. THIS IS THE PLAN?! The people had to see this?! Shitty plan. NO WONDER NOTHING IS HAPPENING AND TRUMP LOST. You’re a liar, Dave. August is going to be hot! And nothing happened. Now its, “Red October”! And when nothing happens then either? I’m sure you’ll think of something. Blue December perhaps? Or maybe January because it’s one year since the Demented in Chief got away with stealing an election and Trump did absolutely NOTHING to thwart it. How long will nothing happen and you will continue to speculate which month another NOTHING will happen to sell your shitty VPNs and collagen that sucks? And stop reading Q posts as though they were written yesterday and have any bearing three years later. Nothing happened when Q wrote those posts back then and NOTHING IS HAPPENING NOW. Evil has won and you continue to profit from it. You are an evil dickhead.