Ep 2567b – 11 Of The Combatant Commanders Were Installed By The Patriots, We Are Here For A Reason
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The [Ds] is now preparing for the fallout. It has been announced that the forensic audits are now going to be released sometime in September. The fake news is already reporting that protests are being put together during the same time to protest against those in jail, it’s a trap. Trump and the patriots have installed 11 Combatant commanders , there is a reason we are here. We are now reaching the precipices, buckle up its going to get chaotic. We knew this day would come, patriots in control.
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I want to first thank you for being a digital warrior for truth. I’ve so enjoyed your broadcasts these many months.
My reason for commenting is the many references to Jordan Sather. Jordan’s credibility with many of his recent posts have come into question. The tone of his recent posts have been more black-pilled than red and his sewing divisiveness with other truthers. I’ve quit following him because his narrative has changed. Please reconsider referencing his materials.
You have a great platform and know you’ve awakened many sleepers. Your research and presentation will continue to enlighten anyone who has ears to hear. Thanks again for sharing your gifts with the online community.
I appreciate everything you are doing. Keep up the good work.
Great report.
I just noticed that 2187 you listed says:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cb7fb5 No.3046898
Sep 16 2018 13:13:12 (EST)
TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm ‘free-flow’ of direct comms.
Sept 16, 2021 is on a Thursday! May mean something, may be not.
The is a mistake to emphasize the combatant commanders. Biden/milley will simply replace them.
i WOULD LOVE TO HEAR A LITTLE GOOD NEWS. No matter where I go or who I listen to all I’m hearing is bad news and how bad it’s going to get. I’m a single retired woman and this is scaring the crap out of me. I can’t afford to purchase the patriot survival food. I hate this, not knowing what’s going to come next or what to do.
I don’t know what else to do to help. I share what info I get, I’m signing petitions and sending emails. I’m trying to get my neighbors to wake up. Yet all I hear is get off the sofa, do something. I’m so tired of all of this. I am not a soldier. I’m a single old person. I just want this hell to end!
Aloha Dave,
ReMember the revolution was a revolt not just against the English monarchy and the Hessian mercenaries; but also against sympathizers/cronies and we have been fighting the same evil entities since, haven’t we???!!! Aren’t they same things the civil war, the first and second wars, and the wars before/after them, it is the same history repeating with a few differences, all for control of the world/ideals/resources of earth???!!!
Aloha oi,
Border crossings are about destroying our country thru chaos and turmoil. Not for Voting numbers. So is helping the Afghans leave bringing them here. Criminals, Mexican Cartel and Taliban Terrorists are coming here to destroy us as a Free Country. Forcing ALL Countries into their One World Order Corporation Government.
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be aware ….
I’ve been censored putting out the truth on Instagram! Joe Biden does’t represent America! He is a criminal! He needs to be in prison in Guantánamo Bay Cuba in the heat every day of his life!!
Was the vaccine found for a virus or the virus was found for a vaccine?
Australia seem to not be making the progress claimed here. Social media now under gov control.
Hey Dave!
Re: 42:00
Does “Red October ” sound familiar??? Just sayin` !
Phew! It just gets more intense with every day. I love seeing the unity that is occurring around the world. We must continue to send out more love and prayers to those who are still spellbound.
It was nice to hear X22 mentioned and recommended by Juan O S in a conversation with David Nino Rodriguez the other day, nice! Blessings to ALL, keep faith!
look up question 3 in Maine. wtf!
I heard about the Sept 18 rally from the organizer. I understand your stance on it being a FF. But you have no proof. Telling people not to go without proof, pushes the enemies agenda. You are advocating our silence. That is what the enemy wants. The organizer states this the 4th protest and they have had no violence.
I’ve been listing to you for along time
Can’t remember when I found your site.
My husband 81 would be laying in bed at night say turn z on.nomatter how many times i told him honey its x. We stood in line and voted.
OCT 15 DIAGNOSED pancreatic cancer
Died nov15.
He wore Trump hat 5 years all the time going out telling people about Jesus and if you believed in him you would be free and have eternal life.he fought a good fight never gave up.Thats my tribute to a good and faithful man of 46 years of marriage and a patriot lover if Jesus.
Lawrence Yest
Janet Yest
Thank you
For your information
And dedication
Praying for you
Ive been listening to your reports for almost six months. Very good information which gets you to put pieces of whats going on together. I know were in hurricane season ,but i wonder if you might have any thoughts on hurricane Ida which appeared right after Bidens Afghan debacle. And the storm that hit New York and Connecticut weeks before around the time of Cuomo s scandal. Timed just right . HAARP/Dew ????
so dave, how is the military going to be in CONTROL of anything, when they are all sick and dyeing from the poison vaccine! LiKE SHEEP they are all lining up to get the “jab”! IT WOULD SEEN THAT THE CCP CONTROLS THE MILITARY! ! IF they can’t even avoid being FORCED to put a potential life threatening substance in their body, HOW IN THE HELL CAN they defend the people? THEY DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD, and the CCO tells them what to do! There will be no help from the military!
The governments messages never meant sense- all that is required is blind obedience. I know exactly what was done. What I want to know at this point- is how far is this going to be allowed to go before we are past the point of no return? If this election issues goes unanswered for much longer- it will no longer carry the same impact. People have become to expect the government to lie, cheat, and get away with it, well, because to this point- they have. It can be said that the people will rise up and wake up- (a large portion of the world is already aware of what happened) and while I don’t disagree this has value for enacting changes from local government on up over time- there will be no significant change if no one in a place of power enacts the changes to evict this illegitimate federal regime. This is the most important issue facing us now- all other issues stem from this central problem. Those occupying this multi-tiered – deeply imbedded infestation of parasites need to be dislodged in a very public way. That will be the true beginning of setting things right for the world. Without swift and decisive action- this struggle can- and will- drag on for quite a while- and we the people are victims of the fallout.
Thank you Dave I love your work and wish I could support your work because you are amazing! My income is so small I struggle every month to get by. Nevertheless I follow you and have since before the 2016 election and always impressed with your well investigated information presented to the public! I thank you from the bottom of my heart I trust your information and appreciate you so much! God Bless you I pray that you will be rewarded for you stand for our country and for your faithfulness to the Patriots. Your a wonderful person who is very humble and true to the work. Thanks Dave ❤️
The filing date on the Richard Rothschild patent for using pulse oximeters tied to mobile devices to detect COVID19 lung function symptoms was filed on 2020/05/17. Come on, let’s not be so lazy, it took 2 minutes to check on that claim. The “priority date” was, yes, backed up to 2015 as a patent legal matter, it had nothing to do with foreknowledge. Did Fauci know, basef on Jan. 2017 speech? Sure, his Jesuit handlers knew what was coming, but it had to wait until 2020 so they could dump Trump and get back to selling child sex slaves and shoving Agenda 21/30 up all our asses.