Ep 2572b – We Caught Them All, I Don’t Think They Will Get Away With It, Think Military
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The country is waking up, they realize [JB] was installed, he lies and he is a puppet of the [DS]. Everything he touches the opposite happens, it’s like he was setup to fail. The AZ forensic audit is about to be produced and Liz Harris revealed the canvassing numbers in AZ. The [DS] is now panicking. The [DS] was taken by surprise in 2016 and in 2020 the patriots not only surprised them but they caught it all. It is the largest sting operation the country has ever seen.
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This is the same issue as in the 1918 “Spanish Flu” that originated in Kansas.
People that were vaccinated were getting sick while those not vaccinated survived.
Aloha Dave,
Do you think your logic is flawed concerning the trust you give the same institution that is removed from natural immunities our bodies perform, when you promote any other unnatural vaccinations?!
Aloha oi,
I am replying as to possible person who may be involved in directing traffic in Biden’s Administration. I worked for FBI until Oct 2000, my husband retired as special agent in Dec. 2000 all before 9/11. I went from FBI to U.S. Attorneys in Portland, OR from which I retired in 2007 thank God before Obama took office. I researched all of Obama’s people most of whom are now in Biden Administration. The one name not mentioned however, is VALERIE JARRETT. If you will recall she was Obama’s senior advisor but is truly the person who got Obama into politics at all in Chicago. She was known as the Iron Lady and I saw her shown on TV that first term in Iran and then we got the Iran deal. She also was in the situation room with military the night of Benghazi since Hillary Clinton, Sec. of State and President Obama were no where to be found. I contend…just in my opinion that Valerie Jarrett was involved in every decision made by President Obama. She also supposedly ate with them every night in the White House and I now wonder if she even lived there…since she has lived with the Obama’s in their home in DC also. She is never far away it seems so perhaps she is under the radar once again and yet possibly making decisions for America once again. No one crossed this woman. Look how little is ever said about her. She is half Iranian also. If Jarrett is involved that means Obama is right there with her. Did she make any of the suggestions to not help our people and Ambassador in Benghazi. I find it very interesting that she keeps a very low profile in general but wonder if she had a lot to do with all the decisions made by Obama like 5 people traded for Berghdahl a traitor to his unit and even some died searching for him and he got off scot free. Perhaps someone can begin to follow Jarrett and her activities since no one even FOX never seems to care about her nor ever questioned her ability as a Senior Advisor which we all know is top person for a President. PLEASE DO NOT POST FOR OTHERS TO SEE this but just wanted to see if you might check her out. We are going to a Retired Agents Conference in Oct. in AZ and we want to know what is going on with the FBI since many of us have had no respect for Mueller and Comey and even Wray…and the Bureau is not the FBI I husband served for 30 years since Mueller and Comey and Wary are the Directors since 9/11 and Mueller took over for Louis Freeh who still had two years on his term but left early and he was also once an FBI Agent himself. I worked for him and proud of it.
We caught them all ?! You don’t think they will get away with it ?! Well if they e is some question about if they will get away with it or not then we haven’t caught jack shit !!!!! And unfortunately they are going to get away way with it because this whole Q and Trump bullshit was nothing but a ploy to keep the ones with the guns playcated untill it was to late guess what it’s about 2 seconds from being to late !!!!!!
We caught them all ?! You don’t think they will get away with it ?! Well if they e is some question about if they will get away with it or not then we haven’t caught jack shit !!!!! And unfortunately they are going to get away way with it because this whole Q and Trump bullshit was nothing but a ploy to keep the ones with the guns playcated untill it was to late guess what it’s about 2 seconds from being to late !!!!!!
Hay dumb ass it’s not the ice on the water that would be the problem if it was true it would be the ice on Greenland on Iceland on the antarctica land mass this doesn’t equate to ice floating in the water !!!
We caught them all ?! You don’t think they will get away with it ?! Well if there is some question about if they will get away with it or not then we haven’t caught jack sht !!!!! And unfortunately they are going to get away with it because this whole Q and Trump bullsht was nothing but a ploy to keep the ones with the guns playcated untill it was to late guess what it’s about 2 seconds from being to late !!!!!!
Dave, you are so dense, you are confounding Liz Harris and Liz Harrington. Harrington has nothing to do with AZ. Harris performed the canvasses there. And Flynn said there is no plan. Tell everyone to resist, resist, resist. All Patriots will have to become politicians.
Why risk hurting more conservatives with all this TRUST THE PLAN crap. You’ve been stringing us along for how many years? The only people hurting are the conservatives. Trump and the patriots have allowed the ds to inject dangerous chemicals into their bodies by fear or coercion. Cities have burned, businesses destroyed. Some countries are absolutly locked down. All this could have been avoided first term if the indictments were opened.
A VPN will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent Apple from “spying on yoyr phone or iCloud” contents. Their access is at a OPERATING SYSYEM ROOT DRIVER LEVEL. A “back door” if you prefer. This is BEFORE ANY PERMISSIONS, SETTINGS, SWITCHES are even loaded. This is a LINK LEVEL STACK. The Patriot Act MANDATED this “back door” for ANY AND ALL devices capable of Internet access to “covertly discover terror plots” as part of “3 letter agency, missions It is a intrimsic part of the firmware of ALL devices manufactured since. The routines are HARD CODED IN QUALCOM CHIPSET SILICON FOUNDRY MASKS WHEN THE COMMUNICATIONS CHIPS ARE MADE. I have 30+ years of embedded hardware and software design engineering under my belt dealing with this at a chip, bit and byte level DESIGNING these types of devices. You are FULL OF CRAP and rank high having graduated with honors from the Alex Jones school of flim-flam Jersey Boardwalk marketing.
Patriots, do not go to any rallies on 9/11. I know most of you are as pissed off as I am but stay home. DJ has nothing scheduled so don’t go.
Wishful thinking Dave. In the end nothing will happen to these scumbag POS. The only solution is REVOLUTION.
Beck’s Planes to take people out of Afghanistan held at least 100 Americans & THOUSANDS of Afghanis? Continuing the SAME Anti-U.S. BS of the State Department & the Buyed-in U.S. “government”.
well, i’ve been following you for a long time and waiting for any of your predictions to come true. hasn’t ever happened. so i won’t be holding my breath. i will believe it when it happens. i have never seen anyone in the deep state held accountable for anything they ever did.
The military is equally corrupt, this dims hope. so far the military has backed the Deep state.
In 2567B at 30:11, concerning infection fatality and survival rates, check the math, it is not correct. Example, 70+ age group with fatality rate of 0.054% equates to survival rate of 99.946%, not 94.6%.
Let’s get it right.
Is it possible that 911 can be blamed on conservatives? After all George W Bush was a Conservative. I mean conservatives are the enemy right now and making them look bad would bring some sort of black mark to the Audit.
So much rubbish on this web page. Please stop with the dope ads.
I am so frustrated by your PsyOp happy talk. Everyone sees the problem but NOTHING has been done, and won’t be. No one is coming to help, especially not our captured military, which had only 1 officer stand up for accountability. Your hopeum is hurting America, just like Biden, milley, Congress, scotus and the military.
You are the best.
Do you think that the upcoming recall election in CA is an opportunity for another sting?