Ep 2573b – Insurgency, Next Counterinsurgency, Corn Is Developed & Will Soon Be Harvested
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The [DS] is doing everything they can to make the people comply. The [DS] players are now pushing mandatory vaccinations. This is the same template other countries are following. The people must see it to believe it. The [DS] is panicking because the people are not complying with their demands, so now they are screaming to business and to the people you must do what we say or else. The patriots are in control, the corn is ready to harvested, get ready for the insurgency. The patriots have countermeasures in place its called the counterinsurgency.
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- ← Ep 2573a – [CB]/[JB] Losing Economic Narrative, Only One Option Left
- Clay Clark-The Medical Coverup Is Being Exposed,Class Action Lawsuits Is Not Just A Catch-Phrase →
You really need editors that know how to proofread and make corrections for missing words, correct syntax, spelling, and correct grammar. It would make it much easier to read.
I will NEVER get the vaccine. I just want to know where my husband and I are supposed to go when we lose our home because I get fired from my job. Somebody ask Trump and the patriots how are we going to survive when we lose everything waiting for the rest of the stupid idiots in this country, who don’t deserve to be here, to wake the hell up!!!!!!!!!
Nothing changes in your reports always the same just a different twist. Just talk talk
So a statue of Robert E Lee on his horse is not acceptable art, because some consider it racist, but a painting of a person holding a severed head is art fit for the White House, according to those same people? Explain that one please.
Elder was NOT attacked with “rocks” . . je was “egged”… FAKE NEWS… Can ANYTHING you say be trusted, NO !!!! In the words of Country and Western singer Shooter Jennings: ” Trust nuthin ‘cept the love in your mama’s eyes” … ‘Summer of Rage’ … You are FULL OF SHIT
Aloha Dave,
You keep saying that the polio vaccination prevents polio, have you not seen what gates vaccine has done to the people in africka?!
Aloha oi,
Dear Dave,
I am living in Germany. I would like to tell you something about COMIRNATY.
The Pfizer / Biontec vaccine has already this description in the European Union and it is under EUA Here is the link, but it is in German, but you can choose other languages except English ( the UK left the EU ) but I am sure you will find a way to translate it.
Site of the EMA ( european medicines agency), details about Pfizer/ Biontec COMIRNATY
Maybe it is a trick to get the authorization in the EU as well , because they “authorized” it in the US.
Dave, thank you so much for your work. It helps a lot.
Best regards from Germany
It is happening where you say it is getting confusing and it is making my head spin ,they are getting desperate .
I listen to X22every night. I love it. But, I got the dividend vaccine March 4 and the second April 1. No side effects. I am a NP who
I love X22 and listen to it every night. I have been a Family Nurse Practitioner from
1997. After catching the flu when I first started my career I get a flu shot every year (knock on wood) never got the flu again. I got the Covid vaccine (March 4, April1). No reaction I am tired of those that get the vaccine being vilified and told they drank the Kool aid. Just as I am sick of those that chose not to get the vaccine being treated like leper’s by the government. It is everyone’s choice. I never wear a mask and don’t require anyone else to do so. I am a Christian Conservative and hate what is happening in our country like removing Robert E Lee statue. Erasing our history. Government acting like dictators and people losing their jobs for not being vaccinated. God help us all.
That commie leftist little fuwk- Biden needs to be hung now for Treason !!! Make it Public so any other piece of chit tyrant that tries this crap thinks twice about tyranny !!
What buildings do you think the child raping jews will blow up on the anniversary of 9/11?
Those Israelis do love to dance
No mention of the Trump appointed generals being ousted by this regime? What’s up with that? What happens if they succeed?
HAPPY 207’th BIRTHDAY of our NATIONAL ANTHEM : The Star Spangled Banner : Battle of Baltimore September 12 to 15’th ……. Stars and Stripes Forever ! …..
What constructive purpose,…day after day, keep repeating the same line, about the treasonous,seditious, criminal,traders …??? Create stigma against,them to vote them out,…??? The people VOTED them out,…but they stole the election,…and they got away with it, and are getting away with it. This all happened AFTER, we were led to believe, that something was happening to stop all this BS,…as it turns out,…it was all BS also. Now we are hearing the same BS, that trump and the patriots are in control . If trump and the patriots are in control,…they need to stop the BS,…”SOON”.
Mandates are NOT LEGAL. Biden can suck eggs. Companies that are threathend by the Government need to resist and start to get going with legal action against these actions. These defy our Constitutional Rights, Period!!
Mandates are NOT LEGAL. Companies that are threathend by the Government need to resist and start to get going with legal action against these actions. These defy our Constitutional Rights, Period!!
somebody said this in the past :
When people are afraid of their Government = Dictatorship .
when guvmint is afraid of the PEOPLE = Real People Power
( is that Democracy ? ) ….. the essence of this video ……
I live in North Carolina I have noticed that they go from county to county and believe that there planting this covid stuff in different ones also this time i am seeing whole families coming down with it at the same time the lower counts in certain counties that have not taken the shots the bigger the covid cases are right now.
Excellent ideas. SOME of us have been ready a L-O-N-G time. MOST still HAVE NOT got it, based on what I hear around me. Or they have a tiny FRAGMENT. Re this post: your REPEATED statement, “read to be harvest” is clearly INcorrect. It’s NOT what’s WRITTEN on screen, and it’s plain wrong. Correct is EITHER: READY “for harvest” OR ready “TO BE HARVESTED”. To be harvestED. IT’S GOOD NEWS THOUGH! If America should fall, WE ALL GO DOWN. Look at Australia, NZ, Canada & UK – now pretty much models of what “GONE” looks like. Because their “citizens” & residents are only “subjects” of the Rulers. They are NOT FREE MEN & WOMEN. Not FREE Citizens. This is a centuries-long dirty little secret. MAGA!
X22 Report is great. Need X22 T shirts.
Well, Trump says we can not let them destroy us, so when is he and Q going to act? Q says the Military is the only way forward.
Are they going to sit by and let biden vax all the kids and babies?
You say that if they have to force people then they are not in control. BS. Tell the Chyna govt that.
These people are stupid, [they] are trying to hard to change the narrative, We won’t forget the Americans U left behind in Afghan or allowed to be murdered.
AND “NO” to your dam jab edict.
We know. KNOW deals…
We know U r bought
We know Ur son is a traitor
We know U r a traitor
We know there r at least 2 of U, which one is out today?
We know U r a puppet
We know U and Ur ilk r pushing violence against Patriots, it’s not new…
We will get violent if needs b
We know kamelt0 is an illegal, we ain’t having anymore of that either
So no we won’t take the jab
We know about the ‘narrative’ change U do
It ain’t working anymore
We won’t take much more pushing…
We know about the violence
We know who is pushing it
Bring it…
I could go on and on, but U get the idea
Trump supporters should NOT go to DC on Sept 18th. We all know it’s a setup.
The FDA has let us peek behind their ‘curtain’:
The available vaccines are still under the Emergency Use Authorization and cannot be mandated. The FDA did not approve the current available vaccine by Pfizer*. The approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not currently available.
* * [“the EUA will continue to cover the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID 19 Vaccine in individuals 16 years of age and older; this use is also now approved”.
https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/qa-comirnaty-covid-19-vaccine-mrna ]
I think I finally figured out what x22 stands for. Let me know if I am right.
Proverbs 10:22 The Lord Makes One Rich and adds no sorrow with it.
King Solomon,
Holy Bible
If you aren’t awake now you never will be awake…..It TIME!! Many of my friends have given up hope….that is a very bad thing.
Precipice? Gentleman in grocery store parking noticed I use a cane (from riding accident years ago) and he approached me and said he just lost nerves in legs after his 2nd vax shot, so now has to use cane, too. Now his MD is telling him to get 3rd shot. And he said….”These people are crazy! No way!!” Yes, regular folks ARE reaching the precipice!!
FDA Approval? Bait/Switch? I agree 100%!! The people are – yet again!! — being screwed by DS government! Let the lawsuits begin!! (The biggest things for me are the unknown long-term effects and removal of personal health choice!)
Today, Sept 10th, while getting my haircut in Texas, a stylist rushed out of the room very distraught. Found out that she has two sons in the military, one in the Navy the other Air-force. They were both deployed today to New Jersey of all places. The reason was there was a “credible” threat in the area. Tomorrow is 9/11. I wonder what the DS has planned?
What an Eval aussie WHITCH!!
Please report the truth without inflating numbers. The fine is $3000 not $14,000. I’m your biggest supporter but please be more accurate.
I’m sorry but I was fully in agreement with everything related to the fraud in the election, but since you’ve moved into the area of denigration to Australian methods of quarantining returning citizens from all over the world. THEY ARE TEMPORARY GET THAT!
I assume you don’t want to know the truth about Australia so good bye I’ll still be supporting the truth about elections but adding this garbage about countries you don’t know Jack about is pathetic.
Please send this video to all in your Country
I read a report, which stated, that Trump received $1million from “Pfizer” to promote the vaccine. So I’m wondering why all these politicians are rabid about us receiving this vaccine. Is it simply because they will receive more money, if they convince or coerce more people to receive the vaccine ? Or is it something more pernicious ? If the vaccine, is actually designed to injure/kill people, I believe, that the harmful substances will be contained in the booster shots. People will be lulled into complacency by the initial vaccines lack of ill effects and thus be more trusting/likely to accept the booster shots. Of course this is only a “conspiracy theory ” but I am amazed at how adamant are to push vaccinations. I believe, that these politicians don’t care about the welfare of the common people, so there must be some underlying reason, why they are pushing this on us, that benefits them . It is a very bizarre, dubious situation. Are they pushing for civil war to exterminate us, or are they trying to do it chemically ? Whatever the truth behind their behaviour, this is a very sad time for the world indeed.
Why is it, that we cannot read the comments of other posters ?
The Nuremburg trials did not take place until 50 million people died so you are telling people there is no hope. You need to start pushing how useless Congress is
The nuremburg trials did not take place until 50 million people died so you are telling everyone there is no hope. Yoou need to start pushing th fact that Congress and our justice system is useless.
Biden the Pedophile “I have been patient. You have not complied. So now I will force you”
That is why when he then starts to whisper, it creeps everyone out, because instinctively we know what he is … a predator …
I’ve heard you say, “We’re getting very very close” for months. You’re make me, and people, lose faith…
I’m holding out, but I had to give in, because I need to make a living so had to get vax. Not everyone can afford to just quit.