Ep 2575b – Big Lie Is About To Be Revealed,Military Conducting Background Checks,Sleepers Removed
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The patriots have the [DS] exactly where they want them, they know their next move it is all part of devolution. While the [DS] is planning their defensive events, the military has been conducting background checks to identify the sleepers. Those who have the ability to access classified information and are part of the swamp will be removed. The big lie is about to revealed and the [DS] is ready to block this information. Planned along time ago the patriots are ready to expose the [DS] to the world.
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- ← Ep 2575a – The [CB]/[JB] Economic Lie Is Being Exposed, People Are Seeing Through The Illusion
- Ivermectin Saved My Life, Libs Laugh At Conservative Covid Deaths, Remembering 9/11 →
2575b Pie Symbol
The Passover blood door post as described in Exodus 12, the blood was marked on both sides of the doorway and one on top makes up the symbol Pi (π)! Passover is obviously the time of the slain lamb that represents the sacrifice of Jesus who died in our place to be redeemed. This is saying that during the time of Passover, it will be linked to Pi and our time of redemption. The First Passover was already passed back in April and so as the Second Passover in May. The Passover marks the time of Exodus, representing the Great Exodus that is coming very soon as the Grand Catching Away of the Bride of Christ. In the Merged Clock, during the time of July will be Tammuz (Jewish April), and this will be flipped back a quadrant to April again.
Lilah Tov
Thanks again Dave for all your hard work. Just got to keep letting you know that we appreciate it.
Sometimes You Must Walk Through The Darkness Before You See The Light.
If you didn’t catch that.
Good work Dave ,thank you
At 31 minutes and 21 seconds on Today’s Episode (2575b) starts the video of Hillary on camera. Please take a close look at this and look at Hillary’s throat area and see the line that goes all around her neck. I don’t know about you, but this looks like a mask. Go back I think last to last week and Hillary and Bill walking on the beach, this woman in today’s video versus what Hillary looked like on the beach, not the same person.
Well! I lived through both bushes! Back then I was young and naive now I look at them and I feel sick to my stomach it’s amazing how clear it all is now you can only imagine what old George has got going on in this mind .SAD.
what is your end game here . is your need to be right so strong that you would make up this elaborate story of what is happening. so you dont have to ommit you have been taking in like the rest of us. or do you have FACTS to back this up.
Food for thought! Why don’t we just build a grand gallows in the public square in front of the capitol building. Build it with ten or more ropes and trap doors. Maybe 13 is a better number. Let the people know how to deal with treason. Put the fear of God in the hearts of the treasonous crooked politicians. See how long it takes for them to sing out who is doing what. Watch them turn on each other. It’s time for the military to step in before some other nation starts lobbing missiles at us. The rest of the world will look at us differently if they see how a true free nation deals with traitors.
Many Patriots and Trump supporters are beginning to lose hope. A Patriot friend of mine told me he no longer believe’s that Trump is coming back and that we will get our freedoms back. We are no longer talking to each other. He no longer believes me when I share information I have learned. Patriots are giving up hope because this has been dragging on so long. We are told the Arizona Audit is complete yet we are not being told the results. We have been told several times that the military has the true election numbers yet they are not telling the American people. I talked to a dear friend of mine on the phone yesterday who is battling with depression over all this bs. She was thinking all hope was lost until I shared information I had learned. She was encouraged after I shared with her. There are times when even I get discouraged, depressed and wonder if I am the fool for believing that Trump will return and Make America Great again. All while biden continues to try to force people to get vaccinated or lose their job. Career military personnel are giving up their military retirement and leaving the military because they don’t want to be forced to get vaccinated. Nurses are quitting their jobs for the same reason. This bs needs to stop NOW! My brother who lives in Lewiston, Idaho told me yesterday that biden was going to force people in Lewiston, Idaho to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. This is bs. The fake illegitimate, illegal biden needs to be removed NOW! I am sick and tired of all this corruption being allowed to continue waiting for the brain dead, stupid Americans to wake up. I have stopped even trying to educate and wake up my liberal brain dead neighbors. They don’t believe me and they don’t want me talking to them about it anymore. My brother told me a former Navy Seal said he was afraid for Americans if Marshall Law was declared which caused my brother great concern. I told my brother that when and if Marshall Law was declared that the military would be going after the bad people, not the good Patriot Americans. This bs has gone on long enough. Trump needs to come out of the shadows and let the American people know he is our true legal President. Biden and harris need to be removed immediately. The military can continue to protect President Trump from being assassinated. We are trying to recall gavin newsome out in California and the democrats are cheating again during this recall election. Wild fires are being started on purpose in California and thousands of people are losing their homes. During all of this bs Americans are being told that Trump and the military are allowing all of this to continue to wake up the stupid people. If this shit isn’t stopped, good Patriot Americans are going to take matters in their own hands and start killing Americans. The waiting game bs needs to stop NOW! Trump said he didn’t want Americans killing Americans. Then he and the military need to stop all this bs and take our country back NOW! NOT Later. Or there will be a civil war. The people are fed up with this bs.
We have been hearing that “the cavalry” is coming to save us for too long now.
If they are coming, they are running out of time and we are running out of patience sitting around waiting.
Put your $$ where your mouth is, or shut up and GET OUT OF THE WAY.
MSM broadcasts 9/11 speeches by George Busch, Jr. and Hillary Rotten Clinton in 2021! Amazing!
This is a particularly good one, Dave. Thank you.
I was ready for the MOAB years ago. My patience is gone. When do we act instead of talk?!
Its taking too long. I’m fearful of us not surviving this! As you say the deep state is not just sitting back and taking it. Once it’s all said and done, will there be any of us left to save?
I’m watching the “questioning” of Antony Blinken regarding the debacle in Afghanistan, or that’s what it’s supposed to be about, and wondering, as I do every time I watch these hearings, if the Democrats every do their jobs at all. Instead of questioning, they seem to always use this “air time” to campaign. I am reminded of the last time I watched them and heard over and over, “this is my time”, when they were supposedly questioning a republican. They didn’t want answers. They wanted “air time”. What a joke these people are.
Hi Dave
Love the show!! We need this to happen soon. I hope we don’t have to wait until all states are audited. How will Trump get our country back on track? We need change soon before America is destroyed! Keep up the good work!
When the truth finally comes out, there will be hours and hours of footage of the lies (now that the truth would be out) that is going to show how foolish and corrupt the deep state players really were. It will actually be laughable watching it.
Bob Farrell
I have heard in the past that terrorist George Soros was arrested. He has been evil since he was a 14 year old boy working with Hitler in Germany. He has been causing trouble in countries all around the world. He supposedly has or had a house in New York. It was said that soros was a high satanist priest in new york. This sick evil bastard should have been one of the first satanists the military should have arrested and executed. Yesterday someone said soros donated 50 million dollars towards the support of gavin newsome during our recall efforts. What in the hell is really going on? Am I the stupid one? Truth is being withheld from the Patriots. Misinformation is being told to Patriots. I don’t know what the hell is truly going on or what to believe anymore.
the truth shall prevail and God is in full control AMEN!
Fascinating the date of April 24/19 as that coincides with an important date in the other calendar. Love it… So frickin clever. What a time! Thanks Dave for all you do, blessings to you.
Hasn’t been the military been infiltrated too? Look at General Milley. He’s not a traitor. How many more are there? How can the military do anything for Trump under the Biden administration?
I’m confused.
Typo error in my previous post. General Milley IS a traitor.
I like and listen to your daily commentary. One part makes me cringe a bit and that’s when you call current situation an “information war.” I beg to differ in that thousands of people have already died in this war from the Covid biological weapon and the poisonous vaccine. Thousands of people dying is much more than in information war.
That is not Hillary Clinton. It is a body double or a clone or a robot. I have a picture of her from a few years ago when she was 74, and she has wrinkles all around her mouth and eyes. Plastic surgery does not get rid of wrinkles. That is a fake Hillary. I will be happy to send you the picture I saved.
President Trump does not support the Air Force. The entire “FLIGHT PROGRAM” is nothing but FEMALE STALKERS spending all their time in the air looking and chasing women on the ground that they make sure they get a GOOD LOOK at and evaluate them to make COMPLETELY SURE THESE WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH with a GREAT BODY for them to “go to ground” and have sex with!! The Air Force is now under law suits from many of these women, some have illegitimate children from these pilots since 95% of the pilots are married. Check it out on CBS48hours. I have been a subject of this Stalking since 2014 and have moved 4 times to get away from them since the Commander of the base here did nothing about any of it after repeated emails to him personally and to Washington, National IG for the Country, and Air Force. The American People have been paying these pilot’s wages and for their planes AND equipment the entire time since the Drone program started in 2014 to be used to stalk women. Drone Handlers are the bottom feeders of the Air Force Flight program and the Jet Pilot Pimps. They leave the control stations and come to stores, restaurants, parks, etc to pick the women up. I know this as I cannot count the number of times this has happened to me. I moved to this very small town out of the big city and I STILL have been followed walking, hiking, swimming in our community pool, sunning on my balcony, restaurants eating, etc. etc. etc. This HAS TO STOP…OUR AIR FORCE IS A DISGRACE TO THIS COUNTRY AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE…ANYONE THAT HAS EXPERIENCED THIS OR KNOWS SOMEONE SHOULD URGE THEM TO SPEAK UP (CBS is listening) AND MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!