Ep 2583a – The WEF/[CB] Plan Fails Before It Can Be Implemented, No Cover Story
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The [CB]/Ds are still trying to push the UBI, this will fail, the people do not want to be controlled. The US does not have a labor shortage, what happens when you bring more people into the country. FedEx & UPS are raising prices, it has begun. The house votes to fund the Gov until Dec, Trump put out a statement and tells the Rep to use the debt ceiling has leverage. The [CB] is building the narrative of supply chain issues. The WEF makes its move with a carbon based credit card, this has failed before it even gets started, the people will reject this just like the vaccine mandates.
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- Ep 2583b – [Swamp] Fighting Back To Weather The Storm,We Are At The Precipice,Patriots Are Ready →
Ok if you fly more than once a week you lose all your credits an can’t get anything. If your home is more than 3300sq. feet an use electricity you lose all credits, an your cars are the big gas guzzlers you lose your credits, no food for you. Lol lol let’s see how they like our recommendations for those at the TOP, plus let’s tax the hell out of them since they tax the hell out of us , let’s see how long they want to play this game with us we have ideas too just like they have for us lol lol
Just received an ad in the mail where there’s a convention to buy gold and silver coins, flatware, clocks, watches as well as pre 1980 coins. I think they’re trying to confiscate physical currency and gold and silver out of the hands of the people.