Ep 2585a – The Patriot Economic Pieces Are Being Moved Into Place
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The US economic growth is now slowing, inflation is coming. China has not declared that Bitcoin will be illegal in China. Trump and the patriots are not putting all the pieces together for the next administration. Trump is going to change the economic landscape.
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Your BLURB here is a TRAVESTY! 1. China has not [?] declared that Bitcoin will be illegal in China.
Funny – my Yahoo news reports that Bitcoin HAS been made illegal in China.
2. Trump and the patriots are not [?] putting all the pieces together for the next administration.
OK – what do you suggest they ARE doing?
3. The entire [DS] plan is falling a part… Well, perhaps it’s falling “apart” [one word].
Of course it’s almost certainly a typo, and the writer intends, “now” in both 1 & 2.
The Arizona Audit is ‘a part’ of the white-hats’ plan. (You’d think that the Senate could make sure its display system – PowerPoint or whatever – is fully functioning. They had months to do that.
Glad something’s getting done. All we (mostly) can do is cheer from the sidelines.
I came upon site on the Internet that has you talking but is a fake website! Just for your info the name of the site on YouTube is DIY CRAFT IDEAS. Just a heads up!