Ep 2586a – The [CB] Can Only Go In One Direction, The Path The Patriots Created
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The economy is degrading fast, the [CB] are trapped and have no way out of this. They are pushing their plan as quickly as they can, the people are watching it all unfold. At each phase of the [CB] economic plan people see the truth.
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- Ep 2586b – This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, This About Exposing & Destroying The [DS] System →
Nice and very informative video. However, you really should not disrupt a 12 minute video with that STUPID advertisement for stale food, since you already mentioned it in the beginning of same. Also on Sundays – just do a one episode video covering both 2586 A & B instead, and this way you can save yourself a tremendous amount of work in the process – OK ??? Also don’t you think that Trump was screwed by the same one percenters that he gave his so-called TAX CUTS to back in 2017, and that how they thanked him by supporting Buyden in 2020 instead ??? Trump should have been more concerned and be more of a compassionate nice guy instead of an arrogant and ignorant SOB type guy back in 2020 ??? This is also what contributed to his defeat as well. You can send me a response to same as well, since Trump also PROCRASTINATED a lot between 2018 and 2020 as well.
Four interruptions where I had to go back into the x22report.com site. Anyone else having this problem?
Anyone having the issue of interruptions in Dave’s comments. When I click to restart I get an error.