Ep 2586b – This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, This About Exposing & Destroying The [DS] System
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Parts of AZ forensic audit were released, it showed fraud and the coverup. Dominion was put in the spotlight showing that their system are not secure, and they are connected to the internet. On top this those who were handling the election went into the system and deleted data. The AZ audit is not yet finished, there additional reports that are going to be released. This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing the [DS] system and destroying it and returning the control of the elections and this country back to the people. The [DS] will fight back, those who covered up the fraud will most likely lie, when all else fails, the military will be the only way forward.
We have been told here for months here how Trump and the military have it all and now it’s they have some of it. This all to wake people up is a crock and those who will wake have been awake and have been for a long time. I think Trump is dragging this out for his satisfaction watching the swamp hurt for what they put him through. How damn long does America have to suffer over this BS? I really think Trump is losing a lot of supporters by dragging this out. The people are sick of it Dave
Sure dave, we need to expose and destroy the deep state, but by the time we do they will have already taken over every aspect of government. They will PURGE the military of anyone that is is even remotely loyal to the people. They well allow the Chinese military to occupy our cities, and there will be marshal law. By then they have their gulags fully operational and anyone even close to moderate will be sent there to die! At the rate we are going, by the time we ‘expose’ them America will be full blown Communist, there will be NO CONSTITUTION, NO COURTS NO RIGHT TO VOTE! At that point there will be nothing we can do! They will try to get the guns next, millions will dies in weeks and our country will be through for good! Simply put we do NOT have the luxury of “doing it by the book, by Constitution”! They Constitution has already been trashed. We are now just sitting back waiting for the end!
That was intense, Dave! The enthusiasm in your voice is infectious. The Light is shining a bit brighter now.
Everyone, keep praying. I believe it’s working.
Have you ever listened to Dr. David Martin?
alot of “we the people” cant understand, pretty soon wont understand.
Trump/mi has ALL of it already.
Trump/mi knows the dumb-o-crats/ds/others did TREASON, it should be over, no “fighting” back.
Trump/mi knows what countries interfered with votes.
Trump/mi knows about covid, who did it, who paid money into it and why.
Trump/mi knows MANY “other” things too…. really ALL things.
dont compare it to a war with Japan or a flash of light or a date, nobody said tomorrow.
is Trump lying to “we the people” about what info. he has??? is he still trying to get the full story???
“we the people” can only yell and protest…sometimes… dont want to cause TO much trouble.
but “we the people” can only hold back so long.
i feel there will be a civil war of some sort soon. is that what Trump/mi waiting for???
Hey Dave, the deep state is also known as the “Harlot system”….The Beast destroys the Harlot system and creates the Beast system…
You may have to speak louder Dave, its hard to hear with ones head up ones ass!
I’m glad to see progress beginning to snowball. This has been a roller coaster and once on, we’re on for the whole ride. I don’t know how Trump stands up to this constant pressure, I know I would have folded like a lawn chair real quick. Those people in the establishment should be held accountable for every bit of this mess since 2001. That’s impossible of coarse. But maybe we can change coarse as a United nation beginning with a good house cleaning. Return to God. Return to Church. Return to family and work. There are no laws against those things.
“the individual” ~jackass writing.
Hi there,
Just wanted to say; thank you. I love your reports. Appreciate all you do and thankful I found you. I really enjoy hearing your reports you put together everyday. Thank you!
In reading comments on social media, it appears few people now believe that the military will take action and even fewer believe the military or Trump are in contro!.
Some even think Q is a psyop to keep people from taking action, which is silly since Q never posted anything to tell people to do nothing and wait to be rescued! Q never said that but people think that was what Q was about! Probably most have never readany of the Q drops. They just heard a few catch phrases from anons.
Also there seem to be a growing number of people who blame Trump
for Biden being installed, even though Congress is to blame instead because they certified the election for Biden. At tge same time Trump’s life was in danger because ofthe phony insurrection charges and impeachment hoax against him. They would have executed him. Trump was obviously in tears when he boarded the plane at Andrews to fly home to FLA Jan 20. I do not see that he ad a choice, but I do believe the military should have stepped in before Jan 20.
Biden and the Dems in Congress are doing too much harm to iur nation. He should never have been installed and the GA senate races should have been overturned.
Hey Dave, l really enjoy listening and getting updates, but can you please stop saying, “it’s only just begun.”
I’ve lost job for declining jab in Feb. Had to wait 5 months before getting first payment, went homeless, lost family, car w everything I own, been targeted by police, kicked in the face and put in jail
All for standing up for my beliefs and values. I am a digital Soldier still holding the line. But I really feel like it is way past the start of this clusterfuck. From Hell, CA
Thanks again Dave; I never miss your back to back shows and manage to catch you spotlight shows on occasion; good guests!
This legislation about nabbing veteran’s weapons made me think back to Trump saying”watch what they do with the 2nd Amendment.” Could this be what he was talking about? Each branch has different weapons and I don’t have a ship, etc. but I see their panic. Still, many civilians are more equipped than ever before. I pray this vote fraud domino’s fast and Space Force remains untouched while Trump’s troops start working soon; me living in a disgusting blue state.
Well, well! The gang’s all here again, and out in public – sorta. Meaning H. Clinton & Huma. Maybe even a Podesta or two. Talk about watching a movie…the reel deal. I heard the proposed title could be “Night of the Living Dead,” or “Deja vu all over again”. Wonder why this is getting screen time now.
I love you Dave, I really do! Your a TRUE and Honorable Patriot however, I am convinced that WE THE PEOPLE are being lured to our ultimate DEATH by our DIGITAL leaders who although may be very well meaning, may also be very very WRONG in their understanding and keeping us from RISING UP!
While WE SIT this one OUT, THESE MONSTERS are ALIVE AND WELL and are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY AND WORLD and they’re PLATFORM is gigantic and growing ever stronger while WE on the other hand are losing ground! TRUMP has been PUSHING the VAX’s and the RED FLAG gun GRAB! Now, look, the MILITARY will no longer be able to retain guns…At WHAT point, will YOU and others LIKE you finally CALL to ARMS those of US left who are STILL breathing???
WILL THEIR BE ANYONE STILL BREATHING BY THE TIME TRUMP HAS LEAD US DOWN THE PATH OF NO RESISTANCE??? I don’t want blood and gutz but HELL, THEY are taking us OUT!!! WE ARE DYING one by one right now, our CHILDREN are DYING, our FRIENDS are literally DYING, Please don’t tell me to just SIT THIS ONE OUT and WAIT ok….They are voting to TAKE our GUNS! 135 Republicans?
THIS IS FK’N BULL SHIT!!!! AND THE SATANIC criminals ie…CHINA, CONGRESS, PRESIDENTS, FBI, HIGH COURTS, MILITARY, GOVERNORS, MAYORS,COUNTY SEATS, HOSPITALS, FAUCI, BILL GATES, SOROS, CORPORATE AMERICA, THE CHURCH….AND OH YEAH….THE FREAK’N MEDIA, INCLUDING FOX are in CONTROL!!! WE THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY AND RIGHTLY SO!!! Please tell me you won’t be saying the same thing you’ve been saying now this time NEXT Year?!!! WE have GUNS for a REASON and the Govt should not be able to put ANY restrictions on THEM!!!! NONE!!!
Thank you for you Dedicated Honorable Service to the people of this WORLD, don’t know what we would have done without you!
Danita Rhea
“Does the fraud have to be presented to US, the People?” YES, it does!
“We the People” is in grammatical SUBJECT form. “To US” is the needed OBJECT form. Millions of children – and adults – get BOMBARDED daily with the WRONG structure in the WRONG place. Once is cute. (Pseudo quotational.) More’s a BAD HABIT.
The MESSAGE IS GOOD, and CLEAR. And (fortunately) it bears repeating. Let’s do it in good English.
(~47:25) “And how COVID is a control scheme, how they’re using it to control US, the PEOPLE.”
Just tried to open up x22 report on rumble.com and it gave me an error 404 not found, tried awk also, same thing…..is this a glitch or start of the blackout??
Dear Dave, thanks for all you do to try to keep so many informed. So please take this in the right way as being a small piece of advice: please stick with what you know … and you obviously know a lot. We all have areas of ignorance or things about which we are not informed but think we are. That’s all too common. In this case, it’s about the Japanese and the bombs dropped “to end the war.” The huge majority of the Japanese people were ready to surrender 6 MONTHS before “the bombs” were dropped. There were likely some in the “war club” (eg, those behind and supporting the Tanaka Memorial) that didn’t want the war to end, but that was a small element. Before making allusions to “facts” that are really “false narratives,” you really need to go study, and NOT what was put out by the MSM in not only journals but books (oh yes, the MSM / the control of the press was operational even back then! … probably always has been in one way or another throughout history), but what REALLY happened, who it was that wanted Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed and why (for one, to test out their new “baby!!”…imagine!!). Truman wasn’t the “straight-shooter,” the “good man” so many believe or want to believe he was. He was first and foremost a politician. It was a horrendous crime against hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Other than that, please keep up your amazing work.
Hi — for me, the audio won’t play. It does work on the X22 Report Spotlight Audio.
I have the volume bar all the way up…advice?
Hi — for me, the audio won’t play. It does work on the X22 Report Spotlight Audio.
I have the volume bar all the way up…advice?
I do enjoy listening to the x22report. I must say, we’ve been hearing about the deep state for so long and Q drops left and right. They saying goes, Action speaks louder than words. Don’t you think we know the entire democratic party politicians in DC and some Rhinos have sold there souls to the devil and sold us out. It’s time for action and very little words.
The New World Order control EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE
! 135 house Republicans voted
for red flag laws ! FREEDOM is gone , here there EVERYWHERE. We are on the fumes of the illustrations of freedom! They no longer need care what the people think or want
Japan tried to surrender before the bombs were dropped. But the same people were in charge in America then that are now. The cities they targeted were Christian strong holds. Then they did the same thing to the people in Waco.
We already know how they stole the election. The problem resides in the fact if we all said, it there are still too many asleep at the wheel not paying attention. Simply living out their lives oblivious to their freedoms being erased.
The one that was pushed off the wall was carried away on a section of barrier fence not a stretcher.