Ep 2589b – Think Enemy Combatants,Operators Are Standing By, Double Meanings Exist

10 thoughts on “Ep 2589b – Think Enemy Combatants,Operators Are Standing By, Double Meanings Exist

  • September 29, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    Can we believe that the ”new” COVID test will work any better than the last COVID test that didn’t work?

  • September 29, 2021 at 10:31 pm

    biden is in Atlanta Ga. on tyler perry,s movie studio he owns perry has an 1/3 scale of the white house
    there and this where the biden admin has been Faking the oval office video,s and press conferences. biden is Not in the DC White House it is Empty.

  • September 29, 2021 at 11:11 pm

    Hi there I just wanted to say I love listening to the x22 report I look forward to it everyday you’re awesome I’m in New Zealand I’m trying to spread the word it’s slowly working here there are a lot of people waking up but we need more anyway have a good day 👍p.s sorry about my email address I’m not a bad person was a mistake by my daughter

  • September 29, 2021 at 11:12 pm

    If they are objecting to everything Biden is saying and doing then WHY THE HELL IS HE STILL IN OFFICE!!!!!! ISN’T THIS ENOUGH!!!! WATCHING WHERE – EVERYTHING IS BEING SUPPRESSED – WHERE AND HOW – I ASK AGAIN!!!!!! WHAT GOOD IS THAT IF THEY WILL STILL CHEAT UNLESS THIS ENTIRE THING GETS RESOLVED BY END OF YEAR – INCLUDING THIS COVID CRAP!!!!!! It started here in New York City today. There was a short power outage with cable in my neighborhood!!!! AND THEY ARE MAKING IT HELL FOR ALL OF US – WAITING TO SEE THE PROSECUTIONS!!!!!

  • September 29, 2021 at 11:44 pm

    Let us not forget that when Devolution comes to bear and we have identified and proven that the current administration is illegitimate, then this also negates EVERY bill passed by this Congress in 2021 (or longer), since they did not have proper authority to enact it.

    Not only Biden’s Executive Orders, but every Law that was passed by Congress and signed by Biden is now NULL & VOID. Yes, there is little do be done about any funds that have already been released, but the Treasury of the US for any further funding, distribution, or approval will no longer be legal!!
    Hopefully this will happen sooner than later – the citizens of this country deserve nothing less!

  • September 29, 2021 at 11:52 pm

    Again they are spreading the virus with illegals all over the country to KEEP IT GOING! So they can shut the country down.

  • September 29, 2021 at 11:53 pm

    Did you see the Congressional hearing , esp. Rep Matt Gaetz, grilling the three military stooge, supposed leaders?

    Also, have you seen the military whistleblower Lt. Col., Physician…saying pilots and air crews that were vaccinated should be grounded due to heart (myocarditis) issues while in flight?! amazing, she’ll probably be thrown in the Brig like Marine Lt. Col. Scheller was.

  • September 30, 2021 at 3:02 am

    Why do you discourage re-upload, or “fake x22report channels” on Youtube? Is it not more of a help for you to spread your message if thousands of fake x22reports popped up on the controlled media channels? I have been cancelled years ago, but am grateful to people who have copied and re-uploaded my content. Even your advertisers should be happy for any help in spreading your videos.

  • September 30, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    Hello Dave that fake picture of biden if you look at it that is EVIDENCE he is NOT IN THE WHITE HOUSE

  • September 30, 2021 at 2:28 pm

    Not sure if you’ll get this message or not but on Duckduckgo –> Bitchute –> Search –> X22 Reports –> Newest Videos — does not show the latest released videos. Search results shows videos released two weeks ago and older. It’s been happening now for three days that I know of. Hope this helps. Thank you for the excellent job you do.


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