Ep 2597b – Trump Never Conceded, Space Force Going To Be Very Important, Caught Them All
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[JB] begins to push back on Crypto. The [DS] is panicking, they cannot tell which direction is moving in. They are now trying to get him on the Jan 6th fake insurrection. Trump laid out the plan during is rally, the people are now behind him. The space force was created under Trump and at his rally the space force is going to be very important. This is not about the election, this is about taking back the country and destroying the [DS] and the system. Everything is building and the [DS] is feeling the pain, the people are fighting back because they lost control of the narrative.
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- ← Ep 2597a – The Patriots Are Now Pushing The [CB] Out Into The Open
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That’s why they want to get rid of Space Force!
Dave I have brain tumor hospital turn me away because I won’t participate in COVID bs they sign my death warrant and have no problem with it and no one cares the way I see it everywhere is corrupt city county state and federal I’m in Nd no lawyers will stand up and take on this injustice I’m one of the cursed that is getting screwed at every front now if they have evidence what the hell they waiting for?? More being done for illegals than citizens more being done for able body citizens to lazy to work and would take hand outs while those who need the benefits they worked and payed into are denied and nobody cares and the people do nothing even though they see it all and they’re excepting it so Dave I kinda think you are wasting your breath every day because no one is listening??? No one is going to fight for are rights
I got put in FakeBook jail for 30 days again, for posting the Project Veritas video.
“they cannot tell which direction is moving in.”
“Trump laid out the plan during is rally”
“the people are fighting back because they lost control of the narrative.”
Writer & publisher need another 10 minutes on this. Your work is supportive & very valuable, Patriots, and I thank you for it, but this script is really not ok.
“Everything that the Democrats becomes crap” That is called the reverse Midas touch – “Everything they touch turns brown.”
Despite the urgings of Trumpeteers, Laws, and simple decency, politicians, esp. office holders will, by the end of October, accomplish Sweet Fanny Adams. That’s my prediction. I’d be glad to be proven wrong. Instead of doing their jobs, and upholding their lawful public Trusts – becoming heroes in the process – incumbents will face lawsuits, losses &/or other, severe penalties. We, the people, have the hard job of WAITING for all this to play out. Some of us can do more, and act, some of us can’t. “Waiting is.” MAGA!
I am wondering about all the military all of the sudden doing all these training excersizes. I seen the report of the military training was part of the reason for a lot of the flight cancellations in Florida. I live in a rural part of Washington state and we have Air Force Navy and Marine corps training flights daily. I’m wondering if this is something to do with the patriots controlling the military and if thing are getting ready to begin. I sincerely hope they and I support the Patriots 100% from an old patriot and US Army Vet.
I don’t know why I don’t see emails from you anymore, Is it because I watch at 5:45 am and you know I watched the episode?
Unfortunately a lot of people are not learning the truth because they’re the ones listening to CNN all day. I know because I work with a bunch of them. I mentioned Faucis emails that were released and one looked at me like I had two heads. They don’t have a clue. The ones who need to hear this are too engrossed in msm. If they do hear anything different, they don’t believe it because msm has brainwashed them into believing that the right are the conspiracy theorists.
”We caught them all” but….they are still wreaking havoc and destroying our country, our lives and causing sickness and death. It is time to bring out the evidence of these evil people’s crimes , expose them and have them face the consequences of ALL their dirty deeds. We need to see this happening. ……It is ”time for everything to come out”!
Greetings friends! I have only one question? Why doesn’t Trump save our children from the bio weapon jab? If Trump keeps promoting the vaccines it must reflect back to the patriot military control base who is the power behind Trump, right! By the time the vaccines are stopped it will be to late for the majority of Americans whose health has been permanently compromised. If this isn’t explained and stopped very soon the illnesses and deaths of many Americans will be on the Trump and the patriots hands because they waited to long to act! Please explain this vaccination support by Trump!
Thank You! I fear for the Children! Help them before they get the jab!
Michael Jacob
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually a covert government with far more power than any other agency in this country. Did you know FEMA can seize people, detain them without a warrant, deny them phone calls to lawyers or loved ones, take their home, food and vehicles, with no trial or judges even involved at all? FEMA can temporarily freeze the Constitution.
This isn’t the first time I’ve read this. And looking it up in the Internet seems to bear this out.
We don’t need to change the election laws , We need to enforce them.
I would like to send you free a book “Government by Consent” for a potential interview. The book is 900 pages and the product of 12 years of research. People do not know how to have “Government by Consent!” Please email me your mailing address so that I can mail you a book. Go to > https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/book-order https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/mondaycall
Biden wants to disband the Space force has he started to yet??
If the white hats want the people who are still asleep to wake up. Then they need to take down the lying, liberal, deep state news media down now. The msm is what is keeping people asleep to the truth. People are still listening to and still believing the msm lies.
If Trump is still in control of the military, why are there abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. Unconscionable.
Wish you had a comment section so us Patriots could talk back and forth, and you could read some of our thoughts!
As always your commentary soothes my soul as hard as everything is! Thank you!