Ep 2607b – Big Tech/[DS] Panic, Strategically Planned, Dark To Light, [TRUTH] = END
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Trump and the patriots just made another move. The has been planned from the beginning, the chess match has already been won by Trump, we are just watching the remainder of the game. The transition begins in the 4th quarter and the push out of the darkness begins after Feb 2022 with the Truth. The truth is a force of nature that cannot be stopped, once people learn the truth it is the end of the [DS]. The people will be pulled out the darkness and into the light, facts and truth will do this.
- ← Ep 2607a – We Are At An Economic Crossroads,[CB] Structure Change Has Begun
dave , now its feb. of 2022 ?
Dude—CORPoration, not CO-OPeration. Re-read the tweet
Hi Dave,
Great program as always. Really good to point out the true statistics and the Fauci emails. May not agree with you on the idea of experiencing stuff. The pros are that yes, people do need to wake up. The cons are the negatives effects on emotional health. I think having people experience things may not really be such a good idea due to a possible negative emotional impact of the mental health of so many out there. I do admit, I would rather understand things rather than experiencing it because I was emotionally abused a few years back. I think I might have told you that. Well anyway, keep up the good work. Have a good rest of the night. Still a good program. Thanks again.
Face book wouldn’t allow me to post this. Must be true info. 🙂
Facebook wouldn’t allow me to post this. Must be extra good info. Thank you Dave!
What I saw today in the Merrick Garland hearing was Garland getting his orders from top Democrats, beginning with Lofgren. It was obvious that they were using the hearing time to tell him what he was going to do for them. And he was visibly upset.
Good Evening Dave,
Please be on guard more than usual. Today, 10/21/21, on Mike Adams Natural News Site he interviewed Steve Quayle who told Mike that he was Bio Weapon attacked 3 weeks ago. He looks really bad and is on oxygen. STEVE WARNED MIKE, ALEX, DAVE HODGES, HAAGMAN AND ALL ORHER TRUTH NEWS SITES AS BEING TARGETS FOR IMMEDIATE ELIMINATION.
God Protect and Bless you and yours Dave.
Maybe Trump will win but if the DS is successful in giving the vax to 65 million children, America will be demoralized. Trump has to communicate to the naive sheep parents so they know the truth about the vaxes!!
Cia corporation…not cooperation.
So I have listened to you very regularly for quite a while now. Impressed by your analysis and conclusions….however…why do you think we are going to make it to Feb for Trumps reveal? What happened to devolution and that reveal.
Frankly we don’t have till Feb.
Maxwell =
Mossad =
Child Rape Operation
Israel is NOT an Ally just ask the men aboard the USS Liberty
Dave, if not for you I would of given up. I will turn 70 in Jan. and was not going to watch my country die after a wonderful lifetime. Thanks to you, I’ll be here for the victory parade. Bless you my friend. Bob
February 2022 for trump’s platform,…this will turn out just like all the other BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA, trump and the patriots have been pumping out for years and years,…we will be hearing about the NEW PLATFORM,….years beyond February 2020.
So this means no arrests of the deep state players,…we are just going to start up a new platform,…for production of more GOTCHA MOMENTS,…for the 2022 elections .
Jack’s post said central intelligence CORPoration….not COOPeration. Also, its ILLegal not E-legal.
I am shocked. None of the conservative sites mentioned Truth Social up to now. It is a complete blank out on this explosive news. It says a lot. Even Truth and Art TV was completely silent. All the fake news is talking about it, but nothing from the “patriots”.
Does Truth+ equal Q+
Just a thought…
This has been your best report of all ( being all good reports ).
Thank you for your show. I was just sent it by a good friend. I agree with everything I have heard.
My friend told me to tell you about my two books that were published this year called Unmasking the Masquerade Vol. I and II. Volume I is about the Loss of Liberty and Turning the World Upside Down. Volume II is about the vaccines and how dangerous they are and the ultimate goal of Transhumanism. I would like to send you copies of them. Where should I send them?
I will be on a radio show this coming Sunday at 1:00 Central time about how 5G (which I have also written a book about) and the connection to COVID, which both of my books mention. It can be heard on KPRZ.com.
I sure hope you’re right buddy. I’m ready for this nonsense to be over with.
Ah ok so according to Dave, basically the American people and our government are really just pawns in this little game. According to Dave, it has to be this way because the people have to actually experience it to understand it. Otherwise we just don’t get it. I guess for those of us who have experienced the murder of JFK, 9-11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Pearl Harbor false flag, the Las Vegas massacre, have been enslaved their whole lives to the IRS, have experienced our dollar and our hard-earned actual education rendered worthless over the years, I guess we just haven’t experienced enough yet to “get it.” Look I hope everything Dave says is going to happen comes true, but at this point if someone has the truth and is withholding it from the people to play some elaborate war game, they should have to answer for that. In my opinion those people now have blood on their hands as well. If you know a murderer is out there killing people, you don’t let it continue just so you can eventually catch them in a sting. I’ve already been aware of and angry at “the deep state” my whole life, now the “white hats” have crossed a line with me as well. If they exist, I hope they win, but I feel like they still owe us all a huge explanation why it “had to be this way” and I don’t want to hear it’s because we’re just too dumb and fragile to “get it” any other way, and I don’t want to hear how we needed to experience more pain in order to “get it.” I’m calling bullcrap on that. It’s bullcrap and you know it. It’s an excuse for why we’re being treated like expendable pawns right now. It’s bullcrap and I’m not buying it.
Hi Dave. I was talking to a friend yesterday. She stated that if they write the vaccine mandate into the OSHA guidelines that it will be a de facto law and give companies the green light to force the jab on employees. How much pull does OSHA have? Can they just wave their magic wand and make this a law? I was under the impression this or any law needs to be voted on and approved by congress.
Dave, please let me know the website I should go to and buy real Bitcoin. I’m frustrated with all the options.
Thank you
Margaret Crew