Ep 2611b – Evergreen, Think Depopulation, Panic In DC, James Baker, What A Wonderful Day
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Panic in DC, James Baker is now being singled out, Durham has questions for him and Sussman. The hunt is on and the people are watching this unfold in real-time, everything Trump talked about during his 4 years is now coming true. Don Jr. tweeted out something very interesting, he used [HRC] SS code name Evergreen, was this a message, think depopulation.
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- ← Ep 2611a – The [CB] Narrative Is Falling Apart, The More They Push The Worse It Gets
- Ep 2612a – The Message Is Clear, The People See The Difference In The Two Economies →
From out here in The People land this nonsense is just regurgitating and getting literally sicker and sicker by the day. Scanning all the alternative news channels provides no light at the end of a tunnel that’s getting darker by the hour. The American society is falling ever deeper into violent and miscreant chaos. So many leading promises that don’t meet their projected arrival dates. Now it’s like maybe next year? Then what? The Deep State is well accomplished in genocide and assassinations. Social and economic attrition is starving The People out and the VAX program is now targeting children down to the age of 5 in real world stats. What’s really going on?
LOL!! Panic in DC? There is no one in DC right now. It’s boarded up. You can find information about that and actually SEE the buildings and the empty streets. Biden has a SET that he uses to pretend that he’s in the White House. It’s all a hoax.
Stop saying congress didn’t pass vaccine mandate …so it isn’t a law. Congress can’t pass an
unconstitutional law. That’s like saying if Congress passes a law saying all Americans should turn in their guns because Congress passed a law…cut that shit out.
Dave, I love listening to you ever day. Thank you so much for tirelessly putting these out.
Such hope in a scary world.
Thank you Dave I love your Intel I really feel like you should do a spotlight with dr. Richard Fleming he just did a study on the vaccine and found some very interesting things thank you for your concern I hope you look further into this
that was a white hat operation. Nobody got shot and nobody died. Alec Baldwin was arrested a long time ago. That is a body double and the girl went into hiding because of the sauce she has on the Clintons. She is about to release a documentary on these sick pedophiles. Can’t believe anything put out on both sides anymore. 5D chess match.
Hi David, thanks for great information as always. With regards to the vaccine/depopulation, there may be something else beyond depopulation. Today they control the whole food industry, wouldn`t it be easier to inject whatever it is they want us to have in the food we eat? What would be the point of going through this whole operation when it could be done quietly and without any fuss?
Love The Show just woundering if you could look in to Michael Photios hear in Oz he is the one that put Malcum Ternbull it to power i don’t trust him . our real PM in Australia should be Peter Dutton
I’d like to believe things are ok, and politically “protected” people, such as J. Assange are protected.
But Epstein was in custody & “protected”.
Bill Clinton was in custody & “protected”.
Just observing. Que sera sera.
Dave I think your hopes are to high for Durham. He is milking his job.
Think about it,..think about it,…think about that for a minute,…think about the same repetitive narrative that has been sproutedfor years,…and years. Think about it a second,…people have heard the same BULLSHIT,…or a form of the same BULLSHIT,…and are saturated to the point it’s not believed.
Action about all the BULLSHIT,…not just talk,…talk,…talk,…about it.
The voices of not just Americans will be heard. All over the world people are protesting. They want to be heard. The people of the world cannot be silenced forever.
The Drug companies cannot make us take their poison. RESIST !!
What will happen to those people of the world that took their vaccines said to be full of some graphite element? Will this make them more controllable when 5G comes?
I wonder if Trumps new platform will be 5G or also accessible for current technology?
Something to think about.
Trump may have been the greatest President ever, he definitely the most important person in our second American Revolution… may God always Bless America.
Is it possible that “Evergreen” mentioned by Don Jr. was instead a reference to the ship called Ever Given, owned by Evergreen, that was stuck in the Suez Canal? Or is that too far fetched?
Thank you Dave!