Ep 2612b – The Dominos Are Beginning To Fall, All Roads Lead To [HRC], Everything Is In Motion
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The patriots are on the hunt, the dominos are falling. Each indictment that comes out will all lead back to the treasons people that spied on Trump, but in the end it will lead back to one person, Trump has told when he was campaigning what he was going to do, arrest HRC. The clock is ticking down and everything is motion.
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RealRawNews.com Hillary is dead. She was hung.
FYI…HRC…HANGED AT GITMO … https://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/
We can’t wait for justice thru the system – people are dying. We need military action now. Round up the guilty. Waiting is foolish. Did you see the 13 year old girl who took the poison vaccine? I don’t understand the waiting, makes no sense.
Has anyone ever been brought to justice by getting hung by their buck teeth?
Well, there is always a first time!
All you are doing is make up a lie just like the damn deep state people .I watch restored Republic and they say she is had her tribunal and has already been hung and dead for awhile and maybe was done in 2020.
Donnie Vaughn
You say the vaccines are for depopulation. So, why is Trump saying it’s safe, yo?
This report, 2612b, finally lost me. If this will drag on for a couple more years, until the Clinton’s go down, the deep state and the Dems will have that time to insert their agenda, which is about the end of Biden’s term and the Patriots will not be able to do anything about it and the USA will be changed forever, the Dems will have won and will continue to cheat in all elections just like they will in Virginia next week. Your just dragging this report on and on. I’m done and I’m sure you may lose other who have been following you.
I’m out of here. It’s to bad, I really did have hope.
I love your show and listen every day. However in episode 2612b you definitely disappointed me. Please clarify in future posts because no way can the plan extend to 10/30/23 to
Arrest Hillary. No way. The country is lost by then. Trump has to be back this year. I believe the February date for Trump’s social media site has to throw off the deep state by pushing out while things will happen Before the end of the year. I can keep tuning in to listen if you will theorize that we have to wait for another 2 years. You have to be wrong. Rethink your analysis.
The first person I’d like to see arrested is George W. Bush, along with Dick Cheney and the Sec of Defense along with everyone who supported the incursion into Iraq.
THEN, HRC and the Clinton clan.
https://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/ this is correct ???
Dave, I really think you are going to have a problem if you are insinuating keep waiting for Clinton!🤬
I think now would be a good time for some kind of high profile victory, just to keep hope alive. I know lots of people who are still in the dark!
I will put money on it if doesn’t become public by the end of the year that the military has taken control of the countryTrump will not be back he will lose support. People are fed up will the BS delay and the military not following their oath. No one I know at work is supporting and it was over several thousand last year.They will hold him accountable for all the vaccine deaths job losses and people killed by illegal aliens. Every day this drags on he doesn’t gain support he loses.The right is lying just as bad as the left and now that people are awake they a0re seeing through the rights BS. Count on a civil war there is no way to stop it after Jan 10 if this mess isn’t dealt with
Dave, you are making me nervous by posing that Hillary won’t get nabbed for how many months??
We have previously addressed that dates may be incorrect; I don’t see that we have to wait for more facts when, IF we have Space Force gathering all data across the globe which equals evidence!
We know that a peanut shell game can only last so long until it is time to play or pay.
With China(the biggest untrustworthy nation that now has capacity to do unmentionable things has no reason to sit idle, while the middle east is about to go active like an unpredictable sweating dynamite stick in a lightning storm. IF something huge doesn’t happen before Christmas, how can we expect to continue living, breathing, etc. outside of a prison camp active pandemic or in a highly radiated zone? I would call it wars and rumors…
of wars; a biblical platform. Usually dominos tip at a fairly fast and steady fall rate!
Well my confidence and hopes just took a huge hit. If we are not arresting HRC until 2022 what state is the USA and world going to be in? The world can not wait another two years. As much as the DS have been busy so has Trump, he has not been sitting around so why so long to an end to it all? I realise its a war but how much collateral damage is acceptable?
This, “IT ALL TAKES TIME” has over lived its usefulness. Too many people hurt or killed. IT IS TIME TO BRING IN THE MILITARY. TURN ON the EBS and show people…if we have to shoot the stupid left then so be it.
I’m still unsure about this:
If the deep state was working on using a virus to control and depopulate us for the past several years, WHY then did Donald Trump push for a vaccine? Shouldn’t he have known? Was it worth the risk of having the population get sick from the jab and then hopefully get people awakened to the reality of the deep state scenario? Or, Was he counting Pfizer , J&J , and the rest, to use the first vax that wouldn’t kill people , then wake up the people to not take any more jabs? If this was the case, I would think I’d see Trump out there telling everybody to stop taking any future jabs, but that’s not the case.
I gave my name and email!
Did you check 2017 Monday Oct 30?? Word is she was arrested then.. Since then has been a body double or clone. Check it out.
The only way for the criminals to be truly punished is not to send them to prison. They should be sent to the gallows instead. Historically, traitors hang.
Hey Dave, love listening to your daily hopium and letting us know what is going on.
Here in Australia they have already said that there will be a shot that will have the vax and the flu combined next year.
Now they are talking about 1st boosters being rolled out.
Mandatory vax for healthcare workers, police and other first responders is seing many quit their job here now.
Qld is about to open the border to New South Wales only letting double vaxed to enter but warning all Queenslanders to get the shot because the visitors will be bringing in covid with them.
The Premier contradicts herself in one sentence. Also stories that her dad owns the largest DNA storage facility. Not confirmed.
explain why knowing that Bitcoin has been used in many ways as a venue of laundering and paying for Crimes Against Humanity,,you know what I mean… and ultimately , getting to,,, are you accepting donations in that currency,,,, why not promote the new asset based cryptos? or do you know something of a higher level?
Another year!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!
All roads lead to HRC in 2023????
Trump’s not back til the end of 2022?????
I thought we were on the precipice?????
I thought the military was the only way????
Does Biden get to be pretend president for another whole year?????
Or will Kamala take over???
the guy who actually won the election and “has it all” and the “military is the only way” is gonna wait another whole fucking year again???? WTF!!!!!! Really?????
HRC is the “shot heard around the world”and it doesn’t happen fort two more years?? Does the mean Biden basically gets a whole term?????
The people are waiting and waiting to se something, they keep stretching it out farther all the time. I’m afraid the Trump supporters are going to lose faith. We have to see something soon or they will think its just a lib gaff. People will not wait 2023 for arrest of Killary. Just saying.
Murphy’s gonna cheat and win and they’ll do all the unconstitutional stuff they want to???? Newsom cheated and won and is screwing over the people of Cali, whitmer’s still in power, Cuomo stepped down and NY is still doing all the crazy vax shit they want, Wolf’s still in power cheating and vaxxing!!! They’re all guilty of murder they’re all still in power running their mouths and we are gonna wait two or three more years to do anything about it????
Oh Ok, so ANOTHER 2 years? Well, guess no point in listening to X22 until 2023! SO sick of the Dems destroying the Country & NO ONE does anything! Theyll all be dead by then! Ridiculouse! Country will be GONE by then!
Country has a SHORT memory! No will even REMEMBER TRUMP in Oct ’23!
If the Patriots & Trump had this plan b4 he ran for President, Whats the hold up? There is SO much evidence, why do we NOT see arrests? Sounds like BS to me!
So there now no red October, and now nothing is going to happen until February. Was going to happen real soon,, and now it takes time.. The patriots are ready my ass. Keep stalling on this QTard bullshit. Meanwhile watch the country burn to the ground. Your podcasts are a pathetic attempt to see more cheap Chinese made crap.
We don’t have enough to time to keep waiting. Americans will be bankrupt by the time February next year comes around or starved to death or murdered by illegals, terrorists coming across the border or from people looking for food. If they pass any of those bills this week or raise the debt ceiling when the government is already broke America will be done and outnumbered by all the illegals and criminals Biden has brought here. No time waiting for Durham to go through a trial, still nothing about the election from any state especially from Arizona. It is building one brick at a time there is no time to wait that long for completion.
How is the show going to be played out with regard to the southern border invasion and the vaccine mandates? Our country is under attack from all sides, & we will not survive intact by the 2024 election.
Dave you are a dickhead ,,,,,, The longer this movie goes on ,,,,, the more innocent people die ……….. Great plan…………… The finger isn’t going to pointed at Clintons ….. It’s going to be pointed at Trump ,,,,,he is allowing 100’s of millions of people to be killed………. information warfare PFHHHT ……. bring out the guns …… execute the guilty …………… put up or shut up ……………………… Period
Thank you, Dave, you have been amazing and the one I trust to give us the truth! I have known for a long time that we were fed lies and so much deception in our governmental authorities! But, actually been following the Plan since 2017! God bless you!
Depopulation of American Citizens, they have exempted all those coming across our borders illegally.
cirstenw2 on rumble ,,,,,,, on the fringe,,,,,,,,, the salty cracker,,,,,,, Real Raw News,,,,,, Steve Turley,,,,,, ALL better than the daily pep talk , doo nothing bullshit from Dave on X22
Dear Dave, thanks for giving us hope.
I sure wish you would have shown us the Q drop about the coming downing of Hilry.
I like tell people about what you say and show re Q.
Thanks. God bless. RC
One problem, the post “0” was made on Octiber 28, 2017. October 30, 2017 was a Monday. I have heard some say she was arrested and taken to Gitmo and hanged. Hard stuff to believe when they reappear after the fact. I do love your show, most everything I can agree with. But I’m starting to think the DS us bigger than even President Trump was aware of. Clinton’s are to powerful and connected. She will likely die of old age or heart attack before she’s ever arrested. Sorry for the pessimism.
You are the best of the best!
Greetings from Germany!
This is the most disappointing long story I have ever heard. We have been fed this for 4 years since Q started, I feel like most of us and are families who we could not persuade not to get the killer vaccine will be long gone even though we keep hearing we are living in such a great time. Meanwhile Biden is killing us in anyway he can, the politicians are getting richer, Jan 6 prisoners have no help, we are loosing all of our savings, freedom income. I’m afraid a lot of people are gonna give up and check out of this screwed up world. So sad
I’m so angry! My Dad died from the second jab. How in the hell are we in control. He was being a good citizen. That generation always does what they think is right. So how does my dad come back ? He does not. I’m angry. If Trump has it all he should have published it. Then I would have my dad. That can’t be changed.
If what “they” say is true… Monday, October 30th also happened in 2017. Interesting.
Hi, Dave, thank you for everything you have done/ and are doing for this country! I got some interesting things in a message from Pastor James of James red pills America the other day. It said the next few days were going to be life changing, for all. It talked like we would see tribunals and messages running on our SHUT DOWN tv’s. We know that Bush – 41, and John McCain were supposedly executed. We know that tribunals have been going on. WHAT IF : in October 30, 2017, HRC was ARRESTED? Think about it! McCain died on August 25, 2018. What if when we watched him, HRC, and others with the,” BOOT,” that mysteriously shifted from one foot to the other? Possibly hiding an ankle bracelet! It didn’t mean they wouldn’t let her play our her role? Just think about it! Then it says to watch her and Bill’s health! I think Podesta will be arrested Nov 3- 5, of 2021. We may be more at the end of the journey with them than we think! Just see what you think! Please let me know if you have time to respond! I think it really may have already happened! People just needed time to adjust to all this craziness that’s happening now all at once! Vaccines, election fraud, crimes against humanity, theft of our money, freedoms, and everything we thought we had! Thank you again!
I am reasonably Shure that hitlery, she is no longer with us .I think she could have found that rope she was looking. I hope she found it
Governor Gina Raimondo in Rhode Island “did it” too. And now she is in Biden’s corrupt Cabinet.
Keep up the great work of deciphering the corrupt communist Media, Billionaires, Politicians and Brain dead citizens all that support destroying this country. Thank God! he brought Trump our 45th and probably best president in modern history. Please keep up the great work Thank YOU
It seems HRC has been spending a lot of time out of the country.
Is she thinking the Q post zero meant this October?
October 30, 2017 was a Monday
This may be of interest ….
My friend sent me this link which is very interesting by Dr Richard Fleming, who has many degrees behind him. How the Vax is Breaking Down the Body? Bitchute.com
It has just been discovered that the “JAB” (vaccine) affects your DNA. Human Chromosomes affected out of 23 these are Numbers 8, 15 & 20
Does the Premier of Queensland’s father own or is a major share holder in a DNA storage bank in China? Does he know this company will or could be worthless as the VAXX changes DNA?
QCs, Barristers and Solicitors will have a great time if their client has had the “JAB” as their DNA has been changed. No conviction (wrong DNA) if it was previously taken.
Any person with DNA on file and is going to court, their DNA will also be changed by the JAB may result in no conviction.
DNA now worthless after all this science that has gone into finding our DNA trail is caput.
QCs, Barristers and Solicitors can say to the court that there is no science behind this DNA testing NO.
“It is still emerging science”
Will Premier now stop the JAB as her father’s business may lose millions by his daughters’ action for the health of the state of Queensland?
Can anyone put a spin on this?
Don’t believe me? Watch www. Dr Richard Fleming ………….he will inform you or ask your own Doctor to advise what he has said and written is correct. Who cares if he is not “the Government”. The Government is mandating vaccinations and they should know of the side affects and deaths these vaccines are causing.
Read and Watch this and get it out there straight away DNA is worth nothing and all the cost that went into DNA science.
All DNA around the world will change. If a prisoner had the JAB he would be or could ask for a revised DNA test as it has changed and see what the court do with this. They could argue the DNA must have been a mistake in the DNA testing laboratory. Shock waves to the law society.
If a prisoner that had the JAB and convicted by DNA they would be asking to be tested again arguing it is not their DNA, got it wrong you have the wrong person.
This will be the same for any deceased person if they had the JAB who had DNA on file or even to trace to family member.
Before Parliament starts have them running for cover and to see what lies they will come up with.
They will have some excuse I suspect.
Have DNA expert talk about it or ring the Dr Richard Fleming in USA.
Dose the Premier know she could be sending her father’s business broke if this information is correct?
Won’t be able to find missing persons as their DNA has changed by the JAB.
Can you imagine what the consequences are if unreliable DNA? All that work over the years figuring where we came from now what is the future.
What will your DNA look like after 3, 4 – 5 Jab’s as that is what they want to give you.
Please check it out this is only my interpretation?
What would be the ramification if this is correct?
He also mentions Proposed Treatments watch FLEMINGMETHOD.COM there is quite a few videos and very interesting comments.