Ep 2624b – Timing Is Everything, One Year, State Of The Union, Acting President
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The [DS] is now becoming desperate. Their narrative is falling apart and Durham is now ready to unseal more indictments. Trump has said that the 25th Amendment will be used against [JB]. A year is coming up and normally Presidents get their annual physical. If this should happen the doctor will rule that [JB] can not govern, which sets everything in motion and the 25th will be used against him. Will [NP] take the bait, will they install her as the VP. At this point [KH] would become the acting president with polling numbers closing in on single digits. The Queen must be removed to get to the King.
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- ← Ep 2624a – The [CB] Just Set Everything In Motion, No Longer Hiding The Plan
- Ep 2625a – The Economic Lie Is Complete, It’s All Turning On The [CB] →
Hi Dave,
Drug and alcohol testing for truck drivers is not new, it has been around since the 1990s. There is approximately a 60k shortage, but it has been like this for several years now.
I hope that helps. You could always check with the USDOT/Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to verify this information.
Pelosi will do 25th on Joe and then impeach the VP for supporting the riots in Minnesota and raising funds and then Pelosi would step in as the 1st woman President
Love your podcasts. Keep up the great work.
It will be perfect if they access President Trumps records because that will open up all of Clinton, Obama, and Biden Presidential records when he returns to the WH. They will have established that past Presidents can’t protected and their records.
Sorry. As a year now soon passes those that witnessed and recorded the Fraud and corruption and was in position to do something and did not. A year down the road and the damage or results of the crime falls on them. Trump and military are about to be tagged as treasonous for allowing the country to be led into communism.
Yup, lets keep moving the goalposts, Dave. Seems like every few weeks things get moved back. In late July, it was September is time to prepare. Then the end of August, it was beware of Red October. As October comes to an end, November is when things are going to happen. Christmas comes early on 11-11-21. Tomorrow is 11-11, and now it’s in January or February. It’s all getting silly anymore. Just ridiculous. I’m sure when January gets here, the tag line will be, get ready for a Happy Easter. By that time, we’ll all either be dead or in FEMA Camps.
If US to pay $450,000 per un-dockumented, how much will US pay for Americans abandoned in Afganistan?
The person chosen as v-p does not have to be Pelosi or anyone in Congress. I remember when Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford became president. He chose Nelson Rockefeller who was approved by Congress.
So it could be a governor or anyone.
Nancy might have in mind her nephew, Gavin Newsom. Both he and Nancy would be very unpopular choices!
I have been afraid that they would choose Hillary for V-P, then get rid of Kamala!
What a nightmare that would be. It is unbelievable to me that HRC still has a huge following among Dem women, but she does! There are young Woke women who idealize her. Doesn’t that turn your stomach!?!?!
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is the one you should have read tonight. VP Harris just has to deliver a note to Speaker Pelosi signed by 51% of the cabinet which says the President is incapable of performing his duties. Harris then immediately becomes President and then names Pelosi VP.
If CRT states that every supposed attempt to be nice to a oppressed is for the empowerment of the suppressing group. Doesn’t that mean that certain groups can’t appease the oppressed because that means they are oppressing by default.
Common now Dave, Brian Williams was fired.
Yes, I do believe the 25th is the answer. If the military were to take control while Kamala was the acting-president, it would not be considered a coup since there would be no actual President.
My theory still works even with your convoluted Pelosi musical chairs… Perhaps even better. Scenerio: Biden is gone. Cabal Toe becomes acting Potus selecting Pelosi as VP. Personally, I don’t feel she has a chance in hell of being approved but aside from that say she is. Midterm seats a patriot landslide in the House and they elect Trump as Speaker. Pelosi is already out of the way. Election fraud disposes of Biden’s administration (Cabal Toe) as illegitimate which includes Cabal Toe selected Pelosi and COG then seats Trump as Acting Potus until 2024 when he is voted in as Potus. The Speaker and COG are the ONLY way to avoid civil chaos with either major military intervention and disruption or Civil War v2.0 which the “deep state” wants beyond all else. Trump ALWAYS goes out of his way to prevent head-on confrontations (Sun Tzu) and ALWAYS winds up where he planned after the dust settles. Trump was “installed” via MAGA psyop AS a target with clown Bannon’s assistance but that’s another story. THIS is the way it’s going to go down. Clean, minimal blood letting and totally within Constitutional parameters with no shades of “military intervention” gray… Trump’s way…
Episode 2624 – with ref to the “racist” low bridges on Long Island: this has been a story line since the 60’s and 70’s. Basically, it’s an urban legend that has been capitalized on by racism baiters. As Mr. Buttjudge pointed out, the bridges are low – but what he is clueless about is that was an architectural and aesthetic decision made by city planner Robert Moses at the time. He wanted to make the bridges on the parkway match the bridges from earlier Westchester County bridges, giving the travelers the impression of being in a park – hence the name “Long Island parkway”. This created the difficulty of getting buses under bridges, and having to go around them on a much longer journey to reach Jones Beach. This led to the racism claim that it made life difficult for Puerto Ricans and African-Americans to get to the beach (cars were too expensive for most minorities at the time) – a claim that has been debunked over and over again. Just a little history for you, Dave. Dan Bongino (who is from there) did a good explanation of it on a recent show of his in case you’re interested.
I love your episodes! I listen to them every day and share them with several others. Thank you for keeping us informed and aware of what is going on in our crazy world. I’m glad to see so many people waking up and fighting back.
I try to visualize what you look like, Dave. Maybe one day we will get to see you. We will know your voice for sure. Thanks again!
As an XXY-autist, I tend to notice things that are not normal to notice.
As a child of a philologist; been corrected all through my youth, I can’t help but notice other people’s mistakes or misspelligs.
This is not meant as ridiculing or bashing; as I’ve followed most of your reports, because they interest me and help me calm down. Even if most of what you say has not been and neither will be confirmed by our society’s «God»/the politically corrected mainstream media.
This is, however, meant as a tentatively constructive criticism:
From 17m:31s and from 20m:48s in X22 Report-episode 2624b, when you’re saying that «well, it seems that’s coming true, it’s conspiracy no more!».
I do believe that I’ll have to remind you and ask you; in your future videos, to correct yourself by stating that «this is now been confirmed true and is therefore a conspiracy THEORY no more, it is however actually a confirmed conspiracy FACT.
Because there is no way it would actually happen without someone conspiring about it first, to make it so. It would never happen by itself, like a bolt out of the blue.
-Or do you believe that God created it above all of our heads, and that this is the reason to why there could have been no conspiracy among (at least to God) otherwise innocent scared people; all through their lives relentlessly brainwashed, mobbed and frightened into everything they believe. People that therefore has ended up suffering from too much greed and nothing but contempt for themselves and only therefore also for the rest of us?
David Icke tells us that he refuses to acknowledge to be a conspiracy THEORIST, but that he’d rather be labelled as a conspiracy RESEARCHER; which is far closer to the truth.
We’re still talking about conspiracies; be it theories about them or actual researched and confirmed facts.
Conspiracy theory and -theorists, has been abused as a derogatory label; originally invented by the CIA as a tool to be used to defend themselves in the media against the raging complaints about their (today finally confirmed) JFK-assassination in 1963.
At 21m:25s you’re confusing folklore myths about bigfoot with conspiracy theories.
Bigfoot is no theory about a conspiracy among greedy people with an aim to hurt or decimate the rest of us. This is however a story about claimed sigtings by forest hikers of a character that might exist, but that science still doesn’t recognize as factual.
Please do keep these issues apart, these are different categories, even if most uneducated YouTubers tend to mix them together in their most sensational click-bait hunting or tentatively viral videos.
Temperatures Rising? Raising more questions….
Biden’s physical? DS lies about everything else, Are possibilities HIGH they can get a Dr. to lie about his condition?
Is his current condition indicative of his past condition? 🤔
Not so sure about the 25th amendment!
However, I do think while class action suits by citizens against the vaccines is good. I believe a class action suit by citizens regarding Jan 6th and The 2020 election is even a greater plan!
Let’s find lawyers for the REAL we the PEOPLE! Naming those destroying our country!
By the way, Pelosi needs a physical…
Dave, you keep talking about how test PCR tests are faulty, we all agree. You talk about how the test will change in December and will identify the flu from COVID. I read this article a few months ago and don’t see the change as a good thing. Please clarify for me.
Thank you for your reports, listening daily and getting my circle of people introduced to X22.
The goal post just keeps getting moved. NOW we need to wait for Kamala the Hun to be in office.