Ep 2639b – Trump Challenges The Media On Election Fraud, Big Tech, Fake News Are Being Exposed
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The [DS] is struggling, they are losing every single narrative, this will only get worse as time goes on. @jack decided to call it quits or he was removed and now the new CEO is ready to take it the next level, the big tech companies are about to be exposed.Maxwell trial is in full swing behind closed doors and the judge ordered no audio or video. Smollette case is happening at the same time. The [DS] is using omicron to push their agenda and to use it as their cover story for the great reset. Election fraud is now seen in multiple states and Trump is now challenging the media or anybody to debate him on the issue.
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- ← Ep 2639a – Message Is Clear, The [CB] Is Ready To Bring The Economy Down, This Will Backfire
- Ep 2640a – The D’s/[CB] Are Destroying The Country, It Can Not Be Explained, It Must Be Shown →
More vaccinated people are dying than unvaccinated
I really like your channel and I live in Central Florida just wonder where you are in FL?
Epstein trial sounds a lot like what happened in the voting places where people were shut out and they hid all their lies and cheating.
Hey, not so quick on the Federal Employee mandate. The OSHA thing got killed so right now, regular citizens have no “real” government mandate. It’s the companies doing it if they do it. But for Federal Employees, we’ve been left out to dry. Our mandate did not cease when the OSHA case took the turn for the people (might be temporary, yeah). I’ve been asking people when I gave up my rights to become a Federal employee. Our mandate required compliance or exemption submission by Nov 8. Biden’s move now to postpone till after the holidays means nothing. I have so many colleagues that are good people and don’t appreciate the Biden administration. But, they haven’t researched for truth and I can only reach so many of them. Too many caved to the mandate deadline and got the high risk shot. So don’t bag on Federal employees, we haven’t been treated special. In fact, we got it worse.
Thanks Dave…
Oncomir – Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Oncomir
An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length.
Dave, we cannot forget all hands that have been deeply involved in the CFR for many decades; it was a lab where the media and politicians got connected and yet I know there was a parallel group back 50 years ago, just can’t remember the name. There was a publication I read run my Bob White and it was called Ducks Limited(not unlimited) where he put out names and descriptions of these subversive groups, now of old. Now they try to make Walter Cronkite a hero but he was a player as well.
At this point, the labor pains are mounting for many who would beg for a C section; we may be getting that!
I usually get my email announcing the show between 6-7 pm but it won’t download until after 2200 EVERY NIGHT. WHY?
Just witnessed a fellow gamer on Xbox getting absolutely shredded by the “community” for supporting Trump and believing in Q. And that’s pretty much what I’m experiencing in my real life as well, which is why im so mad at the white hats – if they exist – for leaving me/us hanging in the wind looking like the crazy ones. This has even seriously affected my marriage – and my husband isn’t anti-Trump, he just doesn’t believe anything could possibly undo the 2020 election at this point. And it just reinforces my opinion that nothing that has happened so far this year has really done anything to change anybody’s mind about anything. No matter how badly Biden is doing, a lot of people still really dislike Trump and aren’t going to welcome his return at all. We would have been better off with military action back in January instead of the ugly mess we’ve got now. If the white hats exist and if they win, I hope they do but even if they do, I believe they have blood on their hands, I know they have my sanity on their hands that I feel like I’m losing more and more every day I have to put up with getting played by both sides, and I believe they owe us an apology and an explanation for why it had to be this way. An explanation besides that we’re just too dumb and fragile to handle the truth. That’s bullcrap. And if that’s true in general of the masses, guess what nothing has changed – they’re not waking up. Nobody cares about the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. Very few people who don’t have kids in school actually CARE about CRT and other Stasi garbage being taught in school. Nobody cares, nobody is changing their mind about Trump, and people like me are now seriously thought of by all their friends and family as crazy. That’s all your hopium is doing is torturing people like me. Please just STOP. Unless there’s actually anything to report that has actually happened, other than a freaking tweet of a picture of a green truck by Dan Scavino, please just stfu. Thank you.
What are you pulling? There is nothing you presented about Comeys daughters husbands involvement other than what an Anon said?
One article says Comeys daughter investigated the Epstien tapes and another says she is Ghislaines lead prosecutor. Can you go over this again and get it straight?
I dont see how all will be exposed with a Comey as lead prosecutor and the judge a Zero appointee.
Good morning. David, the FAA has accidentally disclosed mor than 2000 flight records associated with Epstein`s jets, it was published yesterday by the Insider. Right when they where ready to roll the three pronged defence trial.
Don’t see how the 5th Amendment (just re-read) justifies ‘freedom of travel’. Hope there is other & better constitutional (?) support for free movement of people (esp. U.S. Citizens). U.N. ‘Declaration of Humming Rights’ seems helpful, up to a point.
Trump is merging with an acquisition company in February (DWAC at NASDAQ)). He didn’t create it. Right now the stock is around $42.
Oh, my. They are being exposed. That will intimidate the scumbags that are being protected by deep state judges. Thank God Dorsey is stepping down. He will walk a free man while they replace him with someone who is just as bad if not worse than he was.
Behind the scenes, Hillary is plotting and planning to replace Biden and replace Kamalah with Big Mike.
Maybe, just maybe Durham will come through and pull a rabbit out of his hat full of tricks. Just don’t believe he will come through in time and throw Hill in prison before she becomes President and our economy is totally destroyed and they bring in the re-set.
Trump plans on having his own SM platform in Feb? Not if ol Hill gets in office and has her way. They just make up shit as they go and trample our Constitution to get their way. Are Patriots really in control? I hope so but it sure doesn’t appear they are. Trump, the longer you wait to come back, the bigger the mess we will all have to clean up. For the love of God, please come back.
First, thanks for what you do. I’m a daily listener.
Citizen’s Free Press today has a tape of Lin Wood and Gen. Flynn on a phone conversation taped by Wood. It is almost 16 minutes long and they discuss Q at minute 9:00. Flynn states “I think it (Q) is a disinformation campaign that the CIA created.” Interested in your response.
All the best,
they prepare here in Germany a manditory vaccination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What can we do????????????????????????????????????????????
Please do something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings from Germany!
Is Comey’s daughter the only prosecuter? If so, shouldn’t it be obvious that the trial will be crooked?
Realisticaly, an obama appointed judge, who cancells all cameras, videos, and recordings along with the daughter of the corrupt former director of the fbi who has lied under oath to congress will be conducting this trial?
A miss trial needs to be declared!
Thank you for getting the word out, and keeping us Patriots encouraged!
What in the world does “UNSELECT” committee mean? It makes NO sense!
Dave, I am a long time fan. I have started my own business that focuses on the anti-patriotism going in our county. We can talk about that by email if you would like. I just read The Declaration Of Independence today and maybe you might want to mention this in one of your videos. Quote: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. …. Seems to me that we the people and kick they the evil out!! Today’s homework for everyone… read the Declaration of Independence. Most likely we weren’t required to read it in high school ….. keep us dumb….