Ep 2643b – Key Unlocks The Door Of All Doors (Info), Stone Is The Force That Acts On Info
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The [DS] is struggling, they have now way out so they are moving forward with their plan, and as they do the people can see the truth. Michigan shooting is now being used for gun control. The [DS] is now locking down the entire world, because the people are not complying, so they are now forcing people, the next step each country will look like Australia but worse. Trump and the patriots have now put into a place the key and stone, the key is military intelligence, the stone is Trump and the people, the will push the information forward and counter the [DS] info.
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- ← Ep 2643a – The Elite/[CB] Are Panicking, They Keep Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud
remember keystone state is pennsylvania, birthplace of america philadelphia. maybe this is just a thought, but i wanted to mention it. thank you dave we greatly appreciate you. i have met 2 patriots within 2 weeks that listen to x22report. we were so excited to meet. it was wonderful. both of these gentlemen I felt the power of God His rightenousness when we spoke about everything we hear from you. it was awesome to speak with fellow americans patriots that are listening to your reports. thank you for everything. God is working through you and your reports. Amen. I am so grateful i came across your reports back in 2015. Your information is so uplifting. thank you for your hard work.
Has any politician called for defunding the FBI or the CIA? Neither seems trustworthy or effective. Both are obviously incompetent and/or corrupt to the point of being enemies of the People.
What are you saying? I’m just supposed to protest all the way to some camp? I’ve been awake ever since election day and I , like many others, do not plan on not fighting back if they come for me! How will you explain that away?
the big picture is ?????? when the courts already knew he jumped BAIL BEFORE WHY?????WHY would the COURTS let h8m OUT on BOND AGAIN????????
Dave, it is wrong to give false information as you did when you said that new covid/flu testing would come out in December. Now, today you guessed that it possibly could come out March or later. Why should I believe anything
you say or have any hope knowing it’s going to be incorrect.
I left my name and email several times for next time comments. This too is incorrect.
I don’t get it. The virus has never been isolated, so we know it’s a lie. So is it the treatment that has killed all these people? The tests cannot work if the “virus” has never been isolated or exist so even now with the variants they are making it up. So if they are making it up, why are so many vaccinated getting it? Even if part of this is inaccurate it doesn’t make sense. It’s all just too crazy!
As an apologist for “Q,” what is it that causes you to believe? As a Christian, I understand that the biblical story (especially around salvation) is fantastical, but I’m able to give an answer for why I am able to put my faith in the Bible and God. Why do you believe this narrative? The first century church expected Christ to return in their lifetimes, I don’t think we have 2000 years to sort this out. I’d say we have until the midterms. If there are shinanigans then that go uncorrected (not to mention Nov. 3rd)it’s game over.
THANKS AGAIN! I do hope things are moving as you say. These nationally mandated “jabs” are VERY threatening & worrisome. Because they’re becoming “required” in many countries, there’s no-where to go for physical safety & security. Because “jabs” are REQUIRED to get on a plane, there’s nowhere to go for us, the ‘unvaccinated’. (And it’s NOT a ‘vaccine’, anyway.) Oh, and my observation is that, for the ‘vaccinated’, they’re mostly just FINE with FORCING others to comply & support THEIR social/medical decision.
Dave, it seems to me that you do not understand how dangerous it has become in Europe and here in Germany! The highest court in Germany has given the governement a green pass for all future lockdowns an messures against the people. The court said that everything the governement did last year was proportional!!!!!! Before the Bundestagswahl EVERYONE said there will never be a vaccination mandate and now ALL THE SAME POLITICIANS say that they now think a mandate has to come! They planed this all on purpose!!!! It has to be stopped! And that stop has to come from Trump!
It has to come now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Dave!
No, Dave! If everything was planned by Trump like you say then Trump could let them make a placebo vaccine!
All natural diabetes add is a scam!!!! really bad deceiving platform. Starts promising a 3 minute video to show you haw to use something in your kitchen to help and 30 minutes later they still have no gotten to the real BS they are pushing!!! This is a non-FDA approved supplement not something from the kitchen. If they lies about the video being 3 minutes to the truth and 30 minutes later they are still stringing me along I know it is all a lie!!! This ad really makes your site look bad. Only partner with quality firms. Buygoods is garbage and lies worse than the doctors and big Pharma they spend 30 minutes degrading.
Dave suffering from sunken fallacy
Will the new test be for flu and IF you are positive, will they say it is is the CCP Virus so that the Deep State can boost up the numbers???
Why are the Hospitals fighting Ivermectin so hard???
President Donald Trump signed the Right to Try Act in May 2018.
Just came across this story … CCP Virus testing that they are bringing on board December 2021 . . Soros and Gates in August 2021 bought a company, Mologic, to produce the Rapid Covid Test … Coincidence?????
Sadly, many people are not waking up. They’ve been so brainwashed by the mainstream media’s constant barrage of covid, covid, covid that even when you tell them your own experience of knowing 3 people that died due to the jab, 15 people in family & church have the virus and those vaxed are doing worse than those who weren’t. My brother got pericarditus from the vax per the hospital. That is just my experiences with this in the past two years. These brainwashed people still call you all kinds of names. I’ve relayed info on the cheaper remedies and preventative measures and get the same response. They say I’m in the Trump cult even after I point out Trump is still saying the vax is good which makes me think he’s a part of it. Choices he says but he is not saying how dangerous the vax is in any speech I’ve heard from him sadly.
FF event Michigan just like the kidnapping event involving Whitmer. Notice how these events always happen in Democratic states/cities.
How can they mandate to be vaccinated if they don’t have a true vaccine just a “vaxx”