Ep 2648b – Trump Confirmed That He Is Returning The Bull Horn Back To ‘We The People’
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The [DS] over the many years have stolen the voice of the We The People. Trump is no in the process of giving the voice back to the we the people. The [DS] plan is failing and the people are waking up and soon they will heard without shadow banning, censorship, this will be the end of the [DS] narrative. The pandemic is over, the [DS] players, Big Pharma are pushing hard to keep control but as they push they are losing control. The end is near.
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“Returning the bullhorn to we the People”? The sooner the better, and we don’t have an unlimited amount of time!
I have been routinely put in FB jail. After the last time of restoring me, they started flooding my newsfeed with ads.
Dave, you’re a genius. I’m laughing because I’ve been asking these questions since this whole thing started. I’m elderly. I didn’t know anyone who was sick. I never wore a mask except to buy food. I didn’t get sick. I didn’t see anyone dying. I asked about the maskless, filthy, homeless drug addicts with compromised immune systems, who are not dying. No one had an answer. Then I read the PCR tests were faulty. That did it for me. Laughable and scary how easy the sheep comply and don’t trust their own eyes and common sense.
Dave when you get some time take a look at this. i don’t how true it is, but something ( if true ) should look at it. It’s so hard to know if something if T or F.
He is returning the Bull Horn to The People.
It’s not the Biden administration, it’s the Obama administration. Find Obama.
Most of the people I know got vaccinated because of their job’s pressure, or because they are elderly. So in CA I would say a lot of pepple were vaccinated. Many people would have refused it if not for saving their means of survival. I have a friend in AZ who told me she personally knows 11 who died. In my extended family two people recently got it and were treated with antibodies..and recovered quickly. They are in AZ.
But Dave, you are in a conflict. Trump brought the vaccines onto us and they are deadly.
So who is responsible? Now here in Germany, they plan to force them on us!!!!!
And where is Trump to stop that????? So who is in your opinion responsible for all the
death and pain the vaccines have brought already????
Please explain that to us!
Greetings from Germany!
The weakness in the argument for Operation Warp Speed is that it wasn’t enough just to have a vaccine. If only 1.0% to 3.0% actually took it, most of the states, in all probability, would have maintained their lockdowns. To open the economy, a good percentage of the public actually had to take the drugs too. Taking it one step further, if a vaccine where users still have the choice to take it, is still preferable to something worse and mandated in the coming years, or, in a choice where some die compared to most die, that’s true. At the same time, I’m of the persuasion that if I know who all the rats are, I don’t worry about optics and give them the opportunity to demonstrate they’re rats either. I wouldn’t let it come to that point.
Dave, I don’t know why you waste your time reporting on election fraud! Of course the whole thing is rigged! We all know it, BUT absolutely NO ONE is going to do anything about it! The election in 2022 will be exactly like in 2020! The democrats KNOW that they CAN”T LOSE because they control EVERYTHING! Voting is a waste of time! TRUMP and the republicans are finished! YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW IT WE ALL KNOW IT! We lost the right to vote when we lost our constitution which occurred on November 3 2020! That is the date out nation DIED! Right now conservative and “so-called “patriots”
Need to start thinking how we are going to “survive” this NEW NORMAL! Right now WE are the “hunted”!
Lets stop that Rino in Arizona from getting elected to Congress, that black dude named Alex, do not vote for him he’s a Rino, get on board with someone else.