Ep 2650b – Deep Cleaning In Progress, Antifa Mapping Started Long Ago, We Have It All
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The [DS] is panicking, the puppet masters are not in control the patriots are and the [DS] is doing exactly what the patriots want. The pandemic is failing, this is why they are making a final push to get everyone vaccinated before the new test, tick tock its not going to work. Election fraud is now being exposed and those who committed the fraud are panicking. The [DS] is not building the narrative for the riots that are coming. Antifa cell arrested, mapping started a long time ago. What we are witnessing is the deep cleaning in the progress.
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- Joe & Kamala Body Language – HRC Victory Speech Fantasy →
Hi Dave, I was arrested last week by the FBI for being at the January 6 debacle. Any advice or lawyers you know of to help me. My wife passed and I am raising our son,who is 15, by myself and don’t want to be separated from him. He has been through enough. Thank you for all you do!❤️🇺🇸💪🏻🙏🏻 I am a subscriber under [email protected], which I no longer have access to since my arrest.
This stuff about there being no “QAnon” is absolute BS. “Q” is an anonymous poster on a message board, thus Q is an “anon”. The term “QAnon” means “the anon who goes by ‘Q’.” Saying otherwise is revisionist history (bullsh*t). Q was ALWAYS referred to as “QAnon”, and the reason for that, was the fact that “Q” isn’t unique enough (for search-purposes” in video titles, etc. Prior to the censorship, a zillion people made “QAnon” videos, and that’s because “QAnon” is the long-form of “Q” (who is an “anon” [anonymous user/poster]).
The statement “There is Q, and there are anons” is meaningless (it’s a “false dichotomy”), even if it came from Q. Q is an “anon” (anonymous user/poster). Other “anons” are also “anons”, but they go by DIFFERENT NAMES.
If Q doesn’t know what “anon” means, that’s Q’s fault. Q also doesn’t have the power to change history, and change the fact that followers of Q-drops always called Q “QAnon”, and that’s because “QAnon” means “the anon who goes by ‘Q'”. That is true whether or not Q understands internet lingo.
Instead of attacking the people who use the term “QAnon” properly (to mean “the anon known as Q), you should attack the MEDIA that uses the term improperly (the media uses the term ‘QAnon” to mean “anyone who follows Q”.
You’re trying to fight BS with BS. Fight it with the truth, and the truth is that “Q” and “QAnon” are SYNONYMOUS, even if you, Q, or the media say otherwise. It’s not that hard to understand the term “anon”. Q is an “anon”, and that is why “Q” and “QAnon” refer to the same thing (even if Q doesn’t like that because Q doesn’t understand the terminology).
i heard that these tornadoes were from a HARP type of attack more evil mean BS they are causing the BS.to push their climate change. I pray that we will be rescued sooner then later. In God we trust
What these evil satanic people have done to the US and the World, and are still doing, all need to be prosecuted to the FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW FOR TREASON AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and sentenced for those crimes. I will not shed one tear drop if that happens. Our world will be a safer and freer place to live.
These evil people do not care that countries are protesting. They just don’t care. Until they are held accountable and prosecuted. They all need to be eliminated from society permanently. Otherwise they will continue to do what they are doing to the World’s citizens over and over again. That is when we will be free.
Dr Zelenko stated that the vaccine causes AIDS. It turns off your T cells which stops the production of white cells that would be created if you have an infection. The more jabs you get, the worst your immune system becomes. In parts of Ontario the number of stillbirths so far this year is 87. In past years there have been 14 stillbirths a year in those same areas. We see that miscarriages are over 100,000 in Canada and the US is seeing the same rise in miscarriages and stillbirths. We see young people injured and dying from Myocarosis.
My question is why Donald Trump is still heralding the vaccine. Last I saw he was still endorsing it. I could see early on that he may not have been aware of what the actual vaccine was and what it effects were. After all, he’s not a scientist. But at this point, there is so much available information about it’s mortal side effects I would think he would be more vocal with.
I have heard people say that any other way would create excessive deaths. However, there does not appear to be an antidote for this vaccine. That means that millions of Americans would succumb to the inability to fight even the smallest infections.
They are now vaccinating children and they want to start with infants in January. Many people cannot afford to quit their jobs and are literally being forced to take the jab or they will be out in the streets with their children. Many families do not have the option to home school which means their children will be forced to take the vaccination. When does this get bad enough to be a better option?
Unlike some people I believe it is time for the tribunals to start. Move the military into the white house. Start the trials of the traitors. On the front yard of the Whitehouse erect a grand gallows. Finding the treason isn’t going to be difficult. Especially when all the crooked politicians see what awaits them. I can guarantee it won’t be long before they start telling on each other. It’s time to show the world how a free Democratic Republic deals with treason. Inorder for the rest of the world to have renewed faith in America, we need a show of strength, and a commitment in preserving the constitution.
I have listened to you for 2 years now. You are my go to and number one source of information that I trust in the media.
You do a very good job. I listen to your report every night before I go to bed and pray. Your report has been the light through
all of this war we are fighting. Thank you so much for being there for me this whole time. It has really helped to keep me updated and in keeping the faith. I refer your report to everyone I can during conversations about what is going on. Having your report
I am sure has helped millions of Republicans and democrates
to see the truth. To me you have been more important in our fight than any show or website that we have. I think when it is all done you will be a major part of our history. For me you already are.
Thank you for your hard work, research and daily reports.
Thank you for being there for me through all of this it has meant
so much to me.
Amazon’s Terms of Use contract.
What does this have to do with using Amazon?
Read section 42:10.
It is even worse here in Germany. A man had killed his whole family some days ago because they had found out that he had a fake vaccination passport. The ma saw NO other way out but killing his wife and his children. This is so sad. But on german TV they say he was one of the “Querdenker” who believed in all the conspiracy theories about Covid and the vaccines. Greetings from Germany!
Seventy people were killed by the tornadoes ?!! Because two people were killed by a tornado in Illinois, an Amazon facility. The Governor, and Biden were all over it…hmmm 🤔
The 5-mask video is fooling you Dave. The virus particle ALONE may be only 80 microns but the problem is that transmission occurs via much much larger droplets of mucous and/or saliva that can be carrying hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of virus particles. A mask does indeed help prevent a giant droplet of saliva from your mouth, from landing in my mouth. Pretending otherwise is idiocy. If you choose not to wear one, you reduce that protection for ME by 50%. But that’s your right, I understand you can’t be forced to wear a mask for me. But I choose to wear one – a proper N95 mask, that is also my right and my choice and I’m basing my choice on actual logic and reason, not emotion like you. No one ever said they would prevent COVID but they could mean the difference between getting 100,000 particles vs 1,000,000 particles of the actual virus in my mouth, and those numbers do matter. As for the condensation on his glasses proving that the masks aren’t working, condensation is exactly that – condensation of humidity from air that has different moisture and temperature. Warm moist air – regardless of the size of particles in it – will CONDENSE moisture droplets on to a cooler surface. The condensation is not an indicator of ANY particles at all except individual vaporized H20 molecules – actually passing through the holes in the mask. This mans little demonstration proves nothing about particle size traveling through the mask (except H20 molecules). You really lower yourself by presenting it as fact that masks don’t work. There are other idiocies in your Covid narrative that defy actual science too, such as the vaccine which doesn’t contain the full vaccine sequence actually giving people Covid or Covid variants – not possible. It COULD be weakening immune systems (which could initially look like a Covid mitigator since the real problem with Covid is not Covid itself it’s the immune response to it – the hyper inflammatory response), and therefore helping transmission and mutations as a result, but the way you put it is STUPID you just really shouldn’t go there. You should be careful not to spread falsehoods, fear, and misinformation if you don’t wish to lose complete credibility with the rest of your narrative. You know the one where the good guys are still deceiving the public a year after their government was overthrown, letting them lose their lives and their livelihoods while they’ve got things all under control – on the people’s dime, by the way – because the people are really just expendable pawns in this grand game of chess, and besides the people are too dumb and fragile to handle the truth, they don’t deserve to know it yet. They have it all but we’re not allowed to see any of it even though we paid for it. Yknow that narrative? If you actually want people to believe any of that, stop speaking about things you clearly don’t understand.
I have been thinking a lot about the jab, and if the jab was to be used as a weapon to hurt and/or kill mankind, you would have to go about a certain way. Because if they give the actual DRUG to everyone, and people were to all get ill or die, then the population would REFUSE it quickly!
BUT, if you give some people the drug, and some people saline this would be the way to do it!
This way they could say those getting ill have underlying conditions and say it’s not the drug.
Then they would point to those that are fine and say see, you all know of someone who has taken the jab and they are doing just fine, SO TAKE THE JAB!
Make sense?!