Ep 2653b – First Arrest Will Verify Direction, Marker [9], [DS] Will Fight, We Have More Than We Know
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The [DS] is preparing to fight back, they are now pushing the J6 fake investigation. Schiff changed the texts to fit the narrative, Cheney text reading was a flop. This will boomerang on them. The Durham investigation is moving forward, the path is set. The next phase will be arrests, this will verify the direction. The election fraud is being produced and the [DS] is now in the process of blocking all information. Trump and the patriots know the playbook, countermeasures are in place. We have more than we know.
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Page 253 of 253
- ← Ep 2653a – The [CB] Confirmed The Controlled Demolition Of The Economy
- New OIG Report Reveals the FBI’s Prostitute Problem →
Hi, Dave.
The first arrest was actually Igor Danchenko.
Thank you for your excellent show.
PS Please pray for our friends in New York with concentration camp legislation now in committee
Hi Dave,
Great program. It is good to know that things are moving forward. At least we will soon see what will happen. All good. Hope as is well. Thanks again. Where we go one, we go all.
Wow, while listening to the X22 report I stepped out the back door about 7:05 pm an looked up an saw a circle around the Moon during a overcast sky of cloud coverage an saw a circle around the Moon an I see also a slash on the bottom right of the circle, DAM it’s a _ucking Q I’m not bullshitting you look out side this is fucking amazing. God Almighty Yes, when the supreme court justices are arrested the whole house of cards fall down, they are suppose to be the heart of our Republic but it’s corrupt as hell, adios dirt bags hope it was all worth it, your were sold a fake Golden Egg now…..
You failed to mention that Jake Sullivan’s Wife works for Durham.
Sullivan is in this up to His eyeballs.
She has Not Recused Herself.
This is going to be another Deep State Bag Job.
clinton is a tool. soros is a tool. maxwell/ epstein are tools.
I will be so happy to see the deep state people be brought to justice. Go Trump!~
This shit is taking to fucking long……..
From realrawnews.com,
“A FEMA source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that the Department of Homeland Security has empowered FEMA to withhold disaster relief until persons declare their vaccination status, supply proof of vaccination, or submit to mandatory shots.
“We’re literally turning away the walking wounded if they won’t get a shot. If you want a place to sleep, a blanket, food, or water, you better tell us, and be able to prove, you’ve been vaccinated, or roll up your sleeve. Otherwise, go sleep in the rubble. That’s what people are getting told,” our source said.
Thanks Dave..
And Merry Christmas my friend..
CNN is starting CNN+ to try and go up against Trumps new site. I bet they going to try and get CNN+ up before Trump gets his up.
Interesting, to see “Schiff” doing again what Schiff did originally. Kabuki theatre continues. It’s now a matter of living & surviving long enough to see how all plots & scripts play out. Thanks for all your hard work & daily broadcasts to help keep us informed, sane & hopeful.
Remember when HRC said if I go down then most of DC will go down with me? I think this may have been one of the few times that she actually told the truth.
I don’t know how you do it.
You are one of the hardest working Patriots on the planet.
Here’s something to get you going in the morning(s).
My measly contribution to this movement I so love.
It’s called “Boomerang BOOM”
Take care my friend.
It is convenient to have power outages. Gas leaks. Threat of violence to shut down the polling locations so Fraud can be installed. Only way to stop Fraud is to publicly execute those caught If you do not set an example things will never change.
Well, looks like we were rong about people getting educated about the cabal and child trafficking from the Maxwell trial..
I work for ABM as a lead in janitorial and we are contracted by HBI they have hacked HBI payroll and holding them for a ransom who is doing it I don’t know just thought you might be interested in this HBI has been following all of the left-wing covid crap and come January we are already set up for testing every week if the court’s don’t stop Biden control over the businesses.
This is not a new line, I’ve heard this before (former LEO in cali.). ‘You are not a victim because you have something someone else wanted… you shouldn’t have had that. You are at fault… after all criminals are like animals, all impulse, no thought, no morals, they just act. Your fault.’ Well, folks, close up your businesses and come to the free states (new home is Tex.). With the exception of Dallas, and a few other damo cities; here, they don’t ‘screw your freedoms.’
“…who counts the vote.” This is a quote from Joe Stalin. He was just as gaga as FJB but far more intelligent.
VAERS Data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 People
To get an idea of just how dangerous the current Covid vaccines are, we only need to look at the numbers in the government authorized VAERS database. As you may know, VAERS is an acronym for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This system is co-maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is how the FDA describes this facility on its website: “VAERS is an early warning system used to monitor adverse events that happen after vaccination. VAERS is the frontline system of a comprehensive vaccine safety monitoring program in the United States… VAERS gives vaccine safety experts valuable information so they can assess possible vaccine safety concerns, including the new COVID-19 vaccines. It is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of health problems (also called “adverse events”) that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.”
Established in 1990, the idea behind VAERS is to capture as many adverse reactions to vaccines as possible in order to alert health experts to potential issues and problems. The graph below traces the number of deaths that have been reported to VAERS every year since its inception. As you can see, the yearly levels have held relatively steady from 1990 until 2020 and were generally under 400 cases. The cumulative total of all reported deaths during those years comes to 5,178 (see VAERS analysis here).
This, however, changed dramatically toward the end of 2020 when the Covid vaccines were introduced. At that point we see a rapid explosion in reported deaths. So exponential was the increase that the graph line shoots up almost vertically. As of November 26, 2021, the number of deaths reported to VAERS in connection with the Covid vaccines was 19,532. It is both astonishing and revealing that in the last 11 months there were more reports of vaccine deaths related to Covid shots than to all other vaccines combined during the previous three decades. This should raise all kinds of red flags, because it is a good indication that there may be something seriously wrong with the Covid vaccines, and that these hastily authorized pharmaceuticals are causing death on an unprecedented scale. The 19,532 tally does not, however, give us an accurate picture of the situation. To get a sense of the true state affairs, this number needs to be adjusted for two very important factors. The first concerns the nature of VAERS data itself, while the second relates to the way in which it is collected.
To begin with, we need to recognize that not all deaths reported to VAERS are due to the vaccines. To see why, we need understand the difference between a temporal and causal connection. Even though the bulk of reported deaths normally occur within a relatively short time of vaccination – usually from days to weeks – it does not necessarily mean that all those who have died after having taken the vaccine perished because of it. In some cases, people who appear among VAERS entries died of causes unrelated to the vaccine, and they just happened to receive their injections in temporal proximity of their passing. In order not to overstate the case when considering VAERS data, it is, therefore, important to keep in mind that reported cases do not necessarily imply causality. The question, then, becomes in what proportion of VAERS entries a causal link can be established.
To help us make this assessment we use the findings of a peer-reviewed study which examined this issue. The title of the study is “Causality Assessment of Adverse Events Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” The study was published in 2012 and you can view it at this link at the National Library of Medicine. The study found a “definite” or “probable” causal link between the vaccine and the adverse event in 23 percent of entries in the VAERS database. In another 20 percent of cases a causal link was “possible.” In order not to inflate our numbers, we will assume that a definite or a probable link exists in only 20 percent of death entries entered into VAERS in connection with the Covid vaccines. In other words, we will assume that in 8 out of 10 entries, the vaccines were not responsible for the demise of the person. We will take this cautious position despite the fact that in most cases the filing party – mostly health care professionals – believed that the reported deaths occurred as a result of the vaccine. To put it in a different way, we will assume that the filers were mistaken 80 percent of the time. When we adjust the 19,532 figure for this variable, we obtain 3,906 (19,532 x 0.2). This would be the number of deaths which were definitely or likely attributable to the Covid vaccines per the VAERS records. This number, however, does not accurately reflect the real death toll of the vaccines. This is because it is well known that the VAERS numbers are vastly underreported. The underreporting is due to a host of reasons. Most doctors, for example, are hard pressed for time and they do not wish to go through the time-consuming administrative process of filling claims, which is a task for which they receive no compensation. Doctors are also generally discouraged by the environment in which they work from reporting this kind of data in order not to shed bad light on pharmaceutical products, which are the blood of modern medicine. Be that as it may, it is an undisputed fact that only a very small fraction of the actual adverse events ends up being reported to the VAERS database. A number of authorities believe that fraction to be one percent or less. One of them is Dr. David A. Kessler, a former FDA Commissioner who – in support of his 1993 article thesis – referenced a study that found that “only about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA.” Kessler should know of which he speaks since in addition to his high-profile appointments as a public health official he also holds a Medical Degree from Harvard and a law degree from the University of Chicago. Kessler’s view was reaffirmed by a 2010 report by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” (see page 6 of the report). Ronald A. Kostoff is another high-profile scientist who believes that one percent is the correct estimate. In a recent paper he observed, “historically, VAERS has been shown to report about 1% of actual vaccine/inoculation adverse events.”
If these authorities are correct, then the underreporting factor (URF) of the VAERS database is 100.
To ensure that they err on the side of caution rather than the other way around, some researchers use a more conservative URF in their analysis. Steve Kirsch, for example, generally uses the underreporting factor of 41 in his calculations. The lowest URF factor this writer has come across in the work of credible analysts is 36. In order to be as conservative as possible, we will use this figure in our analysis. If we, then, adjust our VEARS number for this variable, we will obtain the result 140,616 (3,906 x 36). This would represent the number of Americans killed by the Covid vaccines in a period of less than 12 months starting in mid-December 2020 through November 26, 2021. Please keep in mind that the above is a very conservative estimate, which we have arrived at by assuming a 20 percent causality link in reported death entries in the VAERS database and the underreporting factor of 36. This, however, is likely a gross understatement of the actual situation. Using less conservative assumptions, many researches have come up with a higher death toll. Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, and Mathew Crawford, for example, estimated in their paper that the vaccines have likely claimed 150,000 lives as of August 28, 2021. If we use the underreporting factor of 100 (one hundred) advocated by David A. Kessler, Ronald Kostoff and the Department of Health and Human Services we would arrive at the figure of 390,600 deaths attributable to the vaccines. It is quite probable that these figures are closer to the actual vaccine death toll than the one we obtained based on our cautious assumptions.
Be that as it may, we can say with a considerable degree of confidence that based on the VAERS figures, it is very likely that the Covid vaccines have killed or directly contributed to the deaths of at least 140,000 people. By claiming the lives of so many people in such a short time, the Covid vaccines are the deadliest pharmaceuticals ever released into wide circulation.
The Salvation Army Kettle Collectors
don’t even have Christ or Christmas
on the sign above it….but the dutiful sheep,
lost in “tradition” and 50 cents worth of Holiday Spirit
sheep don’t even see that departure from Christianity
Dave, the FBI is the GESTAPO (state), NOT the SS (political party)!!!
What’s up with your inability to read my past comments?
Jail? No way!! Immediate justice needs to meted out to Schifty, Cheney and the rest…..and publicly!!
Hey Dave, Antifa is the SS (political run hit squads).
The FBI is a state run operation, just like the German GESTAPO was.
What don’t you understand about those analogies?
Hello, wanted to let you know Manteca school district in Manteca California has now approved to send out a list of the unvaxxed.
the school board just send ab email int ti the whole district with all the non vaxxed names in it being exposed over 300 names they also voted for the student teacher vaccine mandate
What is in the Jab is paramount to explain. Graphene Oxide as much as 80% causes heart attacks. What does the Hydra parasite do. Dave, give us more info on what’s in the vaccine..