Ep 2413b – The Narrative Begins, Football Tracked, 25th Amendment Now Being Pushed, Like Clockwork
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The [DS]/MSM is making Trump more and more powerful with the people. Everything they have tried is not backfiring. Trump and the patriots already knew their playbook. 25th Amendment narrative is now going to be pushed. Ds trying to get the nuclear launch codes. NSA tracking, Trump knew he always knew.
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The supreme court wont hear any cases regarding the elections. It doesn’t matter who presents the evidence. THEY HAVE BEEN COMPROMISED AND THREATENED BY THE DEEP STATE. I hope im wrong. I hope they eventually do hear cases. Because if the fraud isnt dealt with the American patriots will never win another election.
You have ZERO proof that Trump has intelligence from the Space Force. Stop promoting false hope.
As you should know, Bill Binney used to work in the NSA. On April 6, 2019, Dave posted an X22Spotlight interview with Bill Binney, together with Harley Schlanger. In that interview Dave asked Bill Binney whether military intelligence (MI) had any connection with NSA in which they worked together. Bill Binney responded in the affirmative saying, “They are. In fact, you know, its the NSA / CSS, for example. CSS is the Central Security Service. That means, the Army, Navy, Air Force & Marine components of SIGINT, they all fall under NSA. That’s why the Director of the NSA is a General, 3-star – now a 4 star, I guess. That’s why he’s military, because that military commands are underneath his administration.
Dave followed with another question: So, if we look at it from that point of view, I mean, do you think the military is feeding him [POTUS] that information?
Bill Binney response: “I do not know if that’s sure, although they certainly would have the opportunity to be able to see some of that. So, it would be possible for them to see that kind of thing & report it.”
Now moving to the U.S. Space Force:
See Joint Publication 3-14, Space Operations (10-April 2018)
Appendix A
Additional Space Support Related to the Joint Force (page 73), where it states:
2. Combat Support Agencies
d. National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS).
The NSA/CSS leads the USG in cryptology that encompasses both SIGINT and cybersecurity activities and enables computer network operations to gain a decision advantage for the United States and its allies and partners under all circumstances. The Central Security Service (CSS) conducts SIGINT collection, processing, analysis, production and dissemination, and other
cryptologic operations. NSA/CSS provides SIGINT and cybersecurity guidance and assistance to DOD components, as well as national customers. The Director, National Security Agency/Chief, CSS, serves as the principal SIGINT and cybersecurity advisor to SecDef, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, the DOD Chief Information Officer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), CCDRs, the Secretaries of the Military Departments, and the DNI, as well as other USG officials. NSA/CSS is designated a CSA (combat support agency) of DOD and is also an element of the IC (intelligence community). NSA/CSS’s SIGINT mission helps protect the nation by providing information in the form of SIGINT products and services that enable national-level leaders to make informed decisions and operate successfully. The joint force contacts the Integrated Radio Frequency Operations/Overhead Collection Management Center for support.
I think that should at least give enough of a possibility that the Space Force has collected satellite information on the 2020 election & working together with a part of the NSA / CSS would would have provided that information to that NSA agency.
The following Links are provided:
1) X22Spotlight interview with Bill Binney & Harley Schlanger (mirrored copy): https://youtu.be/yq2QMmZNoYY
2) See Joint Publication 3-14, Space Operations (10-April 2018), Appendix A, Additional Space Support Related to the Joint Force (page 73): https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/jp3_14ch1.pdf?ver=qmkgYPyKBvsIZyrnswSMCg%3D%3D
Been listening for months. But when you talk about abortion and mention money laundering that’s when I’m out. Awful awful awful !!!
You talk about God. This is not what God speaks of. Awful awful awful !!!!!
@Anne: So, just TALKING about abortion sends you away? Is he APPROVING of abortion? Is he DIS-APPROVING? You CLEARLY don’t know. (He’s NOT APPROVING AT ALL!) Just the WORD sends you into a tailspin & shuts down your rational brain function. Take a deep breath, Anne. You’re better than this.
I only watch your shows on your site. Thank you very much. WWG1WGA.
Dr. Fauchi is saying wear two masks now. Yet the governor of North Dakota said there is no law requiring masks and he lifted and removed the mandate to require wearing masks. Interesting.
Dave, I’ll check in with you when Trump’s President. And fyi, I’m not voting for him in 2024. That would literally mean the military and police WILL NOT support the Constitution. It means it’s over. We’ve been played. GL.
Sad to say, looks like the U.S. Military is just another branch of the Democrats, they had their chance to defend the constitution and let us down.
Their oath is no longer valid.
Military in charge. Would you want to start a revolution? That is what the cabal wants. Everything playing out so dems realize buyers remorse. Look at pipeline workers for one.
Dave you are awesome I listen to two people you and LT from and we know you both are doing such great work there are probably millions listening to you by now. I never miss a show from you. I put you on at bedtime to listen and again in the morning to watch over breakfast you are part of our life now been listening at least 3 years and love it. Keep the faith Q is talked about daily now and was just on 60 minutes again last Sunday night we are so over the target the MSM and crooked politicians and hollywood elites are petrified. Can’t wait to see our president speek Sunday although I think he will be measured but the crowd will go wild you are the best god bless
Dave, Listen to you everyday.
Pray your assessments are right.
We need all the white pills we can get.
When the agent provocateurs walked into the capital
a lady was killed. Nothing has been said in the news, any news
about who killed her. I find this memory hole very disturbing.
Bob Adventure, Halloween Jack
Your reports are First Class Dave, I pray to see the shift of media from Lame stream , to Brain stream and you would be one of the New top media platforms !Thank you for all the hard work and commitment for the Truth🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎥! May you be richly Blessed🙏🇺🇸🗽
Another great broadcast Dave.
Love the Star Wars reference! So true! Love it Dave, thank you for all you do… Blessings to all for a beautiful day.
Sometimes someone has to be foolish to ask questions no one is asking so here goes:
where did bitcoin come from? who patented it? why is it unstable? how can we be sure it will still exist tomorrow? Saying it’s the peoples currency doesn’t wash for me viz which people? all people or just rich people? tech-savy people or all people? young people or all people? What happens to the ‘left behind’ people or the left out people?
Sorry but we’ve blindly believed before and look where it got us…
Obama & Big Mike were gitmoed 2017…. he isn’t saying nothing.
Oh now WE WERE TOLD Biden would be president? Screw this and screw Q. You are liars. I’m canceling my subscription to this crap.
Dave Obama is dead and he is not controling the clone known as Biden it is most likely China that is controling him and the Black Sun and the Black Pope, please do more research and stop lying to the people so we can move on.
I would like to know why if Joe Biden received the vaccination, why is he now wearing 2 masks? Tells me either COVID is a hoax, which we already knew, or the vaccine does not work. Another possibility is that Biden never received the vaccine and it was all a show.
Does anyone remember soap operas? You could take a month off, return to the soap opera and it would be like you never missed an episode. X22 is the same thing…….THEY ARE PANICKING, FEELING PAIN, ETC. ETC. ETC.
I know it may be something not so many people are commenting about… But since you have switched over to Rumble, Rumble has the volume levels on video turned up to the max. And the introduction to both of your a & b vids start off with the sound of an explosion. I find it a bit annoying. And, it really is not very kind to my ear drums when I click on to start listening. I will continue to try to avoid putting on my headset until after the explosion has past. Perhaps, this may be something to reconsider for in the making of your future episodes.
Just some feedback for you to know about.
I really enjoy you upbeat reports.
Thank you. – turiya / jon
Yes, agree about Trump/Q are waiting for the traitors to trip up and military will have proof needed to declare they have been colluding with enemy countries and then people would agree that the arrests and removal of them were necessary. Already I see many comments asking where is our military???!!!! It would be better that route than Durham indicting out of the blue, etc. Couldn’t blame Trump for it as they clearly decided to do it themselves for treasonous reasons. Then come out with Durham’s indictments. “We’ll see what happens”
FYI interesting for many that there have been some prophecies by Christians saying in the next 30 days God would be making some big moves/shakings against the guilty ones in DC and there would be many betrayals. That there really isn’t a legitimate Admin. at the WH & Trump is the “real” President. These are coming from people who DON’T follow politics or the news hardly at all and don’t know about Q, etc. Also say Trump will return after it’s cleaned out — on AF 1!
One thinks it will be before July 4 bc he had a vision of July 4th celebrations being indescribable with happy people and it would not only be America, it would be the world! Amen!
As a resident of Kentucky, I will tell you people like Mitch have continued to be elected time after time because you watch the opposition take big money and openly show their corruption. Standing at the ballot box you ask yourself which is the lesser of two evils. You convince yourself that at least if you vote with your party, you will not give the democrats more control. Little did you know you fed the beast and gave them exactly what they wanted.
Thank you Dave. You help people like me wake up to see the bigger picture.
thank you for keeping me informed. the lame street media is so corrupt, and one sided it’s pathetic!!!
How do I locate to read, or what is an address for, Q?
Thank you.
Great show
Their push to bring in more pedophiles will make sense when they officially include pedophiles with gay rights and de-criminalize pedophilia.