Ep 2657b – How Do You Defuse A Bomb, Dark Clouds Are Forming, History Is Being Made
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The [DS] is now pushing everything they have, they want the people to suffer during the holiday season, they want shutdowns so people beg. They are desperate and their plan has failed and they know it. All the pieces are in place, the major offensive will begin soon. This is about taking about the country, but to do this you need to prep and set everything in place to make the moves you need. Leverage and control are the name of the game. First the bomb must be defused, then the patriots can proceed forward, history is being made.
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- ← Ep 2657a – In The End China Will Pay, The Economic Stage Has Been Set
- Ep 2658a – [CB] Moves Forward With Their Economic Controlled Demolition,But They Are Not In Control →
-The Rules of Civil Procedure ONLY apply to PERSONS and
-PERSONS are in legal terms “corporate body or corporation
other than the state and having rights and duties before the
Civil Law”.
-PEOPLE are born with unalienable rights and free but for
above ALL LAWS. DO NOT let anyone place PERSON onto you
as stated in Bible.
-Anyone beit in public, home or public business etc who
claims I am their property is committing Illegal and Unlawful
-Anyone who claims that mandates are Law, mandatory
masks, mandatory social distance and mandatory vaccines is
committing Illegal an Unlawful Acts.
-Anyone who enters a business or home to mandate or falsely
arrest any Man or Woman is committing an Illegal and
Unlawful Act.
Dave, please know that Soros and Gates purchased the company that is making the new Covid test that will be used beginning Jan 1.
Also, I’ve heard that 1 in 200 batches of Covid vaccine is causing multiple cases of “adverse reactions”. It might be that they tainted 1 in 200 batches at first. Then they’ll move to 1 in 100, Them 1 in 50, etc. It makes complete sense. This way the population can be reduced gradually and the vaccines won’t be implicated. They’ll claim that climate change is responsible, or “stress”, or some new “virus”.
Hi Dave, Didn’t you find out about Gitmo, the military tribunals and the executions yet? Some of the traitors you mention have already been dealt with.
Colorado has “open carry,” no permit needed.
Sheeple do not think. Plenty of them in cities run by Ds
Dude, take it easy on the coffee..you were talking at warp speed. In addition to gold, China has the world’s largest deposits of rare earth minerals…
thanks dave for addressing trump’s vax statements. he will now have to live with all the severe catastrophes that have and will occur–deaths, heart disease, strokes, neuro catastrophes, etc.
forget about nuremberg 2.0—-they all walk now, fauci, collins, cdc and fda and big pharma killers, because of trump. he just gave them a free pass to murder and when they call him to testify he will have to say they saved ”tens of millions of lives” and confirm what he told oreilly.
Why did you omit Pres Trump’s admission today that he just took his booster shot? What about the anti-vax folks who will risk losing their jobs, dishonorable discharges from the military? Booing could be heard in the background. I feel betrayed.
What about the children being given the shots?
There are too many deaths and injuries from these EXPERIMENTAL “gene therapy” injections to consider these shots “safe” anymore. Trumps needs to say that Big Pharma was “mistaken about the safety of the vaccines”. The deaths and injuries ( quoting statistics) have shown they are not preforming as expected and should now be discontinued. And they should never be given to children. He should promote the early treatments like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies, Regnerol, vitamins, instead. TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED AND ARE STILL BEING INJURED AND WE DO NOT KNOW THE LONG TERM HEALTH EFFECTS ! This is a health catastrophe! Politics have to be set aside now. Trump has to STOP THESE DEATHS and INJURIES if he wants support! The STATISTICS are Trump’s defense. Big Pharma created these vaccines. It their failure, not his.
Hi Dave,
I would say it is a program tonight but I have some questions about some things.
What about the Military Tribunals for those commuting the crimes against humanity including pedophilia, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the vaccine mandates and the abusive fearmongering by the fake news media and the corrupt officials? What about the use of the Emergency Broadcast System especially when letting people know what is going on?
I feel those questions should be answered because I think you kind of flip flopped a bit especially with the midterm elections. Another question is what about the Dominion Voting Machines. What about no 2022 or 2024 until 2020 gets fixed? I say fix 2020 and then we move forward with the upcoming midterms and 2024 because it would not make any sense if we leave 2020 the way it is before other important elections. That is my opinion.
Well anyway, I think it was a good program. It is just that we all need to hold each other accountable and say what needed to be said. Thanks again. Hope all is well. Where we go one, we go all.
Dave, tell Trump to do what he needs to do soon. If Brennan must wait for Trump to gain more leverage before more indictments are issued, then let’s get GOING Trump.
Trump is not being hurt by these bio weapon shots like average Americans. He will keep his BILLIONS
and is not losing his health and livelihood over these injections like most Americans. If he really took the vaccine (and even a booster) with the evidence that has come out about blood clots, stroke, myocarditis, and numerous other severe injuries, (with countless healthy young athletes dropping DEAD on the field from heart injury) he is STUPID. I do not believe either he or Bill O’Reilly really took the shots. These injections are a bio weapon designed by international elites ( Bill Gates, Fauci, Big Pharma, ) to kill a large part of the world’s population and they have to STOP NOW! Health expert, Dr. Peter McCollough, supported the vaccines in the beginning and he has now changed his mind because of the dangers. Even the doctor who invented MRNA gene therapy has now warned against them. Trump’s “political optics” are not worth this mass death continuing! This is a CRIME against humanity committed by Big Pharma, Fauci & cohorts, the NIH, Bill Gates, and the Communist Chinese via the Wuhan Lab. THEY funded and created the virus, loosed it, and prepared the damaging vaccines, not Trump. There is no way Trump does not know this so much information has come out from so many sources now. He will live in EASE no matter what happens to the rest of us. ENOUGH!
I love your show, have listened for years. The last couple of days you have been speaking so fast that you are stressing me out!
Why are you talking so fast? Whatever the reason, it doesn’t work. Please slow down.
Thank you
Dave, you have been doing a great job with your reports.
I noticed on the last couple of the reports, either the recording is sped up, or you’re on too much caffeine, with hatdly a pause after sentences. These have been difficult to listen to. Pls don’t speed up the recording, or pls lay off the caffeine.
And I recommend omitting the loud electronic sound at the start of pre-recorded
aidio rxcerpts from interviews. The spund is hard on the ears.
Love you so much Dave. Blessings on you and your whole family
I’ve listened to you probably from your beginning and I don’t remember you talking so fast until the last few months. It’s like you’ve been practicing fast talk. You talk so fast, you don’t catch your breath between subjects and everything runs together. I’m not sure how much longer I can watch, just thought I’d let you know because I’ve tried to be a loyal listener/viewer. I get exhausted just trying to keep up.
I very much like many of your guest interviews because so don’t talk so fast there.
Hate to complain but need to tell you.
Ok…now the test will be separate…but no one is talking about the smoking gun…why are the cell companies practically giving away there 5G phone…I believe that this is leading to 6G where I hear that with the nano tech that was implanted by just all the testing, that there is a kill switch with the 6G and when Dr Evil turns this on everyone who has been tested, vaccinated, boosted, etc will come down with the flu of all flu’s to which there is no coming back….I’ve read 10 days to 2 weeks it’s goodnite Alice and that’s where your Depopulation will come from…..just a thought…Owen
Whats to keep the Cabal from setting off nukes now?
Whats the difference if tens of millions die from cabal lockdowns or the vaccines?
Hi Dave ~
You keep referring to the increasing number of Dems deciding not to run with the next elections. Is it possible that the DS has a number of their own, more dangerous options and that they are paving the way for even more of their evil power? Just wondering ….
There’s a dialogue in the new movie Don’t Look Up where on guy says a comet that is hurling to earth is worth $trillions, and the reply (from someone with common sense) is what good is the money if we’re all dead. Now, take that dialogue and replace it with “optics,” as you say. What good are optics if we’re all dead. The people, especially those in government, are pissed and the Dems will not be happy in Nov.
look up the laws for Constitutional Carry it just applies to your state of residence, to have a concealed carry you have to apply at your Sheriffs office, but you can carry across state lines to most states not all states.
Heeeey Dave, where’s the fire? You sound like you’re in a wee bit of a hurry these days.
You are always the best out there among all the fabulous Patriots working so hard to help keep us sane and informed. Thank you with all my heart. Happiest of holidays to and your family.
The russian minister of defence said today that about 200 private american mercenaries out in Ukraine prepare a chemical attack to then blame it onto Russia!!!!!!
Greetings from Germany!
Please Dave ~ The contradictions are making my head spin!
Which is it? Is CV19 all a hoax as you keep saying, and the vaccines are a weapon to spread this “hoax”? And if so, why is Trump insisting on taking the credit (which of course, with warp-speed is due the credit) as well as talking about it as “safe and effective”, IF this vaccine is as dangerous as you say? I mean really, are the “optics” more important than we-the-people’s safety?
I have so many questions, but you never answer me anyway so I’ll just leave this one here for now.
Except for one HUGE question: Why isn’t anyone DOING ANYTHING for those poor people being held unconstitutionally for just being there at the January 6th protest? Think about it … a year imprisoned for absolutely nothing! Help me understand Dave. I listen to you faithfully, but there’s a lot I don’t understand and at times you seem to contradict yourself. Annie
They want an uprising that’s why they are treating these people so badly; but we are waiting for an election and then hold all of these people accountable starting with Pelosi