Ep 2658b – The Insurrection Occurred On 11.3, Jan 6 Details Emerge Exposing The [DS] Operation
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The [DS] is now pushing everything they have, they know it is game over if the people are not fully vaccinated. The tests are about to change and the truth will be revealed. They will continue to push pressure but this will fail, the more they push the people will not comply. The fear tactics do not work anymore. Trump continues to remind everyone that the insurrection occurred on 11.3. The Jan 6 [FF] is now being exposed. The people are now seeing how the FBI and others orchestrated the entire operation, the [DS] narrative is falling apart. Trump is going to hold a press conference on Jan 6, interesting timing.
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- Ep 2659a – The [CB] Great Reset Just Fell Apart, Panic, Trump: Crypto Is Very Dangerous →
My teacher who I loved dearly while got her first shot on Thursday and died Saturday, that’s the 6 person that has died this year that I know from the shot, my nephew pass away last week from the shot, his employer which has a government contract made him get the shot in order to keep his job, pay away two days after taken the shot, when wel this end.
Please slow down during the podcast. The last 3 days it is so fast that it gives listeners anxiety
Dave, why is it that most of the time I can’t download the program until after 10:00pm central time?
Hi Dave,
My wife and I like listening to your x22 report each evening. It seems that something has changed in your broadcast. The audio seems to be speeded up. It is very difficult to listen to speeded up audio, which does not allow time to digest what you are saying. Also the increased speed is agitating to my nerves. If this is being done intentionally to save time, I really don’t think it’s a good practice. I don’t notice the speed increase on your financial report. I hope you will return the audio speed back to what you were using before,
Ben Lee
George Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day.
55 years not 77.
I cant listen to your broadcasts anymore. Please bring back normal talking speed.
Hey Dave, why has the audio speed INCREASED To the point that it’s annoying to listen to your lightning-fast cadence? What is going on? PLEASE stop editing out every micro pause. The last three episodes have been headache-producing. We love your reports. I’d rather not slow the audio down .25x just to understand what you’re saying. Thanks!
I yelled at Scaffold Commander on 1/6
The Capital police were shooting teargas into the crowd, and they were specifically targeting trouble makers with pepper balls.
At no time did they even look at Scaffold Commander, let alone fire anything at him, and he was well within range. They were firing easily 100 feet farther back from him.
I yelled up to the Scaffolding and said “why don’t you do it yourself. Stop telling people to put themselves into harms way and do it yourself.” He looked at me but did not acknowledge my words, which he could hear clearly.
Meanwhile, some other patriots and I, were ushering injured people out of the crowd, along with mostly elderly women who were trapped, panicking, and in need of help.
I also saw multiple “AntiFa”. One pulled out their trademark green lasers, and blinded a capital police office, which of course agitated the police, which of course made them fire at innocent people just standing there peacefully.
Total poop show.
1. The “injection(s)” is/are NOT A “VACCINE”. I’d appreciate your NOT SAYING it’s a “vaccine”. It’s an ‘injection’, an experimental drug, a “clot shot,” at best a placebo. Still not a “vaccine”.
2. China Joe’s complaining out loud that some pop figures are “making money” by spreading “fake news”. FUNNY how we DON’T hear about the Millions & BILLIONS being scooped by VAXX vendors, distributors, administrators, ACTORS & PROMOTERS. American Taxpayers are PAYING for this PAN-HUMAN EXTERMINATION!!! Let’s Go, Brandon!
dave, i just listened to oReilly’s interview with Trump where Trump is still bragging about the vaccines. He was duped into the “pandemic” by fauci, and sidestepped all the testing. he still advocates for fauci and is responsible for thousands and thousands of adverse effects and deaths. and, i receive 3-5 contacts per day from him asking for money with no candidacy declared and no explanation of what the money will be used for. he is becoming just another politician. he encouraged his followers to be in DC on J6 but has been virtually silent on the prisoners’ fate. as for your story, the military is lost and will do nothing. the ever-sliding time of trump returning has lost credibility. our country has been stolen and destroyed because Trump didnt have the courage to really fight for it. i am out.
Virtual shield never works and please don’t advertise for them
Why is Trump touting not only the “vaccines” but has also admitted to getting the booster. Are you kidding me? This man had covid. So he has buried his head in the sand with respect to herd immunity, death and severe reactions from the jabs, …
You can’t tell me that millions of average people around the world know the PCR tests don’t work and that the “vaccine” is deadly and that Trump has no idea of this?
Sorry, but Trump is either 1. one of the worst narcissists by continuously patting himself on the back re warp speed 2. Is part of the Deep State 3. He’s lost his mind due to vaccine and booster shots.
If someone has a reasonable explanation for his behaviour I’d love to hear it. Trying to keep an open mind but fading daily
Have you purposely sped up your videos? The faster you talk, the less I am able to actually absorb. I have slowed it down to .75% but then the narrative is wacky and equally hard to follow. Please just try to talk a little slower.
FBI chief Wray is a traitor and working for Deep State and has been for a long time. He has to be indicted for treason. ( This info is from God )
Don’t see how any thinking person can support Trump given his continual support for toxic jabs. He’s served his purpose, now is the time for someone who can hopefully unite the country. Ron DeSantis might be that person.
I believe I may have found a cure, I live in California and I think if we get rid of our state government the coronavirus will go away all by itself
Need a fact check on the CDC pulling support from Moderna and J&J vaccines due to blood clotting. Can I get a second here?
Dear X22 Report Team
Thanks a lot for your always very interesting and motivating researches and informing!
Now I’m really curious, why President Trump is always “so-called promoting” the vaccination?…
I don’t think that he wouldn’t know the danger of it, what is your opinion? Or is he “promoting” the vaccination as being a part of his plan to pull the DS a trap?…I hope it is this way, because I can’t imagine that President Trump would promote a dangerous vaccine knowingly…
Thank you very much for enlightning my question and I’m curious about your answer! Merry Christmas to you all and all the best. Sincerely, Chris