Ep 2659b – What Happens When You Can No Longer Trust Those Elected To Represent You?
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[JB] poll number continue to drop. The [DS] is doing everything they can to get the people to where they need them to be and that is vaccinated. The people are no longer believing these individuals, they know they have been lied to. The people see very clearly now and they know the difference between helping the people and pushing an agenda. Trump says you have a choice to put something in your body, soon we will have full immunity. The [DS] narrative and plan has failed, Trump and the patriots are ready to mount a major offensive.
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- ← Ep 2659a – The [CB] Great Reset Just Fell Apart, Panic, Trump: Crypto Is Very Dangerous
- Bob Kudla- The Recession Is On The Horizon, [JB]/[CB] Will Own The Economic Disaster →
Dave, do you know anything about med beds? I listen to you every night. Been seeing things about med beds. I am a Patriot! This is about to drive me crazy, and I am unvaxed! I am awake, but what do I need to do?
I love the work you do, the time it must take to get each story out there, wow. But I have one concern lately. Perhaps I’m wrong, but the last 2 nights of videos you seem to be speed talking. LOL… First I thought you must be high, but then I got serious when both videos from tonight were done in the same way. I apologise if I’m wrong or if I don’t understand, but I really do enjoy your videos and I even take a few of them to post on other social media sites. Thank you for all you do. Have a good evening..
May want to re-edit first 25 seconds….. multiple introductions for economic report
I don’t think you ever even read your comments or take them seriously but here you go
trump is now involved in mass vax murder and injury. the Q plan was to avoid ”bloodshed” and civil war. the two are now contradictory. this means there is no plan and gen flynn is right: it was all a cia psyop. we know trump was surrounded by traitors, thats how the Q proofs were done. it was all a psyop. now we have the proof from the horses mouth. nothing can change the damage trump has done.
Seems like you started removing pauses between statements through editing. It might shorten the run length but I find it unpleasent to listen to without natural breaks.
Thank you Dave for all your hard work. Listening almost every night. Keep it up. One thing you may consider is to start saying, ” President Trump ” instead of ” Trump and the Patriots ” President Trump
and the patriots “. It would continue to help impart this Already Truth, & also show a greater respect for the office. Other than that, you are the bomb dud……….keep it up. These blogs will go down in history.
My God, how can the FBI ever be cleaned up?
I know I will NEVER trust it.
President Trump, I hope when you return, that you are protected from the FBI.
Merry Christmas Patriots!
Hi Dave…I knew I recognized his name from your report and why he was significant in the Chinese program….Charles M. Lieber is an American chemist, “pioneer in nano-science and nanotechnology”, and a convicted felon. In 2011, Lieber was named the leading chemist in the world for the decade 2000–2010 by Thomson Reuters, based on the impact of his scientific publications. Wikipedia
Celeste Solum has several interesting reports regarding the direction planned for this technology.
Dear Dave. Great Job on content and presentation. Please do a proper Segway into your sponsors. It is so not like your video quality. Don’t just stop and expect us all not to fall on our face. Then jump back into your show and we’re lost. Please think about it.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the program because tonight it was good, it great and it was awesome. I say it because I feel that the truth is coming out and that people now know that there s a clear difference between what is really helping people and what pushing an agenda is. I know we may have some differences especially with the idea of having people experience things every now and then but in the end, it will eventually work out. I kind of thought about Albert Einstein because I read that while he opposed war as he was a pacifist, he ended helping the United States with his knowledge of physics. I can relate to how he must of felt especially with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. While I may oppose the idea of having people experience things, I know that at the end of the day, I may end realizing that it was worth it because people really need to to wake up. While I sort myself out and stuff, I do not want to sound lukewarm. It is upsetting news to hear that the Deep State is planning to emotionally abuse people to get the, to do things. I do hope there are counter measures in place to slow down the damage. I know that at the end of the day, there are going to be military tribunals for those who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity especially with the lockdowns, pedophilia, election fraud, and other worst crimes ever committed.
I have been meaning to ask but did you ever hear about a website called Real Raw News. It is out there and I am not sure if it is a real site or if the Deep State created the site to fool people and to set them up for humiliation.
I have to ask you another question. Are all those things that are considered a conspiracy theory by the media really real? Like Bigfoot or Atlantis or so on? I kind of wondered what really happened in Jonestown back in 1978. I know you talk about conspiracy no more but I honestly feel that a good number of those theories are just that, maybe like an urban legend or something.
Well anyway, thanks again. Hope all is well. Where we go one, we go all.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the program because tonight it was good, it great and it was awesome. I say it because I feel that the truth is coming out and that people now know that there s a clear difference between what is really helping people and what pushing an agenda is. I know we may have some differences especially with the idea of having people experience things every now and then but in the end, it will eventually work out. I kind of thought about Albert Einstein because I read that while he opposed war as he was a pacifist, he ended up helping the United States with his knowledge of physics. I can relate to how he must of felt especially with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. While I may oppose the idea of having people experience things, I know that at the end of the day, I may end realizing that it was worth it because people really need to to wake up. While I sort myself out and stuff, I do not want to sound lukewarm. It is upsetting news to hear that the Deep State is planning to emotionally abuse people to get them to do things including injecting that stuff into their bodies. I do hope there are counter measures in place to slow down the damage. I know that at the end of the day, there are going to be military tribunals for those who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity especially with the lockdowns, pedophilia, election fraud, and other worst crimes ever committed.
I have been meaning to ask but did you ever hear about a website called Real Raw News. It is out there and I am not sure if it is a real site or if the Deep State created the site to fool people and to set them up for humiliation.
I have to ask you another question. Are all those things that are considered a conspiracy theory by the media really real? Like Bigfoot or Atlantis or so on? I kind of wondered what really happened in Jonestown back in 1978. I know you talk about conspiracy no more but I honestly feel that a good number of those theories are just that, maybe like an urban legend or something.
Well anyway, thanks again. Hope all is well. Where we go one, we go all.
P.S. I realized that there was some typing errors so I made another comment this time with some corrections and some additions. I have been praying for myself and loved ones especially with the jabs. I have vowed not to get the booster and I will not be chipped. Please pray for us if you don’t mind.
Well Dave, as always put “Whoop that Trick” on the Radio, get Your Peeps United, Spiritually & Physically Strap Up, Stoke that Fire of Justice and get Ready to Dance Baby… Fuck Hoe O’bidan and that Evil Regime … Cause We The People are fixing to “Whoop That Trick”… Keep up that Hustle and Flow, Weez Fixing to Fuck Evil Up!!! Get’Tem Dave!!!
Trump should NOT be promoting the Vaccine. I agree it was a tough choice but now that we know about Graphene Oxide and Hydra, he cannot tell me to take it. Remain neutral if anything…
Governor Newsom was arrested by the military and is now in GITMO awaiting a military tribunal.
The swamp is being drained. In God we trust!
George Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day!
Lina Hidalgo, county Judge for Harris county (Houston) is under federal investigation along with Sylvester Turner for alleged corruption and payoffs
Heard Great comments about this channel on The Judy Byington Report….been listening for several years….Owen
It’s too bad you’re trimming all the natural pauses out rendering these reports unlistenable.
Thx for reporting!!! Can’t stop listening!!! It gets better & better !!! When I first started working I was always told the money went toward our military first!! But it’s amazing how govt officials are soooo rich …Durham IS THE 💥 BOOM!!!
You’re videos don’t contain the audio. The videos are freezing up. The 2 days reports contained such errors
Hi Dave
I heard that Trump says the vax is not killing people? We know this is not true according to the VAERS report. Can you explain?
We the people constitute the US, therefore we are the Constitution.
The founding fathers never changed the meaning of the word. If they meant for the constitution to be a charter, they would have used the common language of the time.
The constitution is “we the people”. Any act that does not benefit we the people is unconstitutional.
They changed the dictionary to hide this truth.
Well – as Trump often does, he cant shut up. He now apparently supports vaccines saying to COwens , “if you dont take the Vaccines, youre playing right into their hands”. That ought to send another 30% of those who felt solidarity, right out to get the jab. Please discuss what “brilliant” chess move he’s now making ??? because what I see is a guy who wants to insure he gets CREDIT for creating the vaccine more than caring that they DONT WORK
and the WH is now re-tweeting Trumps support of the VaX. I guess we are on our own now. Guess this means he supports Faucci and the CDC, and the WHO also????
watching the onslaught from the left on Newsmax…Trump dumped it big time. All had to do was shut up
Not sure if you know or not, but your editor has been accidentally leaving in your different opening lines in the intro of your videos.
I am not liking Trump rhetoric right now and was unimpressed by his appearance at the Dallas church for Christmas. I was supporting him. His organization sends me tons of requests for money. Our lives have been up ended by this pandemic and now the Vax…but Trump says it is a choice when it is not for many people in blue areas where vax is mandated or lose your job. How do people start over when they are near retirement? In Dallas he continued to promise a bright future for the USA, but some things will never be recovered, but many will be unscathed by what has happened. Not everyone can move. I cannot move because I have family to care for. Trump is behaving like another out of touch elitist. He was 45 but his rhetoric is very weak. Many people are losing their jobs because of mandates. Perhaps he is too busy fighting personal battles. In the end, Biden will blame Trump for the vax fallout.