Ep 2668b – The [DS] Has Been Outmaneuvered, They Are Only Now Figuring It Out
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The [DS] agenda is now coming to an end. The people are no longer believing the pandemic hoax, it is falling apart rapidly. The patriots have outmaneuvered the [DS] and they are only now figuring it out. The pieces are now being put into place. The show is about to start and the [DS] is panicking. [NP] is already signaling that she is now retiring. The entire corrupt system is about to come down around them.
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- ← Ep 2668a – Melania Sends Message, The Economic Path Is Beginning To Form
- Ep 2669a – People Are Figuring It Out, This Will Spread Through The Economy →
And lee Harvey Oswald acted alone Epstein killed himself truth just takes a minute
I think we need to keep an eye on the Deep State creeps that are quitting the dem party and switching sides. We don’t need to be partnering with the enemy.
Trump cancelled Jan 6 2022. The goal posts are starting to move again…on the patriots side and no incentive, hope or a glimmer of hope for patriots to hang on too except DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, then ignore blah blah blah…
5 years we were told to hold the line because it will be a magnificent, glorious happening and we sit here, and hold the line and do our best to help in awakening people and fight against tyrannyand then “BLIP” we get NOTHING but a blank screen to hang our hopes on, we see NOTHING…..
How are we to hold the line as patriots when we know we have other patriots in jail and no one is helping them from our government….We get pabulum with Maxwell trial…again with Rittenhouse..all garbage scenes to keep us looking at things that mean NOTHING ….why? Because, the goal posts needed to be moved again and they didn’t want the patriots to see it…and those moving the goal posts were supposed to be on our side, the patriots…What a letdown…total letdown…
We are told keep the faith….well…..one can keep faith if it is offered some kind of crumb to hang on to…even a starving person such as the patriots would welcome a crumb…but we get…..NOTHING but delay…5 LONG years and we are supposed to continue as if something is happening without a shred of a crumb shared???
I bet CMS Innovation Center played a role in the nursing home scandal. Their waivers and initiatives from 2018/19 should be looked at. Like the role they played in hospital deaths.
Dave, Now you are saying that the DS will be pushing their agenda all the way to the 2022 Mid-Term Elections!!!! You keep pushing things back!!!! Bill Holter was right when he said, in a recent interview, that “There is NO ONE who will ride in on a white horse to save us except the Second Coming of Jesus Christ”. You are VERY Naive to believe the Fairy Tale that you are building people’s hopes up on. We, as a Nation, are going to be SEVERELY Chastised for our Godless behavior the past several decades!!! Phil
Love your show, have been listening for years. Thanks for slowing down. The talking too fast was
very bad.
You keep saying that they want to keep the information hidden for 75 years. It is FIFTY FIVE years,
until 2076. Wrong information will erode your credibility. 55 years is an incredibly long time.
It needs no exaggeration.
Keep up the great work.
What if the democratic move will be for Nancy to retire before the Nov ’22 election and have the house vote [democratic majority] Hillary Clinton as speaker? Then impeach Biden / Harris. Hillary becomes President! But! That could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. That could be what sets the military into action.
Re: 2668
Schumer about changing the rules.
Maybe the booster for Ghislaine is going to allow her to fake her death, and escape? Friends in high places? Like the White House basement?
We all know the masks are a joke. So when do the airlines stop requiring them?
Our town is a no mask town. Only some wear it by choice.
Stores don’t require it. They post the messages to wear it if you don’t have the jab etc. but no enforcement. We are living life as usual here. When does the rest of the country do the same?
Trump’s Jan 6th press conference was cancelled and he was angry. I am sure he was going to mention NESARA/GESARA and things didn’t work out, so now the “event” won’t occur for another 2-3 wks.. we don’t know if it was someone on his team or the bad guys. Now he may have to enact martial law and the EBS, which he didn’t wish to use. He stated he would go to the rally in AZ on Jan 15th. Let’s see if he has to play hard against the cabal and if he will still do it this month.
kek… you keep on saying “they” have no cover story…
covid is the cover story…
I look forward to hearing your broadcast everyday! It actually helps me get through all this corrupt politicians bs and the planned scamdemic nonsense? I’ve been listening to you for about 6 months now and I haven’t been disappointed yet!!! A quick question, seeing all these Demroids retiring in droves do they actually think that by retiring they will somehow be exempt from what is coming for them?? And on today’s broadcast you had a clip of Chuckie “ no balls” Schumer in 2005 ranting about the filibuster and how it was going to destroy the country and turn it into a banana republic?? You might want to shoot a copy over to Tucker Carlson and let him and his producers air it prior to Chuckie’s speach and compare the hypocrisy!! Anyway thanks again and please keep up the good work! Mr. Jeffrey J Romero / Tx
Gislaine Maxwell didn’t kill herself.