Ep 2671b – What We Have Witnessed Is The Last Gasps Of The [DS],Let’s Finish What We Started
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The [DS] is struggling, they don’t have the narrative, the public sees through their lies, sees their crimes. Trump is now signaling that is now time to take back our country. We are going to finish what we started. The [DS] will fight back but this will be a losing battle, the months ahead will be intense as the bull horn is ripped from the puppet masters, they will not let it go easily.
- ← Ep 2671a – The Final Nail In The [CB] Economic System Is In Place
- Dr. Zelenko – [DS]/Big Pharma Hid The Cures From We The People,Choice Has Been Made, Collapse →
Dave, Thank You for your dedication to telling the Truth. Above all, it’s essential to want to know Truth even when it hurts.
The pain is real but temporary because it’s leading, Always, to the freedom promised.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free – Jesus John 8:32
I’m71and I’m wondering if I will ever see my America again.
You repeated the question during your vaccination discussion “Why are they in such a rush?” You conclude it’s because the test is changing. You’ve always made that argument. I can’t say you’re wrong, but have always felt the argument really didn’t jive with me. Tonight as you pointed out there is an urgency they seem to have and I have a hunch, but it’s horrific and unsubstantiated. But here it is anyway. What if the urgency is to commit mass murder on a scale that if it doesn’t kill off enough enemies to make their numbers larger than ours, it would still almost make Trump’s efforts in vain. What if they have a way to remotely and massively kill off all the vaccinated? I know, horrible. It’s just something that ran through my mind. Please tell me the cabal is not that ruthless! And I know you can’t. Let’s hope I’m way fucking wrong.
I flushed out my previous comment a little since submitting. Imagine, Trump makes his move and they know they only have to fight the unvaccinated, the vaccinated they just kill’m before they even charge. Or… they use the death of millions of Americans as a bargaining chip with Trump? It’s my understanding the nano-shit in the vaccine reacts to electromagnetic signals. Suppose they bring their device to a football game? A Trump rally? What if? So many scenarios. To me, this would explain the urgency. Gotta get it done before Trump makes the move.
Why would millions of people perish if they didn’t take the “vaccine?” I don’ t think they would have perished. In fact, I think there would have been a lot of the elderly die just as they do every flu season, and a lot of people with comorbidities. I believe LESS people would die if they had NOT taken the “vaccine.”
I wish you were right but you are so wrong. Trump is really not as genius as you think. You also give the American people too much credit. The majority has been indoctrinated into their slavery.
Good try, Dave. But you did not succeed in defending Trump’s position at this time. In the beginning, of course he should have supported the vaccines. Big Pharma told him and everyone else they would be” safe and effective”. But NOW, massive STATISTICS show that they cause severe, debilitating illnesses, heart attacks and sudden death from blood clots. More deaths have occurred from these “gene therapy” shots (that are not even true vaccines) than all vaccines in history combined! And they DO NOT PROTECT FROM GETTING COVID or the variants. Many drugs have been withdrawn from market before. Donald Trump is participating in MASS MURDER worldwide and the GREATEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ever committed if he does not now admit that “the injections are not performing as Big Pharma predicted” and should now be discontinued. The DEATH and INJURY STATISTICS are the proof after one year in use. Leading doctors and microbiologists around the world, including Dr. Malone, the inventor of mRNA gene therapy, (some who have even taken the shots), have now warned against them in countless interviews on the internet. The blame is on Big Pharma, not on those who do not have the expertise to challenge their assurances. No one could know this in the beginning but NOW we do. This “mandatory DEATH” must end ! The focus should turn to “early treatment” with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which are safe and really work.
It is Biden and Democrat governors who have been FORCING these dangerous shots on the public by MANDATE. Trump never tried to FORCE anyone to take them. The public KNOWS this no matter what the Democrats and Lying Media say. The people will WELCOME Trump’s voice to save them from these Death Shots that are costing them their jobs, livelihoods, and health. Now the killers are after the children! There is something seriously wrong with Trump’s character if he does not now speak up to try and stop this MASS EXTERMINATION of humanity. The people of entire world will be grateful. Does Trump stand with humanity or Big Pharma and the psychopathic killers? If he is so uninformed at this point that he does not know what the DEATH and INJURY STATISTICS are, he should not be President of anything.
The good thing about long running Psy-Ops (of hope and faith) such as this ,,
It keeps the stupid in line.
The Israelis are pleased 😉
Hide your kids.
I dont think this is their last gasp. They’ve had several iirc.
Dont you think we will have the news/MSM/social blackout? Maybe by a EMP false flag event and maybe 10 days of darkness?
America has the weakest ever… government…courts…DOJ…military is the weakest too… in history…when people like antique pelosi and her pack of moron heathens can conduct a riot and blame innocent people… it is time for brutal corrections.
The world is watching satan destroy AMERICA… the politicians are killing children and drinking their blood… at some point we the people must decide between LIBERTY and DEATH….
We must remove the BAD agents and time is wasting…
Thank you for telling us the truth.
I want to cancel please
Why would I listen to Kevin Sorbo an actor? Yes, we should look at peer reviewed studies. Please leave comments out which are regaled on. I do listen & look forward to daily & spotlight interviews.
)The fact that the globalist are using black suffering to push on other whites, does not give you the right to deny the fact that the wealth for his country was built on slavery and the systematic racism that black people have encountered AND continue to encounter here- from one generation to another
you can deny or choose to deny it, but that doesn’t make it go away–you are making yourself look bad, denying this—the fact that you cannot handle that truth, doesn’t give you the right to deny black people’s suffering in this country–you know all too well, that this country was built on slavery and racism. every institution in this country is governed by racism—did the founding fathers have good intentions? well, it appeared that some of them do? but what exactly did black people benefit from it? nothing that I know of. hell is what we have gotten here from day one
I support much of what you have to say here, but the denial of racism that black people have suffered and continue to suffer through is not one of them that I will accept, coming from you. everybody knows that 400 years of slavery is what has built the wealth for his country—the problem with so many whites is their refusal to do their research on what their own kind has put through on black people on this planet, especially here in America and the African continent. we are going to be the next leader’s of this planet and so, here is some homework for you. and while you are at it, please do some research on the history of this country where black people are concerned, because you either appear to be ill-informed about it or are in denial of it and I could not have put this in better terms. if you want to talk about being honest, the truths that you can’t handle is no validation for brushing aside—
I am not goignt o seat here and say that all whites are in denial of black people’s 400 years fo nightmares here in America, but a lot of them are. Nothing has changed for black people in America, nothing–it just gets worse every year and we cannot pretend it to be what it is not. 400 years of justice denied
Our history here in America and the world, in general, is now all over the internet, we are putting it all on the internet for their children and their children’s children to see. the hidden truth that they do not want their children to know about. you need to stop it and find an ounce of honesty in you to face the truth of the matter–because denial is not a remedy for 400 years of justice denied. 400 years of nightmares and terror. people are going to be held accountable for what e have suffered through here. do your research and don’t come to conclusions about things u have not fully understood or refuse to understand because it makes you feel uncomfortable—And I will leave it at that
THE MEDIA is responsible for everything and they have never been reined in. Their licenses have never been pulled, they were allowed to broadcast libelous and slanderous information. I will never understand why the media has NOT been muzzled OR at least required to give both sides of issues.
You know when you start the dig please have “it’s a small world after all Its a small small world”. 🙂 HA (From the Disney World Ride)
Do not lose sight of the elections. Must fix the elections permanantly
Interesting theory about what Dave says WOULD have happened if Trump hadn’t suckered us with a harmful and deadly vaccine – he says we would have been under lockdown for 13 yrs. How exactly would we have been under lockdown for 13 yrs if Trump is still President or even if he didn’t come back until 2024… that’s not 13 yrs. So Trump decided it was ok for my Mom to die so people in overcrowded cities who don’t know how to survive without a grocery store wouldn’t have run out of toilet paper or something? Just more evidence Dave has jumped off the deep end with the Covid narrative. He’s even spewing the garbage about nano tech in the jab which is a baseless rumor started by like 2 people and there is no proof whatsoever that what they’re showing you in their videos (nanotech) actually has anything at all to do with the jab. I’m not advocating for the jab but I’m advocating for truth and science. It’s not ok for anti-vaxxers to spread fear and misinformation any more than it is for pro vaxxers to do the same. People who do that are either just doing it for clickbait, to sell their miracle cure, or to destroy and distract the public conversation, or to cause fear and divide us further into the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed, or all of the above. The assertion that if Trump hadn’t decided it was ok for some of us to die from the jab because otherwise we would have been under lockdown for 13 yrs is a LIE and frankly he reminds me of Adam Schiff reading his description of that scenario, making it up out of whole cloth and dramatizing it with his voice, it’s a lie. Dave has lost all credibility
Dave, if Trump and the Patriots are in control then why aren’t they in control? This has gone on long enough and the fact the military hasn’t done anything shows they are not in control. This whole thing has been a sham. Trump and the Patriots are not in control and our country is gone.
and let’s remember that Virginia’s new republican governor worked for the Garlyle Group for more that 20 years and ended up as their CEO ……. !!!
It’s getting harder and harder to get in your website. When I first began to listen I typed “x22report” then it went to “www.x22report.com” now it forces me to type “http//www.x22report.com”. This is all on Google search . Wondering if anyone else has seen the same?
And look at all the money from the past two years went to Kennedy Center and some of these other connections
I believe this is the very best analysis you have broadcast. FIVE STARS!!!