Ep 2672b – No War, No Civil Unrest, Clean & Swift, What Is The Most Valuable Weapon? Information
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The [DS] is panicking, the narrative is falling apart and people are questioning the cases and deaths, the counts do not make sense. They [DS] is now building the narrative that civil war is coming, they are trying to push this and it will fail in the end. The patriots know the color revolution playbook, it is the same playbook the [DS] always uses. The battle is beginning, the weapon is information and it more lethal that guns or bombs. No war, no civil unrest, clean and swift.
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What is the most over hyped PSY-OP in World History ?
Answer: “The Great Awakening.”
I’m I beginning to realize you are lying too us! Take arms people Democrats & Republicans are in on this ,It’s gone on to long protect your property! Trump has 80% of people behind him nothing has changed. BUT THEY HAVE EVERYTHING. 🤣 Baaaahahahaha
Why are you aligning with BTC?
We know DS used faulty PCR test. Do hospitals, doctors, etc. get to keep Covid money for patients, test, etc? The damage done to citizens of every country is astonishing. Clearly this fraud!
I’m sure you also know that long term mask wearing causes oxygen deprivation, which weakens the
immune system and can lead to numerous health problems.
So many screen shots vertically compressed. NOT ‘sexy’. Just painful to read. eg. 8:47 Poroshenko.
Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
By Denis G. Rancourt, PhD 11 June 2020
Changing my name to sick and tired
I try if time not too busy listen to your report hoping all comes true.
There some parts of the so called “vaccine” no idea you aware of
They made some test also investigations in Germany for pathology
that there are different batches some less some more deadly
There is a link hope it works
If not google “how bad is my batch”
All the best
Bro, i thought we already saw the conclusion of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
What did most of us out here miss?
Regarding your differentiation between COVID-19, which I’m sure you all know, is an acronym meaning (CO)rona (VI)rus (D)Isease 19, and the “flu”, is nebulous. In fact, all the respiratory viruses prior to and including this latest strain, including measles, (HIV, even though this one has the corona morphology, but is not a respiratory virus per se), but close to the same as Chickenpox.
I’m 71. I’ve had the flu in my younger life and never broke out. I’ve even had the chickenpox and no rash yet. I have had the real flu like what’s going on now. I have had two vaccines in my life, got sick both times.
However, after I left the work population in corporate America I stopped getting sick at all. My immune system is very strong and for the past two years I have not had even a fever, or any of the symptoms I had when I really had the flu feeling like these latest set of strains.
I ask you this: Why did 150 children, (four dying) in the east come down with shingles? What was Wuhan, China actually doing? I wonder.
Why was India the fourth epicenter? Why not the third? Was tourist travel entered into the equation? Why did the people not get notified when the government closed the embassies in China?
Were those who came back not checked on in whatever fashion to stop the spread here in our country? Not that I know of.
What about all the private, and commercial, flights, and the many cruise ships not checked on arrival?
Aside from all this, I find using the Greek alphabet to describe the strains, and then jumping to the omicron strain is interesting.
Was that orchestrated as well?
Furthermore, even though this is a bad flu, or it is alleged to be, Interesting correlation there.
By the way, I call this flu the GMO fraternity or sorority virus, Delta, Lambda, Wu. That’s interesting too. The Omicron doesn’t actually make sense, but may be assigned to throw off many who really don’t pay attention.
Nevertheless, to differentiate these flu viruses is misleading to those who don’t know the difference between one term and the other, all with similar morphologies and all RNA based are relatively the same. I also suspect these PCR tests, unless some chemical protein diagnostics, or an electron micrograph,
For instance, a woman I know was told by a doctor she had flu times three, COVID and two other strains. What would be needed to tell the difference? I’m a little behind on this, so please share any knowledge. I always like to learn, especially about viruses, which are of great interest to me more so now than all my years studying biology/cytology.
I live in a mask mandate indoor state of Oregon and I do not comply with it ,some places make you leave but grocery stores are good.
I’m really losing faith that anything of substance is ever going to happen. Being your neighbor to the north am almost to the point of forced injections mark of the beast by these traitors. We need these traitors around the world forcefully dealt with very quickly before being loaded on the trains as money supply going away soon and savings 6 months later. Dire in my opinion and like I feared the free thinking and intelligent are being eliminated. Our arrogant Crime Minister like your Resident Cornpop Joe fear nothing and control everything lying blatantly in our faces with no fear. facts and statistics will never be taken seriously and on verge of losing lifes work at 60 years old. They all belong in prison or executed but will never happen. All these people supposedly in Gitmo still walking around…more bs? I’m almost done believing anything anymore. We are screwed, prove me wrong.
[They] want as much death and punishment to We the People as possible, make no mistake!
Trump was deceived. Dr. David Martin report:
They are flooding Care 1 centers in New Jersey with Covid patients. My nursing
daughter in law got Covid for the second time.