Ep 2680b – The Cure Will Spread WW, Demand Public Disclosure, Warning, Storm Coming, [FF]
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The [DS] is preparing their [FF] in Ukraine, this will be the beginning of cyber attacks across the world which the [DS] will use to push war. The pandemic narrative is falling apart and they are pushing the last part of it as hard as possible but people can see the truth. Remember there are more of us then them, its time to take back the country, demand public disclosure. Storm coming, everything is about to change.
- ← Ep 2680a – [CB] Right On Schedule, Fake News Projecting Rate Hikes
- Ep 2681a – The Great Reset Is Fizzling Out, The Push Has No Traction →
Fast Forward to 2029 ,..
“Storm Coming,. ”
“It’s all about to change…”
“Something BIG is coming ,…”
As The World Yawns.
I thought the test was changing December 31st ,when does it look like happening .Also it is going to be 22 months up this year and what happens if they have destroyed the election ballots, applications, and registrations related to elections for federal offices .
The only thing Deblasio is running for is his life!
Here we go again. Wait till November to win house and senate back. Really? With another fraud election? If trump had military proof that 2020 was corrupt ,I think we are way past time to expose that. That’s too big to keep in your back pocket.
Loved the “Bugs Life” reference!! Listen to you religiously. Thank you for the continuing hope.
Bank of America in Florida is “temporarily” closing brick and mortar retail bank services, in many locations, supposedly due to Covid 19. Very interesting.
Looks more like they are taking advantage of covid to go digital.
The sad part of erasing history, it means is scheduled to be repeated. Voting Laws….our Congress already took care of this….back in the late 1860s. It’s called the 15th Amendment.
Interview with daughter of Ray Epps
Cruz nailed the asst dir of FBI on the last question when she said she had no knowledge of whether any plain clothes federal agents took down barriers and went into thr capitol. Bingo. They got her. They have her emails.
Same happened with the asst doj director.
Did you see Maxine W on F the Nation Sunday. Talking re Trump rally and about the radical attendees? She said The PRESIDENT is trying to get them acting up.
Freudian slip?
Dave you give me hope
I enjoy listening to your reports. What I’m not hearing is about “Antifa” is before the election if you typed “Antifa.com” in your address bar, what showed up was Joe Biden for president!!!!!. Joe Biden’s commercials for his presidency he says the Trump will never be able to stop the rioting!!! What shows up today is a picture of Joe Biden in the White house. So who is behind Antifa? Joe Biden and the Dems. All the riots, fires, and damage needs to be charged to the democrats to repay to the cities that were destroyed.