Ep 2681b – Nobody Is Safe, No Deals, Desperation, Fear, When Does A Bird Sing, Combat Tactics
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The [DS] is now preparing, a battle over the control information has begun. The [DS]/fake news are already positioning and getting ready to censor for the communication blackout.Trump and the patriots have all the leverage, they are leading the [DS] down the path and the [DS] took the bait. The pandemic narrative is collapsing, countries are reversing their policies. The [DS] has now moved on to trying to start a war, which means they are going back to their 16 year plan. Fear and desperation is setting in for the [DS], they are about to feel pain, no deals, nobody is safe, combat tactics are in place.
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You can’t compare direct counts of vaxed vs. unvaxed people who get covid or hospitalized or whatever, you must take the BASE RATES into account. For example, if there were 1000 vaxed folks and 10 got sick, and 100 unvaxed folks and 5 got sick, the rate for unvaxed is 1 per 1000, whereas for unvaxed would be 1 per 20, a much higher rate. So please lets use statistics properly (and parameters)… always use base rate adjusted figures for comparison.
Just great. So where are all those countermeasures? HOGAN is deploying National Guard with Remdesivir in hand at nursing homes. Shelves are rapidly emptying now that retailers got their holidays from us.
Thank you Dave,I hope you have a Happy and healthy New Year.
Ashley Babbit was not killed and this pretty much proves it.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/n6rPPAoQuQwm/ it was all a false flag hoax. fake phony and false
I think you missed the part in Trump’s AZ speech about not letting the Dem mayors turn their cities into a hell hole again . I think it is telling . Trump offered the natnl guard but let the states run their own thing. Next time….. they are planning for a next time… who? Trump?…. Not as President? Military , as you have said, will stop the rioting. His speech backs up what you’ve been saying!
This is not a duplicate comment I think you missed the part in Trump’s AZ speech about not letting the Dem mayors turn their cities into a hell hole again . I think it is telling . Trump offered the natnl guard but let the states run their own thing. Next time….. they are planning for a next time… who? Trump?…. Not as President? Military , as you have said, will stop the rioting. His speech backs up what you’ve been saying!
I hope you’re right.
Love listening to your shows but you are wrong about Ukraine and Russia. I am from Ukraine. Still have a lot of friends living there. It was a lot of Russian military personnel dressed like Ukrainian civil militia in Crimean peninsula. Even so Putin denied it. Local people knew it but wouldn’t talk since everybody was intimidated and threatened by Russians. Your family would be killed…
Did Joe Biden, during his press conference today, almost say that he was getting help from Hillary (he stopped at Hi)? Those questions and answers from fake media and Joe were long and rambling and reminded me of 2016 debates, when it was obvious from the long answers that Hillary was getting the questions in advance.
Thank you for doing the research I don’t have time to do. Right now your daily video is the only thing giving me hope. I live in NYS and am a former healthcare worker starting 2 part time jobs in Hope’s of making ends meet. This is what is getting me through every day and I feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Why does it take at least FOUR clicks and web pages to get to the video? Can’t you put the link on the main page instead of making as click through several pages to get to it?
Heres your change of batter…
DOD Law of War Manual pg. 278/279
Why do you think there is a wall being constructed around the white house, and a large tall detention fence around the capitol bldg right now?
Please catch up!
warra warra same old bulshit every day.
Hillary’s candidacy for 2024, or as the ‘slip-one -n’ sooner, is remarkable, considering Michael Baxter’s take on ‘reality’.
Lord Jesus Christ help us, come Holy Spirit and intercede on our behalf. Amen
That is not Hillary Clinton in this video. She is I think about 77 years old and has lots of wrinkles around her mouth and eyes. The picture you post shows no wrinkles at all and she looks about 45. I wish I could send you the picture I have so you can see that in this video it is a clone or body double or a robot. No one who is 77 looks like her. Where are here wrinkles? Send me an e-mail so I can send you my picture and you can wake a lot of people up that the real Hillary has been dead since about 2016.