Ep 2686b – Change Of Narrative, Sleeping Pill Rejected, OP Mockingbird Failure, Kill Chain
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The [DS] has lost the narrative, now they are changing it. The people are no longer believing the fake news, the sleeping pill is being rejected and the operation which is called operation mockingbird has failed, kill chain. Trump and the patriots are now moving to take the bullhorn away from the fake news and the puppet masters. The [DS] is now pushing the narrative to try to bring down the electrical grid and the shutdown communication, countermeasures are in place.
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- ← Ep 2686a – [CB] Following The Playbook, Message Right On Schedule
Hi David, I have been thinking, no war can be so predictable down to months and days. The only way you can execute such a complex plan, target so many people and lead this close knit gang into your traps is by having someone with enough influence to lead them from within, I cannot see any other way. I believe the Democrat party has been infiltrated even before Trump came down the escalator.
Thank you for all your news. Enjoy and appreciate the information. I use X22 daily. For the past 5 years the people do not understand because of main media. Like President Trump said Fake News. Most people only listen to local tv stations which stations continue to lie to people. Hide everything good that President Trump has done. People have no idea that they been lied too on everything. I tell people about real news they think I’m lying. However several months past truth comes out. Yes, people still don’t get it. Main media news must change. I know the patriots are in control. I pray for each one of you. Also ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten people. I do see change. Truth can be told to Americans.
I do not see how Durham’s investigation can produce anything with a corrupt AG at the DOJ who will never prosecute anyone no matter who he indicts.
Even former AG Barr squealed to the Jan. 6 committee to harm this nation.
If the “patriots are in charge” why are they allowing our military to be maimed and killed by the toxic gene therapy shots? This is a bio attack on our military that is severely damaging their capability and morale. Even if the vaccine mandates are lifted, countless thousand have already taken the shots with unknown future health effects and early death. Don’t the “patriots” care about this?
Pilots are particularly at risk. Is this why several USAF training flights have been crashing recently?
Mrs./Mr. Producer:
Any chance the topic could include the corruption within the (SEC)?
Former chair Will Hinman most likely just committed perjury, jay Clayton guilty of corruption, Gary Genslers, conflict of interest, misuse/abuse of power.
This I believe has everything to do with the financial system more than anything. Even central bank intervention.
Surely Biden’s “We need more inflation” should be heard ironically. Proof: – on mic under breath – “it’s a great asset, more inflation – what a stupid s.o.b.”
Note: Reporter’s question (best I can hear) was, “Do you think inflation is a political liability?” (Ironical reply as above.)
pelosi 82 years too old…biden is what he called Ducey…and the American people are ashamed of what the idiots in congress have allowed to happen…psaki is a sackie full of manure… Hey Dave… what ever happened to devolution? What happened to the NEW MONEY? What ever happened to indictments from Durham? What ever happened to the NEW PLATFORM? What happened to the TRIBUNALS ? When will all of the war crime EVIDENCE suddenly appear? When will the phony mandates be abolished? When will the crooked governors be tried? When will fauci get a golden globe award for being the worlds biggest liar and a murderer? Dave…would TERM LIMITS eliminate monsters like pelosi/biden/Mcconnell/and the rest of the antique COMMUNIST? Jan6 and the 2020 election HUGE FRAUD….execute all black hats….now.
We are counting on Durham. The Great Awakening will triumph over The New Reset..
People have learned? But a lot of people have not, LT. Or if they ‘hear’ about it, discount it all. We have friends who will NEVER admit that this democrat party is so evil.
Thanks, Dave. Appreciate your consistent work. No one is 100% accurate.