Ep 2689b – We Are About To Witness A Birth Of A New Nation,Everything Is About To Change

25 thoughts on “Ep 2689b – We Are About To Witness A Birth Of A New Nation,Everything Is About To Change

  • January 30, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    had a great time at the CONROE TX Trump rally .. 85,000+ attended !!

  • January 30, 2022 at 6:45 pm

    It also made them live under the laws they created after serving a 2yr or 6 yr term. With computers and Pelosi changing the rules where they don’t have to be present to vote and the Supreme Court not accepting the case to challenge if it is constitutional they should all work from home and only meet 2x a year to vote that would clean out Washington BS

  • January 30, 2022 at 6:49 pm

    It also made them live under the laws they created after serving a 2yr or 6 yr term. With computers and Pelosi changing the rules where they don’t have to be present to vote and the Supreme Court not accepting the case to challenge if it is constitutional they should all work from home and only meet 2x a year to vote that would clean out Washington BS. We should change our law so our military can be on our borders protecting our sovereignty and turn back everyone. We have a legal process and it should be the only acceptable process.

  • January 30, 2022 at 7:36 pm

    I’m for the Canadian people and Truckers, NO Mandates! I would also like to add that rail should be reinstated, it’s cheaper and safer. 🙂

  • January 30, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    Thank you for all you do. Please correct the video and say the President was in Conroe, TX (north of Houston) with a crowd in excess of 85K. That’s not counting people still in their cars on the freeway, 30 miles long, which were not able to get in the fairgrounds. We’re proud of this turnout.

  • January 30, 2022 at 7:47 pm

    I love your show. Always watch. I need to correct you about one thing. The Nazis(Germans actually)
    didn’t wage war on the Jews. It was the other way around. Hitler was a nationalist, just like Trump and they PROJECTED all of their evil onto him. Same playbook. The Germans were an obstacle to their global takeover so they tried to exterminate them. Hitler appealed for peace many times.
    Then they painted him as a monster, like they do with Trump.

    Think about it. If Hitler was the NWO and he was defeated,why are they still here and bearing down on us now? CHURCHILL(part Jewish), STALIN(Jewish) and FDR (Freemason)were the communists and mass murderers.
    Churchill assaulted the Indians, starving 4 million Bengalis to death. And killed millions of Poles. He was ON THE OTHER SIDE of Gandhi, obviously. Gandhi and Hitler were friends.

    Patton’s famous quote at the end of the war was “we defeated the wrong enemy”. But what could they do then? Make that case and be hated and killed? So they kept quiet.

    JFK said that someday Hitler will be properly understood and you saw what they did to him.
    Think about it. It is the Jews (Rothschilds) that own the Federal Reserve. Their heads are all Jews;
    Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellin. Rockefellar(Big Pharma, the education system etc.) are Jewish.

    Karl Marx, Gates, Fauci, the lawyers, media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislane ad nauseum. This was another trick like 911, orchestrated by Dick Cheney (Zionist)and funded by Israel.
    Beginning to see a pattern? Not all Jews are bad, but a lot of bad people are Jews(Zionists).
    My wife was Jewish and she still got suicided on Xanax. They kill anybody.

    They killed some Jews in WWII and filmed it to show “proof”. Kind of like January 6th.
    Some things never change.

    Watch the documentary on Bitchute entitled “Europa”.

    Hearing you talk this way about Nazis( a derogatory name that the Jews gave them) makes me cringe like hearing someone say that OSB was behind 911.

    Cultural Marxism wants open borders and interracial marriages so that we are all mutts for their NWO. But not them. They keep their (satanic) bloodline pure. They projected this too onto Hitler.
    They are the eugenicists. Everything is upside down when those who control popular understanding are evil.

    I hope you are beginning to see.

    Keep up the good work.

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    Hi Dave,
    Great program tonight. It’s good to know that all is coming to plan. I know that there something about the Muslim Brotherhood that you mentioned. In the previous program, it sounds like Michele Bachmann, the former Congresswoman from Minnesota was in the right about the Muslim Brotherhood especially when it came to Huma Abedin. Can you please elaborate a little more about the connection between the Deep State and the Muslim Brotherhood especially with Barack Obama. It would be good to know. Anyway, thanks again and God bless you. Where we go one, we go all.

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    Dave you are a master

    Here is a simple point

    If I divide a classroom into blue eyes and dark eyes
    I seperate

    I can now indoctrinate

    I have invested my entire adult life into learning
    Even though I was initially indoctinated (vaccinated) in the 70’s and 80’s
    My wife and I having a running joke. IF indoctrination Facilities … schools

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:19 pm

    So after my last comment today I had to follow up
    School: should be for learning
    A support system
    For enquiry and investigation
    For what

    The foundation

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:21 pm

    Follow up # 2

    Foundation is prime

    When I am born I seek foundation as a natural phenomenon

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    What is foundational
    For simply the Nation as we know it
    Convention and historical convention
    Constitutional Integrity of our community

    At the family level
    At the community level
    At a friend level
    At the local Gov level

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    Thank you for helping me better understand, have some hope and continue to educate others. Everyone asks what can we do? Our legislators are corrupt! We need to build the wall, stop catch and release, prosecute. Biden is violating the Supreme Court decision on discrimination re: his Sypreme Court nomination. Fentenal kills- more dogs needed.

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:33 pm

    You are wrong about Term Limits. All the things you preach about WHY we need TL is backwards. TL does NOT take power away from Government, it gives Government MORE POWER by taking it away from The People and giving it to the DS. The problem lies with the 435 FIXED number in the House so that The People aren’t able to kick them out. When the House Districts are almost 750,000 constituents, the Rep has no choice but to get money from Special Interests to run in such a large district (can you say open door for corruption) and each District then requires many more “hold over” Bureaucrats, NOT Accountable to The People. CA has TL and look at the trouble it’s in because The People gave away their Power. Before the 435 law, the House grew every 10 years and serving was NOT a career. 8from1.org

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:41 pm

    It also made them live under the laws they created after serving a 2yr or 6 yr term. With computers and Pelosi changing the rules where they don’t have to be present to vote and the Supreme Court not accepting the case to challenge if it is constitutional they should all work from home and only meet 2x a year to vote that would clean out Washington BS. We should change our law so our military can be on our borders protecting our sovereignty and turn back everyone. We have a legal process and it should be the only acceptable process.
    Put term limits on Government service jobs, let students serve in government for 5 years after graduation if they don’t go into military and let our veterans serve in government positions after they serve in military for upto 10 years. Sounds like a good way to staff our government and get away from deep state actions. If people retire from business maybe they could serve in government for 5 yrs and perform public service in the end of their careers. Use 401k self funded, insurance benefits while you serve, and no Union.

  • January 30, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    Dave…this better not be a grand fantasy you’ve been telling us..hahaha…
    I DO believe President Trump is making moves…I do believe folks are at last seeing “you CAN fight cry hall”..I do believe the traitorous culprits will be hunted to the ends of the earth and served righteous justice…and I am holding out…
    My sphere of influence is tiny..really tiny…but at any rare meeting of strangers I support my beliefs of a political turn around and caution them against giving up…
    We are with you President Trump…there ARE more of us than them…🌿🌿🌿

  • January 30, 2022 at 9:52 pm

    the swell thing about a solid Psy-Operation ?
    It is perpetual .

    “By Way Of Deception ,. Thou Shalt Do War.”
    ~Israeli Pedophile Child Rape Murder Unit Motto (The Mossad)

  • January 30, 2022 at 10:08 pm

    Buenas Noches señor David.
    Muchas muchas gracias por tenernos al margen de lo que está pasando. Tengo casi 2 años escuchando todas las noches, Buscando la Respuesta a toda está locura. Y siempre Ud. Regresa la esperanza, y valor para seguir adelante. Gracias a Ud, le he podido HABRIR los ojos a varios.
    Los he encaminado a su programa.
    GRACIAS. Nuevamente su fiel Amiga
    Liz D.

  • January 30, 2022 at 10:21 pm

    His rally was in TX NOT AZ!!

  • January 30, 2022 at 11:01 pm

    Dave it burns my ass when Trump says 2024 we are doing this and doing that. I thought they had it all? Or do they? If they had it all then why look at 2024? Might as well take we got it all and throw it in the trash evidently they have no use for it all since they are depending on 2024. I plan on staying home on voting day because they have it all and the ball is in their court to use IT ALL. Not to expect me to wade waist deep in election fraud to try and get an honest result. If they have it all then use it or throw in trash as having it is of no use.

  • January 31, 2022 at 1:30 am

    all these people should not receive any super, pension, bank accounts closed.

  • January 31, 2022 at 10:57 am

    Dear Dave,

    I love your videos, but do note that Kary Mullis died August 7, 2019 and so he couldn’t have said that the PCR test cannot test for covid. I do remember him saying this however about hiv.

    You’re correct that the PCR test cannot be used the way that they are using it.

    All the best,


  • January 31, 2022 at 12:55 pm

    Details? Proof? Come on. Stop with the clickbait. It’s dishonest.

  • January 31, 2022 at 1:14 pm


  • January 31, 2022 at 4:18 pm

    we can’t wait till the midterms !what happened to 11.3 11.4 what about the enemy ?what about January 20 ?They want to jab our children!We are at war !What the f##k are we waiting for ?Do we want the Canadians to show us how to do this?People are dying !Get rid of the main stream media NOW they are the ENEMY !!!They have caused all of this damage with their LIES!!Stop this insanity!!!


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