Ep 2695a – Trump Set The Economic Trap For The [CB], Others Prepare For The New Economic System
Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^
The people of the world are now getting hit with inflation and higher fuel costs. This will only get worse. Food prices are on the rise in the US and the temporary decline of fuel costs have come to an end. Trump trapped the [CB] and [JB], others are now preparing for a new system.
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- Ep 2695b – Trump Just Set The Stage For Election Fraud, An Informed Public Threatens Those In Power →
Biden sent some of our petroleum reserves to China too
The selling of our strategic fuel reserves was sold to weaken America when china attacks. Everything biden is doing is to weaken America to make the chinese takeover easy and for no way for America to stand up to this aggression. biden is a flat out TRAITOR TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD
biden has intentionally weakened America by mandatory vaccines to our Military, selling off our fuel reserves, inflation escalating at excessive rates, closing pipelines, closing down automakers, vaccine mandates, killing our children which is our future, causing the closure of businesses due to lockdowns, allowing criminals to be released from jails, not charging criminals with crimes and trying, convicting and imprisoning these criminals, allowing antifa and blm to destroy cities and businesses and kill people without control, allowing big tech to control who can present data and who cannot, destroying the middle class, destroying our educational system, pushing CRT, destroyed out election and voting systems, defunding and eliminating our police forces, our teachers are a bunch of communists, our judicial system is corrupted with corrupt judges, our legislative representatives have become paid shills for the elite, sacrificing our children, contaminating our food supplies, face mask requirements, lockdowns, building our ships and military equipment with inferior steel, buying components of our defense and communicating systems from china with inferior components, mainstream media which is totally against American freedom, trying to destroy our Constitution, destroying the 2nd Amendment. open borders, illegal immigrants, giving American wealth to illegal immigrants, shipping these immigrants all over America at taxpayers funds, giving these illegal immigrants benefits which Americans do not have, realigning states political; zones to steal areas of republican centers, using ballot machines connected to internet and allowing foreign government to log in during elections to manipulate results, destroying our airline industry by killing high numbers of pilots, destroying sports by allowing china to control the players and kill them by these injections, have corrupted all areas of our government, military, school systems, parent teacher organizations, falsifying supposed research data, blocking medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin etc which would cure the Covid, preventing methods of medical healing processes and medicines from being used by the public, Hospitals, doctors and nurses killing people for money, hospitals deny treatment to specific groups and those not vaccinated from obtaining treatment, forcing vaccination on our teenagers and infants, will not present research data without having cia and other agencies to black our all critical information so that the public does not know what they have done with these supposed vaccines, killing our population with these bioengineered kill shots, putting up 5G to kill populations with controlled megahertz projections into groups of people, the shots are not uniform in content, they have been engineering shots for specific groups of people and keeping track of these groups so that they can at a later date kill specific groups of peoples, their intention is population reduction, destroy religions as we know it, destroy GOD and true faith, arresting citizens and imprisoning them without charges and torturing them, falsifying data on all mainstream medias such as TV, internet, radios, etc, making our mainstream media a communist controlled propaganda arm of the Chinese communist party, allowing control of our farmlands and allowing communist agents to purchase our farmlands and prevent food production, pushing fake climate change scenarios, continue to manipulate our finances by their corrupt Khazarian bankers who are Satanists, destroying our statues, our history designed to eliminate American from existence.