Ep 2695b – Trump Just Set The Stage For Election Fraud, An Informed Public Threatens Those In Power
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Trump and the patriots have now set the stage to expose election fraud. Each person is playing their part. Trump knows that states will decertify and the [DS] is preparing to counter this, Trump just countered their plan by calling them out. The pieces of the plan are all coming together, the [DS] is panicking.The public is being informed, they are seeing the truth and how the establishment lied to them, this is the [DS] worst nightmare, they have lost control and power. The clock has been activated.
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- ← Ep 2695a – Trump Set The Economic Trap For The [CB], Others Prepare For The New Economic System
- Ep 2696a – Trump Warned Everyone In 2020, What Is Coming Will Be Like 1929 →
Funny, The U.S. and Ukraine has clear intelligence and Evidence that Russia is going to invade Ukraine. Russia has moved a reported 100K to 170K troops to the Ukraine Border. That’s a city the size of Tallahassee, Florida.
All the vehicles, the transports, the fuel depots, the refueling trucks, the maintenance trucks and supplies. the motor pool, the medical equipment and supplies, the MASH units, the tanks, the artillery, the aircraft, the hangars, the runways, the mess halls, the food ration supplies, the clothing cleaning and repair supplies and equipment, the Missiles, the Anti-Missile defense systems, and of course the Tons and Tons of ammunition and explosive storage and resupply vehicles… to mention a few.
So, the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine have this intelligence and evidence that an invasion is eminent, the MSM, the White House, The administration and the Republican Hawks in congress all tell us it’s absolutely a fact!
Soooo… Where’s the Ukraine troops amassed at the border to fight and counter the invasion?? The only news footage, aerial footage or other Ukraine military exercises seem to be some artillery practice 80 Km from Crimea… None on the actual border about to be invaded. Why are they practicing with live ammo… shouldn’t they be saving that for defense of their border? After all, the U.S. is borrowing $100 billion dollars to Give to Ukraine because they can’t afford to fight??
Nothing is making a lick of sense except to the Republican Warhawks like Walz, Rubio, Graham and lots of others. Trying to look tough??
Why do you not make the fucking connection to where and how JP morgan is tied to GoFundMe through we pay……..Jammie Diamond that zionist piece of shit got a call from facist dick fuck Trudeau to shut down the site and then come up with excuse after excuse….The secretary of state in californ ia need to shut down them and immediatly seize the operation along with BLM.
great show,i watch every night!
I just heard about this and wanted to make sure that you knew about this too. Friday Biden announced that the US economy added 467,000 jobs in January. On the actual January report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics claimed the raw number for the month was 2.5 MILLION jobs lost. The BLS then applied a “seasonal adjustment” adding 3.3 MILLION jobs to bring the final total to 467,000 jobs. The number is a complete fabrication.
You may recall that long before Trump became President in 2017, CNN was
being called the “Corrupt News Network.” “All the lies that money can buy.”
You should invite former CNN journalist Amber Lyon to be a guest on the
X22 Spotlight. Amber Lyon is an award winning journalist who was fired by
CNN when she exposed that governments, including the Obama Administration,
was paying them to report “fake news.”
pence never said i did not have the right to send electors back until a review of the obvious and outrageous evidence of fraud is adjudicated. he said ‘to overturn the election.’ this is sophistry. he is not overturning anything. what he is trying to accomplish is to soften the anger at him by lying about what he failed to do when it was so obvious what had occurred. another words he is lying through his teeth. this confirms what we all know–pence is a traitor and a black hat. remember pence also had flynn fired and set him up.
You will make history if you report this. This book will be in the Library of Congress. The Third Continental Congress Has been convened and the 2 Amendments to the Declaration of Independence are legally posted in a public newspaper.
Trump just set the stage TO EXPOSE election fraud. (Headline implies Trump WILL CHEAT.)
YES,…people have realized that they have been lied to,…by trump and the patriots. trump and the patriots, have it all,…!!!,…then why is he now trying to CATCH THEM IN THE ACT???
Who will make the news media apologize to the world for its Fake news and communist propaganda? I am sorry news media guilty of Sedition. Treason. Execute them we have no need for such people in society. They follow their father. The father of the Lie
If you are smart enough to know who Trudeau father is you will know his dad was a communist dictator. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Trudeau was installed into power by Communist. The people need to call for his dismissal on the fact he and his family history do not represent the Canadian people.
If you are smart enough to know who Trudeau father is Fidel Castre you will know his dad was a communist dictator. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Trudeau was installed into power by Communist. The people need to call for his dismissal on the fact he and his family history do not represent the Canadian people.
Good report. We have been walking thru a few years of this information warfare. Thanks for tying some things together, and helping see a bit more of the positive push. THE ART OF WAR is playing thru. So much has been revealed, even with “those guilty of these crimes” ,pushing their ffs and false narratives . I began being involved as a Frontline patriot, many decades ago, to also embrace the information warfare, just 1 month in to the Intel drops in Oct., NOV OF 2017. We have come along way, and some of our rabbit hole researches have truly broken our hearts and raised our righteous indignation to way higher levels, especially when it came to concerning the horrible crimes against the children. This is the main reason I still fight, even at 72. It’s about the children. ABBA bless you. Much love to you.
Ht Dave I’m confused! the Dems want to change the law, Trump lets us know but does this end up a good thing for Trump or a bad thing ? Confused in Florida
PLEASE! Stop saying virus is 1 Micron –doctors have said it is ZERO POINT ONE (0.1 Micron), which is much smaller. Inaccuracy may hurt your credibility.
No offense but everyone is saying Durham this, that or the other…seems strikingly familiar to Barr, Barr, Barr and were did that go?? NOWHERE…I’ll believe it when arrests and executions for treason and sedition have started….until then, stack food, silver, gold and more importantly…..LEAD!!
I see where you are going with the Pence deal. Still, either Trump or Just Human is wrong. JH says Pence had no alternative. Trump says he did.
Trump is correct. Pence could have called fraud and sent it back to the state legislators.
So, youre saying the Patriots need them to make it where the VP cant intervene, right? But its hard to follow as Trump seems to be trying to prevent that by shedding light on it to me.
Please explain more in the fx.
How many little kids are going to be jabbed for the agenda of DS Globalists before the ” very soon”, said over and over on this show, finally arrives? What threats are we not told of that keeps the complaint of election fraud from making its way to the Supreme Court, that allows the potential loss of most of our country’s military capability by the debilitating forced shooting of bioweapon into our loved and honored defense personnel? The sting operation has become a stabbing attack on those persons and rights we hold most dear.
Domestic asymmetric war is the most dangerous kind as it is cancer unrecognized until the major damage is done. Hence, the extreme push by lies and fraud, engineered ignorance etc. to poison as many as possible for reason of a pandemic flu that kills almost exclusively those with coexisting severe health issues just as other types of yearly flu has done for many, many centuries.