Ep 2699b – Corona Offline, [DS] Scrambling, We The People Are The Cure
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The [DS] have lost the corona narrative, it is now offline and they need to back out of it quickly, the people around the world are waking up, we the people are the cure. The [DS] is scrambling trying to find something on Trump. The [DS] is using the same playbook as Russian collusion, producing information that is meaningless but trying to make it look like they have something on Trump. The trap has been set, everything they are doing, all the rulings will be used against them in the end, down she goes.
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Dave, why can’t the military do something. Wasn’t there a plan for military to take out Obama, but it didn’t happen. Why? What about now?
X can’t download today’s report can you send it again l have watched every day since you started please send today’s again thx Dave
Dave, we had our own Freedom Convoy last week in tribute to Canada’s coming out party. Ours was not highly publicized but it went well and there are photos and videos; over 100 participants, possibly close to 200 with a good responses from the opposing lane.
There will be another trip down to Olympia, the capitol city of WA. as I understand; more on it as the time comes closer. Our governor is another Trudeau but in the DS for longer. Many are truly waking up like you say! Hooray! God bless the patriots.
What’s the difference between your propaganda and their propaganda. You Haven’t been right on anything you been boasting about or saying.
That is the best movie script so far if Trump gets all that time serving the country he loves in those
positions; a God thing it appears. We shall see.
Wrong Dave,,, Washington State is NOT,, backing off
, Insleaze is a Mad Man! You never seem to call him out???
Dave did u c Putin speaking to the media today saying if nato gets involved here between us and crimia all europe will be in a nuclear war with Russia @prouddeplorable
Is it not beyond stupid to tell the truckers in Canada to leave and move their trucks but they have the police steal gas from the trucks? How can they move without gas? Also, Democrats supporting ANTIFA who did political attacks on courthouses, does that mean all democrats allowing ANTI-FA and BLM to riot be blocked from running from office ever again. There may be only 7-9 democrats left.
Freedom convoy 2022USA. Is it still in the works?
The mask mandates in Nevada is officially gone.
We the people can not move forward until those responsible for these forced shots are held accountable WHY? Because just down the road there will be another Fake outbreak and this will allow these criminals to do this again. We must make examples of those that went against the people wishes and forced wrongdoing on them. Prison. Lawsuits. You name it. But we can not just say all is well cause they removed mask and shot mandates and hold nobody accountable. This needs to be shown that we the people will not tolerate this ever again and if you try to do this again you can join those in prison
2700 episodes. Wow! Congratulations and here’s to 2700 more. I know and appreciate everything you do to put these together. Thank you, Thank you very much.
Those who violate the Constitution are the insurrectionists. Those who stand up for the Constitution, including by loudly protestong government overreach, are NOT insurrectionists but rather are performing the very necessary function of law enforcement!
Dave I have listened to you for over 2 years and I am a huge fan. However, unless the 2020 election is FIXED any and all new elections regardless of landslide will fail because they will be able to cheat again. Unless arrests and prosecution of these cheats take place it will all fail. Durham has not done his job so who is going to??? It’s taking too long and the goal post is moving. You keep moving the goal post in your statements. If devolution is true we should see arrests of the top tier like Pelosi, Biden, Obama…etc. They continue to get away with everything. I want to believe the arrests are coming. The rule of law is clear but the process to enforce it has failed and keeps failing. Meanwhile we are all getting crushed financially because Biden-cabal is ensuring that. The QFS Starlink goal post was promised but again keeps moving.
Thank You for spreading hope and truth.i truly appreciate.God bless you and America.
Vernon Jones ??? Are you serious? That man is a criminal !!! https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/12/homosexual-homewrecker-insider-exposes-vernon-jones-past-with-married-man/
Please, set the record straight if you are retain your integrity.
They’re all gone It’s a show
Hello from England Dave. The problem with dripping out information and waiting for people to wake up is that when everything eventually comes out, people will say: “You knew this all the time and didn’t tell us ? You are just as bad as they are ” At that point it will be not just the Black Hats that cannot walk down the street, but also the White Hats. Action needs to happen before everyone is tarred with the same brush. Time is fast running out.
If this had been a True Plague, there would be no homeless people on the streets right now.
Well that is good about the masks because in the end Antifa and leftists will be easier to spot because the majority will not be wearing one.
Let’s go Brandon ..👊 America deserves the President we Elected.. Donald John Mighty Warrior Trump 👍🇺🇸💪💝…