Ep 2700b – Define [FF], Trump, Plan That We’re On Now, That’s Gonna Make People Very Very Happy
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪
The [DS] has lost the narrative and is now pushing a distraction and [FF]. The people are rising up around the world and the truth is pouring out and they cannot stop it. The plan is being followed and it’s being pushed hard. Trump said the plan we are on now that’s gonna make people very very happy. CISA reports that the elections were not the securest elections ever. Tick Tock..
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panicking again!!! DAVE!!!! Please!!!! Every vid I ever heard from you says they are Panicking!! My God!
Roseanne Boyland, a 34 year old Black Woman was originally brought to the hospital because she was “trampled” in the “violent insurrection riot” on Jan. 6.
The Hospital announced her dead. The D.C. Medical Examiner Dr. Diaz announced her death as an Amphetamine overdose. The full Medical Examiner’s report has not been released to the family. They have filed a FOIA to obtain it but the DOJ claims it’s an open investigation, but won’t give the family a Case Number. Other sources say that’s false. Investigation into the three police on video beating Boyland have been closed as “Objectionably Reasonable”!
Boyland’s sisters admitted that she struggled with addiction, even went to rehab, but has never overdosed or even taken enough to lose consciousness. How convenient that a ME report is being withheld!
Now, Video has surfaced showing Boyland in the fetal position in the tunnel being pummeled by several Officers including Female Officer Lila Morris just wailing away on her head with a baton stick. She was carried unconscious from the Capitol West Terrace Tunnel and sent to the Hospital where she was announced DOA.
This brings into question the other two deaths… Two 50 year old men listed as Natural deaths by heart attacks. Wonder what the 4,000 hours of video will reveal?
Apparently, it’s ok to murder Trump supporters. Who Knew??
wow …….one cannot believe u will not mention the connection..of the democratic party….with the power of the union members all who vote democratic…….all controlled by a ZIONIST Jewish actor….who’s main purpose is the weaponize the teachers in a union who elect democratic electors due to bribery who’s soul jewish agenda is to destroy this america …this land…out LAND and LIBERTY……all a jewish ploy.
That’s what I think. Nuclear bomb somehow in Ukraine.
We the people can not afford to allow this crime against humanity to just go by with no consequences. Forced shots. Forced mask will return in the future if we do not make examples from this. What happens when they do away with mask mandates and in 6 months decide to force mask mandates again? Force shots again? Need to send people to prison and make examples so in future this does not return.
Thank you Dave.
I never miss any of your reports. Even though I don’t comment, just know I am watching. I’ve been with you since the beginning and with Q since his beginning. You add to my knowledge with every report.
Hey my Dad sent me this link. Hasn’t seemed to get any traction.
Might be worth paying attention to.
trump and the patriots plan,…???
BULLSHIT,…the people are STANDING UP AGAINST THE DEEP STATE ,…trump has just been pumping BULLSHIT propaganda,….facts and truth,…???,…trump has none,…trump and the patriots TRUTH and FACTS,…have been proven to be LIES,…what will make the people HAPPY,…is for trump to keep out of the way of the people taking our country back and getting the RAT BASTARDS out of OFFICE. trump and the patriots are trying to lay claim to the CITIZENS RAISING UP,…AS HIS PLAN,…BULLSHIT,…the people have waken up to trump and the patriots LIES.
Trust the plan,…indictments coming,…SOON, arrests coming SOON,…military tribunals coming SOON,…jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…DRIP, DRIP, DRIP,…election fraud revealing coming,…SOON,…trump’s social media company coming,…SOON,…trump and the patriots are just as criminal,…as the criminals they are pointing their finger at,…people are awake and not listening to their propaganda,…they have lost the narrative,…they have lost the people,… people are not with trump or the so called patriots any longer,…time is an amazing thing,…it has proven the fake news and information that trump and the patriots has been BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA,…with no plan to trust.
It’s just a question of time. It is already starting! Trump is doing it all legally and we must be patient! All the UGLY’s are coming out and we are now learning who is the good and who is the BAD! There won’t be any question of innocence! Once we are back in office there will be no way they can cover their tracks or hide! The Power of our Freedoms will be heard! ANd the Good will Prevail!
kek… FF works both ways
Communism is real… Liberalism is a mental disorder… Demonic influence at play…GOD WINS IN THE END🤙🏻
Exercising my first amendment rights mean I do not wear a mask. It is my protest.
Hi Dave,
Great program as always. I do have to admit, I may disagree with you on some things especially with the idea of President Donald Trump being elected as House Speaker. It may seem like good intentions but there is a problem. It would end up diminishing President Trump’s role as Commander in Chief. I think this issue should have been thought out even in Thursday’s reporting. The problem is Biden is not legally elected. He stole the election which makes him illegitimate. The whole thing with Biden is treasonous and having him go through impeachment may not be such a good idea given how he was elected through a stolen election. Even Professor David Clements who appeared at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium last summer has a point about that. You should read what Professor Clements wrote about the idea in recent Telegram posts. I feel he may be right about that.
I think in all honesty, there are plenty of options but having Trump as House Speaker is not one of them. As I said before, it may seem good intentioned but in reality may be problematic. Well anyway, thanks again for the program. Hope all is well. God bless you. Where we go one, we go all.
keep up the good work, Dave.
02/12/2022 •Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Our grandson, 24 years old, died on Tuesday evening on Feb. 8, 2022. Admittedly, he had considerable birth defects and never ever spoke a word, took a step, or did anything for himself. However, he did live to 24 YO, but he took the “jabs” (his parents decision, both doctors) 6 or 7 months ago. What is of real interest is that the parents decided to have him cremated and when they called a crematorium in Albuquerque, they were informed that the crematorium couldn’t get to him until Feb. 15 because they were so backed-up with bodies. I wonder if Hitler ever had such a backlog with his ovens?
Trump said to watch China and Taiwan right after the Olympics….he also said he’s usually not wrong.
Puppy show, or puppy bowl?
Another brilliant report
I want to thank you for sharing the truth! My husband just passed and these blogs and God get me through the day. I would like to be able to see the comments but I do t know how.
Bilderberg meetings?. CFR? UN? …
Re : 36:00
I`m afraid you are wrong when you say the whole purpose of the”Vaccine” was to curb the bug,,well Dave it never had anything to do with the bug,,the so called “vaccine” is NOT a “vaccine” at all!!!! It is however a cocktail of poisons that will kill anyone who has taken it,,maybe not right away but within the next 2-3 years,,this whole thing is a diabolical plan to reduce world population,,they thought the problem with “covid” was huge,,just wait till the affects of this cocktail of poison starts its evil,,there will be death in numbers never recorded in human history. Mark my words Dave.
Went to my doctor cause I was feeling bad and they wanted to give me the fake covid test ! I asked , is this the new test designed to separate covid from the flu ? He and his nurse said “there is no new test” so where is this test you said was coming out in January ? I asked the Dr. What happens if the test is positive , will I be given a prescription for HCQ or Ivermectin ? “No” I refused the test ! So Dave , when is the test coming out ?