Ep 2701b – Be Alert Next 10 Days, [FF], We Caught Them All, Treason, A Traitor’s Justice, Durham
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The [DS] is panicking, Durham released more information, it all points to [HRC], Obama and all the way up the chain. Trump caught them all, they committed treason and Durham is getting to the bottom of it. The panic is real the war they are starting is fake. The plan is working and the information is dripping out, be alert [FF] incoming. More pain is on the way.
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- Ep 2702a – Ted Cruz Just Comes Out And Says It, Why Do They Hate Bitcoin, They Can’t Control It →
God I sure hope so, what I invision is them desperately trying to force everyone have the vaccination! This is a tool to assure control over any and everyone who might step up and rush their ass. Also as Hitler had done so will they try
to erase republican party. I never seen such determination
Hey have taken so much money they must deliver or die
I’m fairly positive cabal will kill them if they don’t
Dave I believe Trump & Putin have a deal. Possibly Putin will go into Ukraine and somehow gather information on Bidens, Clinton’s, Kerry’s, Pelosi, I thing he’s part of the plan. Crazy times! Thank you
trump and the patriots planned this from the beginning,…??? Just how stupid do these people believe we are. What’s coming,… the indictments coming SOON, the arrests coming SOON, the military tribunals coming SOON, the jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…DRIP, DRIP, DRIP,…but it’s not all going to come out,….UNTIL trump’s SOCIAL MEDIA COMES OUT,….SOON,…???
We keep hearing the same BULLSHIT, day after day after day,…and see nothing of any evidence, or ACTIONS to stop the CORRUPTION.
The evidence is coming out,… SOON,.
The truth is coming out,…SOON,…
DURHAM,…is going to disclose the spying on trump,…SOON,…???
Just because people tweet out about trump being spied on,…is not evidence of treason,…just HOLLOW NO EVIDENCE PROPAGANDA,…DRIP,DRIP,DRIP,…it takes time,…trump says they got it all,…where is it???
Putting out the truth,…tweets are not truth,…trump is not a leader,…leadership doesn’t walk away from the ELECTION STEAL,.. when he claims to have caught them all,…and has all the evidence. BULLSHIT!!
Dave, you are amazing ! Thank you for all your work and incredible reports !!!
Dave, you are amazing ! Thank you for all your work and incredible reports !!!
If you are correct and Big Pharma does collapse…how are those of us on daily medications going to obtain our life saving meds? I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this matter as I feel there are all ages and millions of people involved in this situation.
Saw an interview with Thomas Massey and Marjorie Taylor Greene in which they said the House does not do their jobs. There were over 400 bills passed in the house without even half of the house present. Both dems and repubs were away on personal or fund raiser events. They said it was the practice to never “record” votes unless someone requested it. Then whoever requested it has to be there the entire time.
They said each member gets a 1 minute comment for yea or nay so they would have to sit through sometimes “hours” without a bathroom break. They said there’s only about 4 members that will alternate with the presence, so they pretty much do it themselves. They said the harshest criticism comes from the republicans and a couple of sharp tongued democrats… but none are willing to speak the criticism at the microphone on the floor.
They said the public doesn’t understand that most votes are made through absentia where they call in their votes to the “recorder” of the votes. The recorder doesn’t record that the member was present or absent unless requested by membership. Marjorie said when she started requesting it, the insults came flying especially from republicans like the Minority Leader (McCarthy) and his Minority Whip (Scalise) who have pretty much followed all directions from Pelosi but don’t want it known.
They said both of them have been censured by the Coward McCarthy.
Basically… Congress are being paid $500 K (with allowances) per year to not even show up for votes. They said half of the Congress (and probably Senate) were not even present on Jan. 6 but the records will never show it!
I really like the narrative that you portray. Freedom and hope are lofty ideals. However, all of the talk of bringing down the deep state is getting pretty old. They won. They cheated, and they got away with it. Even if there is a plan, what good is it if we are all dead of old age before it happens. I see zero panic in DC. No one is afraid, They own the means of information disimmination and will turn any other platform telling the truth in to a conspiracy theory crackpot platform. Just move on to another story. They unleashed a plan-demic on Trumps presidency to keep any good from being implemented and undid everything positive Trump did. What good will another Trump presidency be if they just undo everything first opportunity when they get the office back. Unless someone honest buys all of the news networks or it becomes illegal for media to lie, we are screwed. I lost all faith in Trump. He let them win. Caught them in the act of cheating? Doesn’t matter if no one will prosecute. Have all of the evidence? Doesn’t matter if the news won’t broadcast it. The people are not waking up. EVERYONE is a sheep asleep. Everyone is a cancel culture zealot. Everyone that Does protest gets shutdown as psychotic and insane and everyone else laps it up like ravenous boot licking idiots. No one cares about law. No one cares about a two tiered justice system. No one is going to revolt. They are inextricably tied to their daily dose of mass media and ‘fact checked’ social media. They won. No one is going to save us. Just tell the truth that the media will not. Please stop giving us hope that `something is coming`.
Why would these Federal employee’s ever need to possess a FCC “Ham” Radio operators certificate? Basic license gives you use of Digital Mobile Radio. DMR gives you access to highly encrypted two way instantaneous communication, anywhere a connection to the internet can be made, instantaneously! Gives you ability to send Data Packets, encrypted, instantaneously. Why, you don’t even need a Hand Held radio, a computer, tablet, phone, if rigged correctly, gives you encryption, instantaneously.
If on business, aren’t all communications supposed to go thru monitored systems? I wonder why they would have these licenses?
That was one of the best episodes ever! Loved your work for years. Thank you!
All you leftist commie radicals, the rule of law may be more kind to you than vigilante justice. Better to be tied to a post and shot mercifully through the head with a Wal-Mart bag over your face than dragged from your warm bed and hanged at the hands of a pissed off, lawless crowd! Just sayin!
Hi Dave, your episode 2701b was absolutely the most informative video yet of exactly what is going on. I watched it three times to accurately absorb everything. I never miss an episode. Thanks for all you do.
Best regards, Dean
Dave, I have been a vocal supporter of President Trump but I find his pro-vaccine stance more than a little troubling.
It isn’t enough to simply say “he had to do it”, otherwise the Tyranny would never have ended. Fact is, he did do it and the Tyranny is still here. Worse, he continues to avoid the incredible harm that the experimental shots have done and are doing to everyone, including children. And no, it isn’t about “choice”, its really about the truth that the vaccine (a Response consequence) was never necessary. The truth is the COVID narrative is the only narrative he’s agreed with the media on in that he accepted it as truth requiring a solution. It was a fraud from the beginning and he failed to see it. Rather, his actions have given Evil the means to hurt millions, if not billions over the next few years. Because of his capitulation to the Fake Narrative, Truth Social will be borne on a gigantic lie, and that does not bode well for the platform. It will be tainted – corrupt from birth. He will not escape accountability. Q says “it’s going to be biblical”, I’d like to point out that “biblical” doesn’t always mean light and truth – it often means death and destruction. Trump will choke on the mRNA experiment, and he will deserve it.
The last two reports kept developing responding problems, I had to come here to listen to them. Just wanted to let you know (Bitchute). Thanks for having this channel!
A different reason for Robert Durham “mistake” … his patents:
Great article explains how Trump is pointing us to PCAPS & DNS