Ep 2705b – Fear Is Real, Something Big Is Coming, Justice Is Coming For Hillary, Down She Goes
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The [DS] is panicking, the narrative is falling apart and the truth is coming out. Durham is on the hunt and he will make them all feel pain, the arrest will come, but first the country needs to see it all, they need to see the crimes, treason and sedition, only when the people understand can there be arrests. Justice is coming for [HRC] and others, the fear is real, something big is about to hit.
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- Ep 2706a – The [CB] Is Now Confiscating Accounts, The People See The Truth →
Mark Meadows, who was Chief of Staff under President Trump, said HRC would not be indicted as a result of the Durham investigation. This is very disturbing to hear from a political insider who seems to be in the know about the entire situation. If true, what is the point of Durham doing an investigation on this crooked and evil woman since it would only serve as a struggle in futility?
I believe that all this BS that the US and other countries have been going through all started when Operation Paperclip went on by the OSS/CIA after WWII.
Who provided the Main Stream Media with same style manual?
For well over 200 years, the United States of America has enjoyed and practiced Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press. The media within our Country grew up with understanding that the press was an independent force in society for good that was free to express opinions and report news without fear of government or other social restraints.
During the past five to six years, something has changed within the US Main Stream Media that feels extremely foreign. This change became very obvious with the rise of the Trump movement. In past years, the media would support one side or the other and would indorse candidates of their own choice without regard to outside forces. However, from 2016 on, America’s media has shed its independence and all have subscribed to a unified political style manual.
I am writing as if I am neither pro or anti-Trump because I do not want to have that issue color the argument I am presenting. I am, however, using a Trump issue to explain my point.
After the turbulent 2020 Presidential election, Mr. Trump came out and stated that the election was fraudulent. Again, I am not interested in arguing whether or not Mr. Trump was correct, I am merely using that situation as an example of the loss of the Media’s independence. No matter if it was reported by CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, or most of the major newspapers, each service would always use the word “baseless” when reporting on Mr. Trump’s position. “Baseless election” claims came word for word from every service as if they were all using the same political style manual.
. This brings me to my main questions. Who told the Media that they must all use the same language when reporting on this issue? Does CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN answer to the same overlord? Are they truly independent news services? Have lost our traditional free press?
When the news is reported word for word, the public loses their confidence in a free press. I am very concerned that America may no longer have such a thing as a free press.
Wayne Lougee
[email protected]
3729 E. Phelps Street,
Gilbert, AZ, 85295
11/3 /21
I believe they are waiting for Hillary to die naturally. When that happens we will see proof of her crimes.
Hillary is like the turd that won’t flush, she just keeps resurfacing.
As Reagan loved to say, “There you go again”. Dave, you again tout Term Limits as the great answer to Congress, then in the next sentence you say, ” Look at California, it’s a complete and utter mess”. Dave, California has had Term Limits since the 1990’s and Term Limits is part of the PROBLEM, NOT THE CURE!
Instead, what we need is to return to Art., 1 Sec. 2, the FOUNDATION of the Constitution and make SMALLER DISTRICTS. 435 Representatives for 350,000,000 people is NOT REPRESENTATION, it is government by the Deep State and the One World Order. The People can Fire their Representative, but they CAN’T FIRE DS AND OWO! Term Limits plays right into their hands and takes even more POWER FROM THE PEOPLE. I beg you, Dave to not be like AOC. Educate yourself and your viewers.
Stop offending Our Lord and keep on praying on your knees.
Hey Dave!:
Who is this woman Kyla whatshername???
Maybe because I am Canadian,,I`ve never heard of her,,can you enlighten me perhaps?
Re: 11:00
Blinkin is a puppet,,,he`s all good with the UN,,,GLOBALIST VERMIN !
kek… “we the people” need to see something that “things” are happening.
not everything…but something.
Didn’t BLM start while Hillary was campaigning by dragging mothers of those killed by police to her appearances, thus inspiring cop killings all over this country? Maybe she is taking control to hide evidence of her crimes. Maybe BLM is a Soros funded endeavor, just as Hillary running again is. Any doubt about who is running the Dem party?
the senator says statute of limitations has expired on hillary. i hope this is not true. this would mean durham is sweeping things under the rug, and that barr is in on it, and so is sessions. this is a disaster if true. it also implies deep state has won and since the entire government is corrupted [including police and judicial and military] it would mean no one is coming to the rescue. we the people must fight and die in a civil war [americans versus democrats/rinos and deep state] to earn our freedom back, as jefferson has said. this is going to get real bad going forward.
thanks and with kind regards.
You refer to an FDA document specifying the use of common cold virus to determine PCR positives. What is the name and date of that document?? Please.
Like i say my parents lived long life in their life they never saw anyone prosecuted or brought to reckonings for their crimes. Now here i am 71 years old i have seen no prosecutions or anyone brought to justice. So now you day justice is coming? Do not make me laugh. There is no justice in America we are a country where criminals have more rights than a law abiding citizen. Justice will never come in America. Justice has never been in America. So stop preaching justice the proof is in history. There are NO laws for Government office officials they have immunity. Immunity immunity just like they have in a foreign country. It will never happen. Generation after Generation has passed and NO justice for Government criminals
It just doesn’t matter. Durham or Congress. No one has the Balls to indict anyone of Political Position. They’ll end up maybe getting Joffe, but I doubt it. They will have given everyone in the circle and even sphere of corruption immunity.
They may have the story… but no indictments, let alone convictions.
Unfortunately, Durham may indict someone, but it will either be Tried in New York or D.C. where the alleged crimes were committed. At Trump’s residence and Headquarters in NYC or at the White House in D.C. Either place, the federal prosecutors will end up being Comey’s daughter… and she let’s everyone go!
Plus, they won’t have the guts to charge sedition, treason or even breaking and entering. It will be some misdemeanor computer hacking incident that results in probation!! In fact, it won’t happen within the 5-year SOL window, so the case(s) will be dropped. There’s a reason the investigation has been slow-rolled!!
Then watch all the RINO’s feign disgust that “they” got away with another one. Oh Welllll!
Your Episode numbers may mean something to you but not to us. It would really help if you would put dates in there somewhere. It helps to know to what period the report is relevant.
Good reports.
Could play a drinking game with every time he says “now what’s very interesting”. If that doesn’t get you hammered within about five minutes add in “I do believe”. What happened to devolution? Not mentioning it anymore.
Trump’s impeachment must be erased by the facts and truths of the Durham investigation.
It’s also time to keep a body count of the deaths and rapes. caused by the Biden admin policies and edicts
We have been hearing this BULLSHIT, FOR YEARS AND YEARS,.. the only reasoning to push the same BULLSHIT now,…is because trump and the patriots have lost the support of the people. trump is motivated by RETALIATION,…and not Patriotism. trump claims the people had to see the dem o rats deep state for what they are ,BULLSHIT, propaganda,… trump and the patriots are saying what people want to hear,…and not producing any evidence. 2023, is the definition of SOON???
It’s hard to believe they would wait that long to take down Killary. However, just speculation, take away (17) months, would be Monday, May 30th, 2022. Again, just speculation.
Bro, I’m concerned about something. Has Hannity and Pompeo flipped.
Last nite Pompeo came on and says Putin will soon move on Ukraine and Hannity always says that also, and then he said Chyna will then move on Tiawan.
Why is Hannity, Tucker, Watters and Gutfeld cramming Klaus Schwabs NWO Tulsi Gabbard on us every day?
Why isn’t Pompeo or Trump not asking Hannity about that?
WTH is going on.