Ep 2709b – Ukraine Is A Money Laundering Machine For The [DS], Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
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The [DS] is now panicking over Truth Social, the other tech platforms are busy censoring and block while TS is allowing the truth to spread. Ukraine was another trap for the [DS], it is now in the headlines, and soon the corruption is going to be brought into the open. Nothing can stop what is coming. The [DS] infiltrated the country and now the patriots are destroying their system.
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- ← Ep 2709a – The [CB] Just Said the Quiet Part Out Loud, CBDC Will Control The Population
- Jean Luc Brunel Suicided, Canada Goes Full Fascist →
Hello Dave. Been listening to you for years. Great work, amazing guests on the spotlights. Just a bit of info for you, on Canada. Yes Klaus schwab controls trudeau. But the deputy PM, Chrystia freeland, is a soros close friend, as well as a member of the WEF. She wrote Soros autobiography, she has more power than trudeau, the smug puppet. Freeland (and her corrupt mom) both have condos front and center in the square in Ukraine, when the coup happened in 2014. She is Soros’ eyes and ears in Canada. She is an evil bitch, and apparently her mom is too. Very close to Soros. And freelands grandpa was a nazi. Thanks for all your work! Hope to see you on truth social soon!
Best wishes
Joe from Canada
You state that Trumps Truth Social site is to allow the distribution of truth to the world, but the way you are communicating is as though Truth Social is the only one. How about Gab?
Hi Dave.
I can’t believe I haven’t written before now even though I’ve been watching the X22 Report for going on two years.
I just want to take the time to thank you for all that you do to help the Patriots like myself keep informed with the truth in these perilous times.
For awhile I listened to some other truthers that if I mentioned their names you would know who they are. But I have always counted on your truthful and concise reports and now I find just as it was when I started watching that your show is the only one that I make a point to following every day.
Thank you again for all you do and for always leaving us with a message of hope no matter how bad it seems. God bless.
Rich Novek
MODERNA capitalization dropped precipitously. PFIZER, not so much.
Consider the possibility that Israel demands compensation from PFIZER for vaccine harms as insider traders have already profited handsomely from shorting MODERNA.
Also, genetic groups who are least susceptible to spike protein damages, according to this paper published on PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32844124/ Guess who are most susceptible to COVID spike protein damage.
Unfortunately our Democrats support Trudeaus authoritarian actions in Canada. These people cannot be salvaged.
The deep state has won. The USA is over….not even a whimper! Trump was a very brief respite. However, the vast majority of the people of the USA as well as the rest of the world remain willingly ignorant, apathetic, and willingly compliant….they have the developmental level of infants. As long as there is even a shriveled, diseased teat to suck on, they will remain passive.
I’m already on TruthSocial and it says x22 is being saved for you when you join.
“NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING,…NOTHING.” that because nothing is coming,…just like,…indictments coming SOON, arrests coming SOON, military tribunals coming SOON, jailing in Gitmo coming SOON,…amounts to NOTHING.
When you address Truth Social about X-22, could you also find out why everything is on Apple, yet Android users will not be able to participate being that it’s not offered in the play store. I like many 100% support Truth Social and Trump, but will miss out all because I dont have Apple products. Thank you.
What website or websites would you recommend for buying cryptocurrency? Nunchuk was mentioned in a recent post. I dont know much about it and just want to be protected.
It should be no surprise to anyone that a political party that attempts to misrepresent the January 6 peaceful protests as an insurrection would look at what Putin is doing with Ukraine and attempt to misrepresent that as an invasion.
All done in an attempt to cover up their true actions and intents. “Oh what tangled webs we weave when we purpose to deceive.”
Ukraine has abundant reserves of natural gas. I wonder if they could replace what Russia’s been supplying to Europe?
Also, I am wondering about the legitimacy of the provinces’ claim that their leaders voted to leave Ukraine and align with Russia. I’m reaching out to friends in Ukraine and Russia for their insight. While the region currently has a large number of Russian and Russian-speaking residents, I have seen news stories that even the ethnic Russians do NOT want Putin to come to their ‘rescue.’
Given the miserable state of our Western ‘news’ media, it’s impossible to know for sure. Granted that Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, I’m still not ready to accept Putin’s side of this. Ukrainians have vivid memories of the Holodimir: Stalin’s deadly campaign to Sovietize Ukraine and collectivize their peasants’ farms after the Bolsheviks reconquered a newly-independent Ukraine in 1922, after Ukraine managed to liberate itself after the 1917 Revolution. And Ukraine had been badly maltreated by Russia for centuries before that. It would not surprise me at all that any Ukrainian province, even provinces with ethnic Russians in the majority (many of whose grandparents were relocated to the area by Stalin after the Holodimir, with more imported by Putin to augment the number of ‘residents’ in favor of being retaken by Russia), would take a very dim view of Putin’s land grabs. And I wonder if the leaders of the cities and oblasts reflect the actual will of the people, or were installed by Putin behind the cordon of Putin’s thugs and are his puppets.
I see this as a move similar to Hitler’s occupation of the Czech Sudetenland, the mountainous region ringing Czechoslovakia, in 1939. Hitler’s pretext for the occupation was that the region housed some 3 million ethnic Germans, and he was moving to protect them from supposed oppression. Supposedly, Putin dreams of rebuilding the old Soviet Union, under his rule. And his ‘peacekeepers’ are under his control, in apparent rivalry of NATO and the United Nations. Which would make them an occupying force, not ‘peacekeepers.’
McCain refused to allow information from his foundation prior to his death. Hmm could it have been that he received funds from the Russiagate participation?
Very interesting 👋 great job . thank you for taking the time To investigate and publish all the information making it available to the public. I think the world will now wake up and start to see as more and more people realize what’s going on in the world 🌎 These people are so evil and corrupt Thank god someone is finally standing up to them. I feel so bad to see the Ukrainian people suffer like this , Innocent people are dying everyday there and so many people suffering .Maybe we will see some justice Hillary Clinton will go to prison Along with everybody involved in their Organizations And everybody involved in all this evil madness Deep state. We need energy independence We need patriots to stand up against these evil monsters.Thank you again for taking all this time Just found out about your Program My friend just shared this with me Everyone else out there share with your friends Get this around Send emails to everyone you know , I like to look at all the news from different angles and get all the different aspects I see that way I can make my own Judgments. What 2 believe and what not to believe..God bless all the patriots And god bless America ,