Ep 2711b – Planned Long Ago, [DS] Stronghold & Bio Weapons Destroyed, Trump Never Telegraphs His Moves
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The [DS] is trouble, Ukraine is/was their base of operation. The [DS] was planning another pandemic and developing viruses in Ukraine, Putin took action to shut it all down and to destroy the [DS] stronghold. He is now removing the neo nazis. Trump will never telegraph his moves, but it seems that this was planned long ago. The [DS] is becoming desperate and they are panicking, they are now preparing for a cyber pandemic to shut it all down. They are fighting for their lives and they know they are now cornered.
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- ← Ep 2711a – Stage Is Set, [CB] Panicked To Soon, Great Reset Is Finished
- Ep 2712a – The [CB] Panic Is Real, Completely Exposed, Next Step Will Bring It All Down →
Question: Is it safe to bomb a bio lab? Wouldn’t that spread the Virus or bio weapon particles or whatever?
Everytime HRC opens her mouth about something like this – LIBYA should be thrown back in her face.
I will admit if I am wrong, but I seem to have a gut discernment from God that Putin is a white hat and this was planned between Trump and Putin back when Trump was in office.
Is Discovery of an Ancient Ark driving the escalating Ukraine conflict?
Ep. 2711
Mitt Romney’s son too.
What “President “ announces what is going to happen to the enemy?! (You better do this to us/US before we do it to your country. So they can blame said attack on Russia, Russia, Russia.)
Did they burn all of the Promissory Notes our politicians owed them? lol
Don’t you think KH went to Ukraine to pick up cash, evidence, people and bio specimens? She clearly had no other purpose. She said the opposite of what Joe says.
Is it possible for Gates to deactivate Operating systems so we can’t access StarLink?
By the way it is a criminal offence to deny the Holocaust in Russia. Putin is ex KGB. So figure out why he uses the term Nazi !
This makes more sense than fake news. I hope this is fast and swift. We the people need resolution. Durham arrests? Starlink? QFS? Until we really start seeing justice people will believe fake news. We keep seeing and being told about the crime syndicate but no justice.
I think Putin keeps Ukraine with it trillions in rare elements.
Great video, bro.
But dayom, a 4 year Delta from Feb19 2019 in the Q drop 2903 re “In 21 days big things are happening” means nothing big going down till Feb 23?
Thanks Dave, love you!
RT.com no longer accessible.
We are on a precipice between righting the ship of our constitution and founding ideals or falling away into the socialist/Marxist/ globalist void. This site has given encouragement to the hope of Durham and the patriots to bring us back to the stable, free society we have hoped for. We are at a tipping point where any lack of their real progress resulting in real damage to our rights as free people, or harm to our persons will result in blame shifting to the patriots for their lack of action and ineffectiveness. We will be looking for real action against the traitors of this country not some minor indictment of a private in their army but a sign they are moving up the ranks. I realize the strategy of moving up the ladder have the low man roll over on their superiors. It’s time to get moving. It would be nice to see the results in my lifetime- before the guilty pass their corrupt legacy on to another generation.
It seems like a lot of people are still parroting what they learned in Liberal Education about how the Nazis and Neo-Nazis are on the far right, which is just a projection of what the left is doing, and a rewriting of history. Objective-thinking observers can see that Nazis and Neo-Nazis are just as far left as Communists and Socialists. It’s just another branch of the far left NWO (and as Q and the Anons have been saying, “N” does not stand for “New”).
The Russians ARE killing civilians. My sons grand parents are in kyiv and are in danger.
Thank goodness for X22 REPORT.
I am so impressed by your clear understanding of what Ukraine is about.
Amazing..that you communicate this. KEEP GOING!
Love your reports Dave. The fact the world leaders are openly working together to rid the planet of the Fourth Reich scourge is amazing. Let’s see what happens next with Taiwan.
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for all you do in order to keep us informed regarding what is really going on in this world. This truly is a war of good vs. evil. You really have some great sources which you skillfully use to “drop some breadcrumbs” that we can follow.
Please correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t President Trump viciously attacked by the swamp creatures for a phone conversation he had with President Zelensky regarding investigating corruption encompassing people in both Ukraine and the U.S.? President Trump always maintained that “it was a perfect call”; I always believed that to be true. God bless President Trump for enduring all that he has because he loves America and I believe he was selected by God “for such a time as this”. (I believe that to be true of you as well regarding the work you do)
It has proven to be true that we are all where we are supposed to be. The bible patiently teaches us that over and over again if only we allow God to open our hearts and understanding to the truth. “Our Lord Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him!” [John 14:6] Thank you heavenly Father for giving us Your Son!!
Dave, keep up the good work! I know you will!
Thank you!
Marsha Gratto
[email protected]
Excellent stuff….I think you got it covered