Ep 2718b – Watch The Water, The World Is Witnessing The Dismantling Of The New World Order
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The [DS] is panicking, they are unable to stop the white hats from destroying their money laundering operation in Ukraine, they are becoming desperate. War is real the information regarding the war is fake. We are witnessing the dismantling of the new world order. The US will no longer be the policeman of the world, countries will now take care of their own battles. Look at the middle east, Afghanistan etc. The pandemic disappeared, the truth about it is coming out, the numbers were rigged. Scavino sends a message.
- ← Ep 2718a – The Destruction Of The [CB] System Is Now In Progress, Alternate Currencies Are In Play
For God’s sake look at what they are doing while we are distracted by Ukraine
glenn Beck has several videos from 2 years ago… Blaze… Video “playlist” not videos. All going over Ukraine… Money laundry… & Today labs…
Very interesting
Wondering if invasion of Taiwan needed to destroy micro-chip manufacture for NWO vaccine passport injected chips.
With the massive list of crimes and corruption and Treason that we Patriots know these people have done continuously for many decades, I am hoping that extreme prejudice sentencing these evil people deserve. The max sentencing.
GREAT REPORT! David, You’re the best! What a fine job! Love it!
Thanks Dave. Please keep up the reports.
Dave love your analysis, but from now on when you talk about trump shaking hands with Kim, say that HE WAS INVITED ACROSS THE DMZ INTO N KOREA BY KIM AND SHOOK HIS HAND ON N KOREAN LAND.. NEVER EVER HAPPENED IN HISTORY
thanks dave. speaking of biolabs, this was on pro-trumpnews.com tonight.
from a linked article from becker news:
this is actualy detailed. looks like they found ‘A LOT’ of bad stuff going on, involvong anthrax, plague [yersenia pestis], tullaremia [nasty disease], and much more.
Two things.
1) Notice that when they accused Syria of using chemical weapons that even Gen. Mattis would commit that it is “more likely than not” that Syria used them. However the After-Action analysis of Sensors did not detect any chemicals in the base stockpiles they blew up… nor did the 80 Tomahawks fired on the University Labs. Then, think about it. 1,000 miles away in Tikrit and Irbil, Iraq… there were 49 Chemical weapon bombings using Mustard, Chlorine and Saran Gas bombs. Who wasn’t in Iraq? Assad! Who was bombing these cities into rubble? The U.S. and Britain.
2) You mentioned Russia is delivering Humanitarian Aid. Only Russia. Where is Ukraine? Where is the U.N.? Keep in mind, when the first Aid trucks arrived from Russia, the Invasion was only 4 days old. Yet, the Western Media kept saying these people haven’t eaten in weeks! Whaaaaat?
Then don’t listen to the media, look around at the videos. They show one building in a complex that is shelled… yet every building is in complete disrepair. Looting everywhere. All the vehicles with wheels stripped. People’s clothes tattered. And what don’t you see? The Russian army! So the Russian army went into the Ukraine Streets, shelled one apartment in one building and left? But all the other buildings look like a Philly drug palace! This is from poverty and corruption, not invasion.
Also, look at the Bridges. People are saying the Ukraine Military destroyed the bridges. Rut Row… not supposed to let that on the air! Then look closer at the borders and at the Aid delivery locations. Lots and lots of young and middle aged men with bags or stuffing their pockets. We are told all these men were the Heroes lined up to fight the Russians… not standing in line for handouts.
I so appreciate your reports.
The truth about about the Ukraine and Russia. The NWO controlled media is lying to everyone. Out of their own mouths if Russia takes Ukraine the NWO is done.
Must watch.
Updated investigation 12/15/21
Covid is a result of inept PCR Tests. The inventor, the late Dr. Kary Mullis has stated numerous times that the PCR used throughout the world to diagnose covid 19 could not detect sickness, illness and or any type of virus. Now, the CDC shown below has stated that the PCR Tests cannot distinguish between the flu and covid. The truth is they rigged the PCR Tests to diagnose covid every time someone tested positive for influenza A or B. See crimes against humanity trials below. See complete investigation below.
I’m an Army/Air Force Police veteran and former veteran civilian police officer. Too much more to list.
Due to several personal events, I conducted an 8 month investigation into the legitimacy of covid. I found that Covid was based on rigged PCR Tests that were actually sent out to every hospital in 2017 and 2018 under the invoice name covid 19.
To explain, the doctors were saying covid was real, but the independent labs shown below said it was fraudulent. The missing piece of the puzzle was what tests they were both using. I found out pretty quickly that the doctors were using the PCR Tests.
That immediately made me suspicious, because I was aware that the patent for the Covid PCR Tests were owned by Fauci and Gates. These were also the same 2 people who said the world needed to reduce its population by 2 billion people. Then they also stated that during Trump’s presidency he would face a coronavirus pandemic.
Now, I firmly believe that the virus was an absolute hoax. However, I still had to account for how the people died in the hospitals. My research revealed that the hospitals were getting approximately $14,000 for every patient diagnosed with covid and $36,000 for every patient they put on a ventilator. Then they got even more money for every covid death certificate. Then I discovered that 75% to 85% died. The major contributing factor was the toxic medicines prescribed AKA “Remdesivir”. As of December 3rd 2021 Gilead, recalled 55,000 vials of Remdesivir due to glass shard contamination.
I also investigated the PCR Test inventor the late Dr. Mullis and found that he passed suspiciously in August 2019 of pneumonia complications. I watched quite a few of his videos and I found he was extremely down to earth and highly respected in his field. He was also a Nobel prize winner.
While investigating the inventor, I found that he wasn’t a Fauci fan whatsoever. Dr. Mullis had told numerous people on camera that the PCR Tests could not detect sickness, illness and/or any type of virus. He also stated that Fauci was an absolute liar and he had tried to get Fauci to debate him numerous times, but he refused. Fauci constantly lied about the PCR capabilities and Dr. Mullis called him out.
Please note that effective December 21, 2021 the CDC has admitted that the PCR Tests cannot distinguish between the regular flu and the imaginary covid virus which has destroyed jobs, marriages, and actually caused thousands of people to commit suicide.
I also have a video below showing Fauci and the Rockefeller Foundation planning covid in 2019.
Evidence of everything mentioned above is listed below. Please pay special attention to the Nuremberg Trial # 2 and who’s going to be criminally charged for this absolute debacle. My notice to anyone promoting and/or administering the vaccines it would definitely be in your best interest to stop. Nuremberg #2 is going to criminally charge anyone who actively participated in the hoax. The amount of people who were killed by the vaccine is estimated to be 200 million with hundreds of millions injured.
Any employer who would even consider mandating these deadly vaccines are absolute fools! First, you are mandating vaccines for an admitted fraudulent virus. If you decide to do this, get ready to be sued by everyone. The masks you mandated were manufactured by China and they laced them with several extremely toxic materials including graphene oxide, PFE which has been compared to be breathing fiber glass. The swabs and test kits are also extremely toxic and have many of the same materials. All of you should have done your due diligence to protect your employees. The masks also cause viral pneumonia, strep throat, food poisoning, hypoxia and much more.
The vaccines are lethal and contain many toxic substances, that has killed millions of people. All of these issues are being hidden by the main stream media. Think, not one broadcasting network has said one negative thing about these deadly vaccines. According to a 30 year virologist the vaccinated have 2 to 3 years to live. Their immune systems are being dangerously lowered dramatically daily. The vaccines make women infertile and men sterile. The vaccines were designed to be Genocidal weapons. They intentionally put men’s DNA into women’s and women’s into the mens. This is what you call playing God.
The vaccine manufacturers have extensive horrible criminal records, so why would anyone allow them to inject something into their DNA that cannot be removed. There is much more about the vaccine manufacturers below.
FB Randy Bartone
Evidence of everything above is located on my fb.
Clues left by the Covid Criminals…FB keeps removing my physical investigation from my fb page, so I wrote this short outline.
1. The vaccine manufacturers have extensive horrible criminal records, so why would anyone allow these criminals to put something into their DNA that cannot be removed? The vaccines were made based on a fraudulent virus, using rigged PCR Tests explained below. Fauci and Gates are also the patent owners of the covid 19 PCR Tests.
2. The CDC is financially sponsored by The Gates Foundation, Pfizer and Moderna, etc. I believe this is a major conflict of interest. They are also suspected of beings owners of Pfizer.
3. Gates, stated in 2016 that Trump would face a coronavirus pandemic during his term as president. Gates, must have an actual working crystal ball and/or he had something planned.
4. In 2016 Gates and Fauci both stated that the world needed to reduce its population by 2 billion people.
5. The blue masks everyone’s wearing are manufactured by China and then being sold in almost every big box store throughout the United States. Now, according to hundreds of doctors, the masks cause viral pneumonia as well as many other serious health issues. Now, from the beginning I highly suspected that China laced them with something toxic. Now we know that China made them with graphene as well as teflon like particles that have been compared to breathing fiberglass.
6. Congress voted not to allow the American people to sue China for civil damages. Nothing to see here unless Congress was involved and they were protecting themselves as well as China.
7. During the alledged deadly pandemic, I found masks everywhere parking lots, grocery store aisles, etc. If this was a real black plaque pandemic, the billions of masks being worn throughout the world, would have been disposed of in bio hazard waste bins. Now, if you have gum disease, abscessed teeth, you are breathing dangerous bacteria. This is the same if you have heart disease, lung disease and/or liver disease. Case in point, when you get a flu shot the needle is immediately disposed of in a bio hazard waste bin.
8. The doctors sent people home for 10 to 14 days after being diagnosed with an alledged deadly virus to infect their entire families. Yeah, that makes a lot of since, only if you were physically trying to get your covid statistic numbers higher.
9. Normally when you have viral pneumonia, the doctor gives you antibiotics and tells you to avoid laying down. This is to prevent your lungs from filling up with fluid. This time they followed the CDC’s Protocal and put thousands of people on ventilators. Now, using ventilators and prescribed medications 75% to 85% died. The hospitals at this time were getting $36,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. That’s a real motive to intentionally kill a lot of people. The medication in question was Remdesivir. As of December 03, 2021 Gilead the manufacturer of Remdesivir recalled 55,000 vials due to glass shard contamination.
10, Then every hospital used PCR Tests to diagnose Covid 19, however according to the late inventor Dr. Kary Mullis, the PCR Tests could not diagnose sickness, illness and/or any type of virus. The same test is still being used in every hospital throughout the world to diagnose Covid 19.
11. During the alledged pandemic they layed off thousands of nurses. They acted as if the hospital were packed and overflowing with patients. According to one of my FB friends who was retired going from state to state checking the validity of the story, he said they were all lying.
To close, effective December of 2021 the hospitals can discontinue using the PCR Tests and resume using their in house labs. To me, this is extremely suspicious, especially when it was used to diagnose Covid 19 throughout the world. They used it to destroy businesses, destroy lives and make people wear toxic masks that were made by our non allie China.
My story is my wife and I got viral pneumonia in January 2021. At the time we had a family member who had just returned from China. We beat it with 2 rounds of antibiotics and by using a nebulizer. That’s what made me start my investigation. My wife then got viral pneumonia again and that’s when I figured out that she got it from prolong use wearing the masks. This was confirmed by doctors when I cornered them with the facts.
FB Randy Bartone,
Video # 1 Investigation
This is an absolute must watch. The investigation started with well over
100 doctors. Now they have an estimated 10,000 doctors as well as virologists. The video below from the “Berlin Carona Committee” explains their findings in great detail. Their findings show covid is fraudulent.
Read line 3.
Irish government admits covid 19 is fake.
Spanish courts find covid does not exist.
If you still think covid is real, watch this…
Absolute must watch and share with everyone!
Fall of the cabal part 18 https://www.bitchute.com/video/IjgzKGI0CcAp/
Africa files charges against their president for not doing his due diligence AKA PCR Rigged Tests, etc.
Update from the “Berlin Carona Committee’s” investigation! Over 10,000 doctors and an estimated 1,000 attorneys are filing “Crimes Against Humanity” charges against to include, but not limited to media personalities, doctors, cooperating nurses, fake death certificates, etc. Too much more to list! This includes the fact that the PCR Tests used in every hospital throughout the world were rigged. To explain, according to the late inventor Dr. Kary Mullis the PCR Tests cannot diagnose sickness illness and/or any type of virus. The criminals also ordered the test in 2018 under the invoice name covid 19. Fauci was also caught on video planning the pandemic along with the Rockefeller Foundation.
Just FYI my pen name is Randy Bartone, I conducted the 8 month investigation into the legitimacy of covid 19. As you know, I found that covid was the result of inept PCR Tests that were unable to diagnose sickness, illness and/or any type of virus. The CDC recently reported that the PCR Test cannot distinguish between covid and the flu making this entire pandemic fraudulent. Then the “Berlin Carona Committee” came out with their investigation, now consisting of over 10,000 doctors and approximately 1,000 attorneys. Their findings show the same as my conclusion, the people who died were a direct result of the CDC protocol, namely the prescribed medication Remdesivir. As of December 03, 2021 the manufacturer “Gilead” recalled approximately 55,000 vials, due to glass shard contamination. During this time hospitals were getting paid x amount for the covid diagnosis, patients put on ventilators and covid death certificates. The actual PCR Tests were sent out to every hospital in 2017 and 2018 under the invoice name covid 19. The patent owners are Fauci and Gates. Every law enforcement agency has this information along with physical evidence and all failed to start any type of investigation. As a former veteran police officer I find this absolutely appalling. I sent them all enough reputable evidence to start an investigation. There’s strong rumors that people who accepted the vaccines are now known as transhumans and no longer have any rights under the constitution. I’ve been researching this and believe besides the obvious genocide taking place, they want all of us to submit, so we no longer have any constitutional rights. The transhumans are now alledgedly owned by the MRNA/DNA vaccine patent owners AKA Fauci and Gates. In the beginning I thought this was a conspiracy theory, now I believe this was a major part of their plan.
Russ Crowder
It’s time to warn the American people.
A physician has warned the public that the graphene in Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines is transforming within people’s bodies. Worse yet, the fully vaccinated are now starting to infect the unvaccinated with vaccine toxins through shedding.
Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen, medical director of Biomedics Clinic in the United Kingdom, recently demonstrated that the graphene in the COVID-19 vaccines is organizing and growing into large fibers and structures, gaining magnetic properties and becoming more complex.
In mid-2021, Van Welbergen first noticed a problem when he started receiving more and more patients who exhibited an unusual array of symptoms. He explained in an interview with a South African media outlet that his patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory issues, paralysis and even late-onset of heavy menstruation for women in their 60s.
Van Welbergen was concerned that it may have something to do with structural changes in their blood, and so he took blood samples from all of them.
Upon examining the blood samples under a microscope, he found that their blood was clumping up and forming strange shapes not typically seen in healthy blood. The shape of individual red blood cells was also not round, but more “crumpled.”
Van Welbergen also found that the nuclei of the cells were destroyed and many of them were starting to form large gold tubular structures.
All of his patients were vaccinated with Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. They all reported feeling extreme fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, a general aura of “not feeling well” and mental confusion.
Thick graphene fibers found in the blood of vaccinated individuals
Van Welbergen explained that the gold tube-like structures resemble the graphene oxide samples found by Spanish researchers. He described them as resembling “folded over toilet paper under paint.” (Related: Researcher sounds alarm after finding PARASITES, nanobots and graphene in COVID-19 vaccines.)
During another interview with the same media outlet, Van Welbergen presented images of his latest blood slides and explained what happened to the blood of his vaccinated patients.
In one image of a blood sample Van Welbergen shared, he pointed out that the vaccinated individual’s blood was coagulated, the red blood cells were badly misshapen and clumped together and the blood was filled with graphene fibers which dwarfed the red blood cells in size. He warned that graphene fibers these massive could block small blood vessels and cause serious health complications.
Van Welbergen also warned that he was starting to notice a magnetic or electric polarity effect on different sides of the graphene fibers. This behavior was not present when he first started examining the blood of his vaccinated patients, but they were now popping up out of nowhere.
“These things have changed,” he said. “Their reaction with surrounding blood cells has changed … and I don’t know what triggered it.”
The vaccinated are “shedding” and infecting the unvaccinated
Worse yet, during one interview Van Welbergen showed a blood sample from an unvaccinated three-year-old patient. He examined the blood and found thin shards of clear material that resemble smaller versions of the graphene fibers he found in the blood of his vaccinated patients.
The three-year-old’s parents were both fully vaccinated. This led Van Welbergen to speculate that the unvaccinated are now being contaminated by fully vaccinated individuals who were “shedding” graphene.
Van Welbergen also had another unvaccinated patient – an eight-year-old child – who came to him because of serious health concerns. The child’s right arm and upper right leg were paralyzed and the child was unable to properly move the affected limbs.
When he examined the child’s blood, he found a large mass of graphene that was forcing the red blood cells around it to clump together and get squished. This large mass of graphene is most likely preventing the child from properly using the affected limbs.
What this shows is that not only are the fully vaccinated in danger of experiencing severe health complications due to the material in the COVID-19 vaccines, but they are now clear threats to the health of unvaccinated individuals as well.
It began before WWI with America making and smuggling arms to France and Britain. That’s why Germany sunk the Lusitainia. Not long ago divers found millions of rounds of 303 ammunition in the wreckage of the Lusitainia, after which the British Navyt went to the wreckage of that ship and dynamited it so no more arms could be located in the wreckage. What needs to be discovered is when and by who the “Trading with the Enemy Act was written up asd passed by Congress. Don’t be surprised if it was before WWI. This activity was going on well before WWII under the protection of the U.S. Congress.
To X22…when you narrated Elon Musk’s tweet. You did it backwards. Elon tweeted about the switch to cyber defense and experiencing jamming, this tweet was firstly said. Then he went on to tell about their stance on free speech when governments were asking him to shut down Russia. This is huge in terms of context. Hope people get that. Elon, essentially said F you, you don’t tell me what to do, free speech prevails.
Why is Trump not helping those poor people who are in jail without jury dates one year later from Jan 6. This has started me wondering if Trump is really a nice man or an abstraction
Please publish a list of all suspected rinos. I just love the way they scramble. I almost sent Lindsey Graham money , glad I didn’t!
who is the 4th family that got removed post trump’s victory?
i really like your podcast, but quite often, you repeat thoughts over and over, but skip the meaty info.
Don’t forget about Remdesivir’s role in the “Covid deaths”. This was/is the stepping stone to the ventilators
To bad the u.s. convoy is not doing something useful like blocking the hiways at our southern border so the illeagles have a harder time invading america
We are in a fascinating and very deadly multi D chess game. We had better win for the sake of the world. This game has already killed my wife (God bless her)
The propaganda about Ukraine is unbearable over here in Germany!
So is it possible that what we are witnessing is a trial run take down of the deep state mechanisms within a country? Ukraine and soon Taiwan are a foreshadowing of what void occur in the United States when it is our turn to take down the evil in our own country?
Patriots take note. Hence the cries of “Be Prepared”.
It does the statutes of limitation only apply to some things and not others, whenever implicates politicians are lawyers their statues to limitation‘s but whenever implicates with the people there are no limitations. I have an answer for that, and that’s because we have a problem, and that being is we have the bar which is a club for the lawyers or a union, we have judges who are lawyers and we have senators who are lawyers that’s conflict of interest !
Pelosi was cold. Joe Biden was just acting like he was ending a locker room huddle.
Anyone who has a thought process like Lindsey Graham, Biden or Pelosi on assassin of a government official should be removed from office; if they can believe that is a solution to a problem they put our own officials at risk in my opinion.
Is Biden, Putin and Zelenskyy in this together? Maybe China in as well? just rumours I’ve heard..saw a video but lost the link..BUT..guess what Zelenskyy does..not sure when lol
Remember when social media dis the first purge of people off Twitter? Name such as Charles C Johnson, Milo Yiannapoulus, Alex Jones &……..Weev! The hounded people and I remember how they said the neo-nazis were all living in Ukraine. Were did that narrative go?
Bro, it’s weird. I totally believed Barr when he said they would not cut corners on the investigation…..
Dayom. Are you sure hes not a white hat sleeper?
Restored Republic referenced episode in today’s video… thought you should know… good job