Ep 2723b – Apply The Keystone, Rig For Red, The First Salvo Of Information Has Just Been Fired
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The [DS] is panicking, the bio labs were revealed and they did everything in their power to tell everyone that it is a conspiracy theory. This the same [DS] that pushed the fake Russia, Russia hoax, the same [DS] that pushed the fake covid hoax, the same [DS] that pushed election hoax. The people are about to learn the truth. The first salvo of information was just fired, the [DS] did exactly what the patriots wanted them to do, deny, deny and deny. Next wave coming soon.
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- ← Ep 2723a – The [CB] Took The Bait, The People Are Rising Up Around The World
- Matt & Joy – The Reawakening Is Happening, This Is The Biggest Threat To The [DS] →
Being court martialed and hanged by the neck until dead is not lynching . Go ahead and pass that bill!
LOL!!! Criminals lie and lie to the end. Cue Jussie Smollet sentenced to 18 months of probation AAANNND first 150 days…. then I’m not suicidal… I could have plead guilty a long time ago!! I suspect he’s got a secret.. !!!
This is far worse than the Mafia,,,this IS the FOURTH REICH,,Hitlers dream come to fruition,,Lord help us all !
microbiota funded by seneca rosemont
Hi Dave,
Don’t you think deep state players are removing all evidence from bio-labs in Taiwan, since Trump made the comment to watch Taiwan? Could it be a head-fake and bio labs in other countries will be raided? Also, I believe China and the NWO have been and still are working with China. After all, Soros is invested there (China) and that’s where most of our manufacturing base has gone. Doesn’t make sense. China will probably stab Putin in the back.
Love your show❤️…… Suzanne
So, with this Ukrane bio lab info, we are now considering China’s innocense in the source of Covid 19?
Our beloved President Dopnnald Trump may need to publicly retract some of what he said about China, while at the same time prosecuting the Americans responsible for creating the disease.
What will the world think of us, the U.S. when they find out our people are responsible for some, most, or all of it?
Lynching is not just hanging. Lynching is when non law enforcement, without due process hangs some one without a trial. If the government including the military gives you a trial, you are convicted and the Judge or Judges say you are to be hanged by the neck until dead, that is not lynching. I was born in 1945 and lynching/murder has been against the law since I have been alive and even longer. A new law against Lynching is just redundant.
All these people have been Droned by the Vril. It makes sense. they are NOT working for humanity, they are working for themselves and their loyal group. They look like us, but they are nothing like us. The Vril is a parasitic ancient lizard species here before us. They can take over humans and animals, but prefer humans. They are Mimics. In there own bodies they are about 1-2foot high. Once in their life they get a chance to transfer their consciousness to another entity, preferably human. Once they do this, the human soul dies and the Vril lizard’s body dies. They then have total utter control of that person. They have three desires. Sex, eating humans (preferably babies) and torture of others. They are carnivorous and even cannibals. They are incapable of empathy or any other human emotion. Would that explain why our leaders are such psychopaths? As far fetched as this sounds look up Donald Marshall.
Your endless drawing a parallel with the ***nazis*** = NATIONAL SOCIALISTS OF HITLER’S GERMANY is a self-defeating and outright STUPID attitude/narrative nourishing the anti-semitic propaganda, perpetuating the “”holohoax”” that NEVER took place. Where are the FORENSIC PROOFS = Z E R O.
Do you know FRED LEUCHTER, the foremost forensic expert on executions, in particular with gas ??? ZYKLON B was for “delousing” and most definitely NOT for gasing = killing.
Your narrative makes the evil jooos very very happy, the ***jooos*** are the EVIL FORCE OF DESTRUCTION SINCE MILLENNIA, refresh your knowledge of history if you wish to avoid repeating it.
Read the foremost true WW2 history book of Gerard Menuhin, son of the famous violinist/conductor YEHUDI MENUHIN, both of them Jews loving and respecting Germany and the German people and Hitler:
And did you know that out of 3,000 administrative staff at the shameful Nuremberg KANGAROO COURT 2,400 were ***jooos / zionists***???
Why not drawing a parallelt to the ***bolsheviks = jooos*** of the Russian slaughterhouse or mao tse tung and his thugs ???
Otherwise your reporting and analysis are excellent, congratulations.
We cannot have all our in hope in just one man,Durham… they will try to eliminate him,& if he does put out indictments,how would that work if the courts are also corrupt..we need a whole army of truth telling patriots & hold the swamp accountable, they’re already killing us with big pharma meds,the fentnyal murdering our people by the open borders & by the jab.. they’ll just get rid of us & since voting isn’t honest,we can’t unseat them, it’s beginning to look like agenda 2030 is happening,even tho they don’t have a replacement for oil,under the green new deal..we don’t have everyone in electric cars, airplanes, or semis…we are totally screwed if these ppl don’t pay… the Constitition allows us to fight against tyranny
So, please let us know if the pukes can be hung in GITMO or if they can be hung overseas after war crimes, crimes against humanity.
Dave Ep: 2723b you keepsaying that Covid is from the Deep State and it was designed to shut down the world for 11 years. Then in previous episodes you stay the vaccine is poison and will potentially kill anyone who has got the JAB. So your response to the Covid being a deep state plan for nefarious outcome is: Trump create warp speed to produce a vaccine that stops the D.S. plot and produces a vaccine. So what you are saying is an exact word game you claim THE D.S. IS USING. D.S. COIVD- DEATH
TRUMPS WARP SPEED VACCINE = death to those who got the jab. So who is the real enemy ?
Here we are with the X22 report blocking free speech?
Hello Dave I’m a patriot and a Vietnam disabled veteran and listen to X22report everyday! Honestly I’m disappointed that we have to wait 9 months for Trump to make his move to take back our Country! I believe that we have A Communist Socialist Dictator Biden his Communist Socialist Dictator Administration in the White House! I consider J. Biden a true Dictator honestly I don’t understand why Trump and most of the NewsMax Hosts call him President Biden? Thank you Dave be safe and have a wonderful day! Joseph…
Wonder if Trump means Chyna, Ukraine is where the virus came from