Ep 2729a – Federal Reserve Note Is Fading, Countries Are Preparing
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The Fed just starting the ball rolling, the housing market is now declining, it is now pushing people out the market. The Federal Reserve Note is fading, countries are now preparing. Countries are ramping up gold purchases and making Crypto legal.
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- ← Ep 2728b – The Attempted ‘Coup’ [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious…
- Ep 2729b – Stage Set, Ukraine Freedom, Biden Compromised, A Traitor’s Justice →
The Elite Globalist Cabal of the NWO of Elite Politicians, Bankers and Industrialist skim the top off of the Financial and Economic Pyramid, bailing out with their gold parachutes with a silver lining making a soft landing, while the Debt Surf Slaves with their worthless Federal Reserve Notes crash to the bottom and bare the full brunt of the blow.
The news media is censored. When you e-mail a congressmen your comments are awaiting modification or censorship by their white house aids when you expose the fraudulent Debt Based Fiat Money System of the Private International Banking Cartel of the Federal Reserve. The Political Hacks that are in congress are an Accessory after the Fact and are Aiding and Abetting a Criminal Enterprise that is neither Federal nor does it have any reserves, because all the money is created from debt. Now the Fed Chairman and the open market committee have been proposing a digital currency where all transactions will be in cyber space, where they can run the inflation to infinity and have complete control over every digital dollar that is in circulation. The U.S. Economy is on the road to hell, paved with Fake Money. Those in World of High Finance are Workers of Iniquity and masters of deception. Without Major reforms to the system, the U.S. and world is headed into the biggest depression in world history and possibly World War 111 The American people will not get off their rear end until it hits them in the pocket book, where they can no longer afford food housing and energy. I have been studying monetary science, banking, finance and economics for over 50 years. When I speak the truth, are the power brokers going to charge me with the archaic law of sedition?
James M Nunes
The news media is censored. The only way to get the truth is from the underground press. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff. There is a lot of misinformation and propaganda out there. Your freedom of speech is being taken away. There is a lot of good people and a few bad ones. If you expose the certain element of the apostate Zionist that are of
I firmly believe this financial and economic crisis is not caused by some super natural power that is coming down from the heavens. It is caused by greedy humans that breeds corruption. There is enough resources for every man’s need, but not for every mans greed. Wars are seldom fought over human principles; they are fought over business interest. Mainly over Capital, land, resources, ethnic and religious ideology. Those who issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in their hands the destiny of the the people. The political leaders are pawns of International Finance. The people that control the monetary and banking system are hiding behind false religionknowws who they are, but if I expose their fraudulent debt based fiat money system; I am called an anti semite; The real Hebrews are a descedent of Shem. They are masquerading as Hebrews.